Due to chang hai's sudden return, long haochen had been on the run for almost the entire night. However, he did not reveal the true identity of chang hai, but told those people that his grandfather, long yuanqiu, was actually controlled by the east. Those people were originally supportive of long haochen. Upon hearing what he said, they all nodded in agreement, indicating that as long as the ceo needed to do something, he would do what he should do at any time.

Zhang tingting had been in her son's room the whole time. At this moment, she had no intention to care if long haochen was still by her side.

"Mother, I have one more thing to tell you! Zhang zhiyuan saw that his mother's mood gradually stabilized and wanted to tell his mother about the long family.

"What is it? "

Just when haochen's wedding was in a mess yesterday, chang hai returned to the long corporation. Just now, he held a press conference in the name of my grandfather, long yuanqiu, to announce that he had returned to the long corporation to host the event. "

"Didn't you say he was dead? Zhang tingting asked with a frown.

"Haochen shot him four times, but he didn' t expect him to escape. He probably came back this time to avenge himself. Zhang zhiyuan looked at his mother and paused for a moment before continuing," mom, thirty years has nothing to do with the long family because they are also victims. Can you let go of that grudge? Give haochen a hand? He was lying on the bed, unable to help his brother, long haochen.

"Me? Zhang tingting was slightly stunned. Although she had already believed what her son had told her, how could the hatred towards the long family be resolved overnight?

"Chang hai must have been prepared for his sudden return. He had been shot four times by haochen, so he definitely wouldn' t let go easily. This time he let haochen unprepared, I am afraid that once he made a move, he will be very likely to harm haochen, he may be in danger! Although you don't want to admit it, at the end of the day he's still my brother, and I don't want anything to happen to him! Mom, I know you've raised a lot of people, so just help him this time, okay? "

"But ... The things I did to them before ..." Zhang tingting hesitated. How could the long family let him off so easily?

"You did it all because you did not know the truth. Now that you know you have the wrong person, haochen is in trouble. Isn't it a good opportunity for you to help the long family? Zhang zhiyuan tried to persuade his mother, but from his mother's embarrassed expression, he saw hope.

"Zhiyuan, will they ... Really forgive me? Although her son's words were reasonable, zhang tingting was still hesitant.

Will the long family really forgive me?

"Mother, how do you know if you don't try? Zhang zhiyuan looked at his mother and encouraged her.

"Well! Mom, listen to you! I'll do what you say! Zhang tingting gritted her teeth and nodded.

Zhang zhiyuan listened to his mother's words and finally smiled happily.

Although zhang tingting was in her fifties, she had been a decisive woman since she was young. Once she decided to do something, she would act immediately. After communicating with her son, she asked her assistant to drive her to the long family villa the next morning.

When zhang tingting appeared at the door of the living room of the villa, this was a huge shock to everyone in the long family. Although she was zhang zhiyuan's mother, she had done many unforgivable things. And now, thanks to her, long haowei was still in a wheelchair. Although long wei's injury was light, her arm was still in plaster.

"Well ... What ... What are you doing here? When long haowei saw zhang tingting's first glance, the fire in his heart started to burn. He rolled his wheelchair to zhang tingting and looked at her sarcastically," do you want to put everyone in a wheelchair by yourself?" I'm like you now. What else do you want? "

"I'm sorry! I came to apologize today! Looking at long haowei's angry face, zhang tingting was not angry. Instead, she looked at everyone in the long family sincerely.

"You ... Apologize? Long haowei looked at the cold-hearted man in disbelief. He actually came to his house to apologize.

"Mommy, who is she? "Long wei did not know the true identity of zhang tingting. He blinked his big eyes and asked his mother.

She is the mother of your distant uncle. You should call her grandma! Qi ya rubbed her son's head with a smile." Go say hello to grandma and push her over here!" "

"Yes! Long wei smiled at his mother, jumped down from the sofa and ran to zhang tingting. He said politely," hello, grandma!" Let me push you over to the sofa! "

Looking at the lovely and lively child in front of her, zhang tingting felt ashamed." Child, thank you!" Grandma will do it herself! She stretched out her hand and gently stroked long wei's head, then she shook the wheelchair and walked to the side of the fourth ring sofa, looking at long zhenye and han yulin with guilt.

"I solemnly apologize to you for all the things I have done before! I know there's nothing I can say right now to undo the damage I've done to you, but I still want you to give me a chance to make a difference. Zhang tingting looked at long zhenye and han yulin with a sincere tone. At this moment, she had put down all her hatred towards the long family. It was her son's magnanimity that made her realize that there was something more important than hatred in this world. It was true love.

"Tingting, it's not all your fault for what happened in the past. You' re also a victim. Han yulin was a kind woman, so when she heard what zhang tingting said, she walked to the sofa beside zhang tingting's wheelchair and sat down, holding her hand. Looking at her husband who remained silent, she reminded him," zhenye ..."

Long zhenye looked at zhang tingting and sighed, then said slowly," tingting, thank you!" Thank you for giving birth to such a good son for me! If it hadn' t been far away, neither of our families would have been able to sit here and talk calmly until now! I owe you both so much ..." No matter what happened to the dragon family, zhang tingting had lost her feet due to the constant sea damage. She could only sit in a wheelchair until now. Thinking back on how her only father had been murdered and how many people could withstand such a double blow, zhang tingting had relied on her strong willpower to get to where she was today. She had to put in dozens of times more effort than others to achieve what she had achieved today. He had never helped his son grow up. Think about this, long zhenye to zhang tingting said no guilt.

"You ... You' re really willing to forgive me? Zhang tingting's eyes widened in disbelief at the words of han yulin and long zhenye. After all the things she had done to the long family, she did not expect that they would not take it to heart. She suddenly understood why her son was so generous because he had such a tolerant father.

"Tingting, let's not talk about the past anymore. From now on, we are a family! Han yulin held zhang tingting's hand tightly.

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