Because it was already night, there were fewer cars on the road. In less than twenty minutes, wenzhi drove the car onto the highway. Qi ya looked out of the window nervously, feeling a little nervous. She nervously held her bag and the photos on the internet flashed past her eyes again and again. She felt like her heart was about to break. Tears kept falling, and she was scared to death. Whether it was her son or long haowei, she would never be happy in her life if anything happened to anyone. Trembling, she took out her phone from her bag and called long haochen.

At this moment, long haochen was sitting in his son's room. Wenfeng asked him to lie down on the bed beside him, but he couldn' t sleep at all. The thought of his brother's body made his heart go haywire. He walked out of the ward alone and looked at the empty corridor with a gloomy look in his eyes. He raised his foot and walked towards the front. Wenfeng wanted to catch up with him, but he raised his hand to stop him.

He took a few steps forward and heard his phone ring. He took it out and saw that it was from qi ya. He thought about how she would call him at such a late hour. Did she suspect something? With a slight hesitation, he put his phone to his ear.

"Honey, why aren't you asleep yet? Long haochen tried to slow his voice down, afraid that qi ya would suspect something.

"Haochen ..." Hearing long haochen's words, qi ya's tears began to fall again and she couldn' t help but sob.

"Honey, what's wrong with you? Hearing qi ya's voice, long haochen paused and asked nervously.

"Haochen ... Haowei and long wei ... How are they? "Asked qi ya, choking.

"How is what? Long haochen knew what she was asking, but he still did not answer her question.

"Don' t hide it from me. I ... I saw it all on the internet ..." Qi ya sobbed as she replied.

"They're fine. Don't worry too much. They're just scratches. Long haochen was afraid that she would worry and didn' t tell the truth.

"Don' t ... Lie to me. How could it be ... How could it be a scratch when you fell from such a high place? "Said qi ya, weeping, her body trembling.

"Honey, don't cry! Can you tell me where you are now? Long haochen frowned. Qi ya's call made him even more uneasy.

"I' m ... On the highway to the city right now ..." Qi ya replied, crying.

"What? You said you were on the highway? Long haochen asked in disbelief.

"Yes ..."

"Who drives? "

"Yes ... It's wenji ..."

"Alright, can you give your phone to wenji first? I need to talk to him! "

"Okay ..." Qi ya obediently handed the phone to wenji in front of her. She leaned back into her seat and looked out of the window anxiously.

Wen zhi took the phone and stared at the road ahead." President! "

"Slow down and don' t drive too fast. Send the ceo's wife here safely. Do you hear me?" Long haochen knew that it wasn' t the time to hold wenzhi accountable, but he just instructed him slowly.

"Understood, president! Rest assured! "Replied wenzhi, nodding his head.

"Well, give her the phone! Long haochen said nothing more.

Wenji returned the phone to qi ya and focused on the road ahead.

"Honey, don' t be too anxious. My son is fine. Haowei caught him when he fell, so he only broke his arm slightly and recovered after a while. You're pregnant now, so don't get too excited, okay? Long haochen walked to a lounge chair and sat down, comforting his wife.

"Then ... What about haowei? How is he? "Hearing that her son was fine, qi ya's heart relaxed a little.

"Haowei's condition is a little serious, but there's no big problem. You forgot that he is a very cheerful person. Don't worry, I believe he will be fine! Long haochen didn' t dare to tell her the details. He was not by her side and was afraid that she would think too much.

"How serious is he? Hearing that haowei's condition was not good, qi ya's slightly relaxed heart began to get nervous again.

"I don' t know the specifics, but his surgery has already been done. The doctor said that the operation was very successful because his anesthesia hasn' t gone down yet, so he is still sleeping. "

"He will be all right! Haowei will be fine! Qi ya's heart relaxed a little when she heard that the operation was successful.

"Well, he'll be all right! Wife, you are pregnant now, do not always shed tears, or the daughter will cry together, right? Long haochen patiently comforted his wife.

"Well, I see. Qi ya nodded obediently.

"From now on, don' t let your imagination run wild. Everything has to be handled by your husband! Now close your eyes and get some sleep, and you'll see me when you wake up. Long haochen finally put on a smile to comfort his wife.

"Yes ..." Knowing that he was worried about her, qi ya nodded obediently.

"Then start sleeping now, and I'll ask wenji for a check-up when we get there! Long haochen smiled.

"I see. "

"Honey, I'll see you later! "

"See you later! "

Due to long haochen's comforting words, qi ya's mood finally stabilized. She obediently leaned back in her chair and placed her hand on her stomach, gently closing her eyes. After more than three hours, the car finally stopped in front of the clinic building of the city hospital. When qi ya got out of the car, she saw long haochen standing by the car waiting for her. Seeing long haochen, qi ya ran over anxiously.

"Haochen ..."

Long haochen looked down at his wife's swollen eyes and complained," you' re crying like this. Haowei will definitely laugh at you when he sees you later! "Then he took his wife by the shoulder and walked into the building.

Qi ya leaned into long haochen's arms and asked nothing. The two of them entered the elevator and entered their son's room together. They looked at their son, long wei, who was wearing a plaster cast on his arm, but was sleeping soundly. It seemed that his body should be fine. Qi ya's heart instantly relaxed. She turned to look at long haochen and asked," which ward is haowei in?" Take me to see it! "

"To-morrow, and see him to-morrow; it's a little inconvenient today! Long haochen was afraid that his wife would be frightened and didn' t want to take her with him.

"This is the hospital. What's the trouble? Is haowei hurt badly now? Qi ya looked at long haochen nervously.

Long haochen looked at his wife and hesitated for a moment. He looked away from qi ya and replied," it's a bit serious ..."

"I want to see him! Hearing long haochen's words, qi ya immediately went to the door.

"Well! I'll show you! But listen to me first! Long haochen pressed down on his wife's shoulder and adjusted his emotions." Haowei has broken three ribs. He has just finished his surgery and is still in the icu. We can only look at him through the glass." "

"Okay ..." Hearing haowei's injury, tears began to fall again.

"Let's go! Long haochen wiped her tears and walked out of long wei's room with his arm around her shoulders.

The entire building was quiet. Long haochen took his wife and took the elevator to the icu. When she saw long haowei lying motionless in the hospital bed through the glass, his face was pale and his mouth was covered with a ventilator. Looking at the man who used to be lively and lively, the man who loved to talk and laugh completely lost his usual demeanor, qi ya couldn' t help but cry.

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