Because the doctor wanted to check on long haowei's body, long haochen and qi ya left the room together. After about twenty minutes, the doctor left the room. Long haochen immediately stopped the doctor and asked his brother in fluent english. When he heard the doctor say that his brother's operation was very successful, his heart really fell to the ground. As long haowei was too weak, long haochen watched his brother fall asleep again before leaving the hospital with qi ya and heading towards his villa in the united states.

"I didn't expect you to speak english so well! I don't know anything! Qi ya looked at long haochen with jealousy, not expecting him to speak english so fluently.

"As long as I can! Long haochen held his wife in his arms with a smile and gently rubbed her little hand in his palm.

"Haochen, how's long wei's arm? Qi ya thought of her son's arm and looked at him nervously.

"He is a child and his body is recovering very quickly. Don' t worry, he is singing to his grandparents every day at home! Long haochen replied with a smile.

"Does he know about haowei's injury? "

"Yes! I told him everything! He insisted on coming with me this time! It was not easy to convince him. "

"He is a very sensible child! "

"Yes! As sensible as I am! And as smart as I am! ' Replied one cheekily.

"He's not like you, he's not like me! "Qi ya raised her chin in rebuttal.

"Ha ha, well, he looks like you! Our daughter is like me! Long haochen was in a good mood when he saw qi ya's cute face.

"She's been so obedient these past few days. She seems to know that uncle is not feeling well and doesn't cause any trouble at all! Qi ya stroked her stomach and felt the little life there.

"She's a sensible child too, and I can't wait to see her now! Long haochen gently stroked his wife's abdomen.

"You'll see her next year! "Answered qi ya happily.

The car drove all the way back to long haochen's villa. The servants had already prepared dinner. After dinner, long haochen brought his wife back to the bedroom. Knowing that his wife had not rested well for the past two days, he walked into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with warm water before coming out. She watched qi ya holding her phone and watching the video of her son and parents again.

"Let's go take a shower first. I'll cuff this to your phone tomorrow. Long haochen removed the phone from qi ya's hands and bent over to gently pick her up before walking towards the bathroom.

Qi ya leaned against his burning chest and felt the warmth from his body. Her face was flushed with shyness. Long haochen placed her gently on the floor of the bathroom. Qi ya did not resist and merely looked at him with a smile.

"Honey, I can't help looking at me like this! Long haochen gently kissed her red lips and looked at her jokingly.

Even though they had a normal married life with long haochen, it was the first time they were in such a state of nakedness. Qi ya still felt a little embarrassed when faced with long haochen's fiery gaze, and her face turned red. Noticing her shyness, long haochen looked at her with a smile and said," honey, come here! "

"No! Qi ya curled her legs and wrapped her arms around her body with a smile.

Long haochen saw that she did not move at all and did not intend to come over. He stood up from the water and walked over to her. He picked her up and let her sit on his lap. He began to wash her body with his hands.

"Honey ..." Long haochen retracted his hands and supported her body.

"En ..." She replied gently, her face flushed red.

After the two of them showered, long haochen carried qi ya out of the water tank and wiped the water off her body before carrying her out of the bathroom and gently placing her on the soft bed. He laid down next to qi ya and held her in his arms.

"Honey, have you missed me these days? "

"No! "Qi ya answered straightforwardly. In fact, she hadn' t really thought about him in the past few days.

"Not a moment? Long haochen looked at her and asked.

"Not a moment! "Answered qi ya, blinking her eyes.

"You wicked wife! Long haochen smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"I don' t have time to think about it. I' m worried about haowei's health every day ..." Qi ya replied honestly. Ever since long haowei's accident, she had been under a lot of pressure and was afraid that he would not be able to stand up and bid farewell to her beloved stage. Not only did she, but her own son and husband would feel guilty for long haowei for the rest of their lives.

"Haowei is not an ordinary person. He will get through it! Don't worry! "Said long haochen, looking at his wife.

"He's not a god. How can I rest assured? "Answered qi ya, pouting.

"He is not a god, but he has a positive and optimistic heart. Sometimes, no matter what you do or do, your attitude determines the outcome. Haowei's injuries were so serious. If it was someone else's body, it might be either despair or depression, but what did you see on haowei's face? "Said long haochen, thinking of his brother.

He kept smiling at me, and sometimes I wonder how he could smile at a time like this Qi ya remembered that long haowei had a smile on his face every time he faced her, both at home and abroad. She couldn' t help but admire that long haowei was really a strong man. He swallowed all the pain and pain, leaving only a smile on his face.

"That's why I said he's not an ordinary person. Not many people can smile at a time like this. So, I believe him! Long haochen replied firmly.

"Cut! Aren't you half - immortal now? Ha ha, dragon banxian! Qi ya teased long haochen happily.

"You little wretch, how dare you make fun of me, lest I punish you! Long haochen replied with a smile.

"No! It'll crush the baby! Qi ya smiled and blocked his hand, blinking and blinking at him.

"But I feel so uncomfortable holding it in. Honey, can you help me? Long haochen looked at qi ya with a bitter look on his face. The lingering feeling in the bathroom just now was like scratching an itch, and it couldn' t solve the problem at all.

"How? "Asked qi ya, blushing.

"I' ll teach you ..." He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. After resting for a while, long haochen got up from the bed and pulled the bed sheet off, then cleaned qi ya's body. Then, he hugged her and went to sleep.

As long haochen's time was limited, he flew back to china after staying in the united states for five days, leaving qi ya to continue taking care of long haowei. Long zhenye and han yulin after hearing their son's description, the worry in their hearts was also a little less, but they were still worried about their son, long haowei.

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