"I'm all right! Get in! Long haochen looked at his wife with a faint smile and put his arm around her shoulders as he entered the villa. After taking a few steps, he turned around and looked at wenji." Wenji, come in!" "

"Yes! Wen zhi looked at the president's gloomy expression and felt a little uneasy. He did not know what had happened.

Long haochen carried qi ya into the living room of the villa. As soon as he entered the living room, he immediately turned around and looked at wenji angrily." Qi ya is standing in such a conspicuous place at the gate. Don' t you know that it's dangerous there? Everyone's nerves are so tense at this time. How can you be so careless to protect the safety of your family? The more long haochen spoke, the angrier he became.

"Haochen, I was worried that you would have to see him. Don't blame him. Qi ya instantly understood why long haochen was so angry.

"That's his fault! Do you know how many bodyguards chang hai sent to protect himself today? Six! What the hell is this? Do I have to tell you? Long haochen shouted at wenzhi.

"President, I was wrong! Wenzhi immediately lowered his head guiltily.

"Really, what are you training him for? Didn't I tell you? It's all because I wanted to see you! Qi ya was a little angry at long haochen's words. She was too worried about him to ask for wenzhi.

"Qi ya won' t go out these days. Why are you so loud?" Those who didn' t know would think that something big had happened to our family! Wenji, it's okay. You go first. Long zhenye looked at his son and waved at wenji.

"Yes! You have no idea how worried we are at home today! Qi ya went to see what happened to you? Even if you're worried, you have to talk! She's pregnant now. What are you yelling about? Long haowei came over in a wheelchair and looked at his elder brother complaining unhappily.

Hearing his brother's words, long haochen calmed down and turned to look at qi ya. "

Qi ya looked at him in silence, then turned around and went upstairs, feeling wronged. She went back to her room.

"See! You' re worried about her safety because of good intentions, so why don' t you talk about it? She's pregnant now, and she's already sensitive. Why are you doing this?! Long haowei looked at his elder brother and curled his lips, wanting to leave.

"Why are pregnant women so sensitive? Long haochen did not understand his younger brother's words. After all, he had never experienced that period before qi yahuai long, so he knew nothing about it now.

"You said you had a son, and you asked me such questions! Seriously! Well, for the sake of you being my big brother, I' ll tell you for free. When a woman is pregnant, her feelings are very fragile. Many pregnant women will suffer from depression. With your attitude, qi ya shouldn' t be depressed! Long haowei looked at his brother sympathetically.

"You child, are talking nonsense here! Haochen, don't listen to him. Qi ya's heart was not that small, but you should go up and see her. "Han yulin came over to comfort her son.

"Well! Then I'll go up and see her! "

"Well, go! "

Long haochen turned around and went upstairs. Then, he slowly walked into the bedroom and saw qi ya sitting by the bed, wiping her tears. He rubbed his nose and coughed slightly before walking over unnaturally.

"Honey ..." Long haochen sat down beside qi ya.

Qi ya turned around angrily, not wanting to bother with this guy.

Long haochen looked at her back and smiled. He got up and sat down on the other side of her." Honey ..."

Qi ya turned around angrily and ignored him.

Long haochen smiled and reached out his hand to pull her body over. He wanted her to look straight at him, but qi ya did not look at him. She just looked at him with her big eyes and did not look at him.

"Honey ..." Long haochen lovingly held qi ya's little hand in his palm and looked at her with a smile." When I was in the office today, I was thinking about how to deal with chang hai. On the other hand, I was worried that something would happen at home. My parents are already old and you' re pregnant. Haowei is in a wheelchair and long wei's arm is still in a cast. Which one of you is not worried about? I'm really afraid something's gonna happen, you know? "

"Why are you yelling at me when you come back? Qi ya looked up at long haochen with grievance. If she were to follow long haochen, she might not be so worried, but the feeling of not getting any news at home was the most stressful and unsettling.

"Honey, I was wrong! Next time I won't dare again, you punish me! Long haochen picked up qi ya's hand and was about to hit him in the face when qi ya broke free.

'No! Qi ya looked at him coquettishly and couldn' t help but smile. The anger in her heart instantly dissipated.

Seeing the smile on qi ya's face, long haochen smiled and put his hand on her slightly swollen belly." My daughter, are you naughty today?" After he had finished asking, he put his ear close to her and listened. After a long time, he looked up at her and said," she said she was very good today! "

Qi ya looked at him and smiled.

"My daughter, my father made my mother angry just now. Don' t be angry with me! You have to be happy all the time! Be happy now and in the future. Besides, you have to get out of your mom's belly fast, and dad can't wait to see what you look like. "

Qi ya smiled and looked at long haochen." If she came out early, she wouldn' t have given birth prematurely?" I don't know anything and I don't know anything! "

"Ah? Not premature! Baby, you'd better stay in mom's stomach, dad is not in a hurry, dad is not in a hurry! "

Qi ya looked at long haochen like a child and was thoroughly amused by him.

"Honey, are you not angry? Seeing qi ya's expression, long haochen straightened his back and pulled her into his arms, gently holding her little hand.

"I know you're worried about me! How could I be really angry with you? It's just that you look so fierce ..."

"I remember that when we first met, I seemed to be even fiercer than now. At that time, you fought against me every day. Why are your resistance getting lower and lower? Long haochen asked his wife jokingly.

"Because I didn't like you then! So I will not bow to evil! Qi ya raised her chin and answered with a smile.

"Ha ha, good, you think your husband is a bad influence? Long haochen laughed heartily.

"Well, he's a big bad guy, and he's always coming after me! Hmph! "

"Isn't this big bad guy in your hands? Long haochen asked with a smile.

"Yes, I was born to subdue you! "Answered qi ya, raising her chin proudly, her face filled with happiness and sweetness.

"Ha ha! Long haochen laughed heartily at his wife's expression and lowered his head slightly to peck her lips. He felt a sweet smell spread across his lips. His eyes flashed and he couldn' t help but kiss her again. After a while, he finally let her go.

"How are you doing at the company today? Did chang hai make things difficult for you? Qi ya's face was red from his kiss and she asked him worriedly.

"He doesn' t dare to make things difficult for me right now. Don' t worry, your husband isn' t that weak yet! Long haochen didn' t want to talk too much to her, and he was afraid that she would be worried about him again.

"What are we going to do now? Let him stay in the company forever? Qi ya looked at long haochen nervously.

"No! Things will always be resolved. He is a ruthless person. In his eyes, there is no family relationship at all. These few days are the critical period, so you must be careful at home. In the future, you must not wait for me at the door like today, okay? Long haochen recalled what he had seen when he had just returned home, and he still felt a little scared.

"Well, I see! I'll be more careful! Qi ya nodded obediently.

Wenfeng sent people to keep an eye on chang hai and the east for a whole night, but because they couldn' t figure out each other's current situation, no one dared to act blindly.

Whether it was the dragon family or chang hai at this time, this was destined to be a sleepless night!

The next morning.

Long haochen woke up early in the morning. Seeing that his wife was still sleeping soundly, he gently got up from the bed. After washing up, he took his phone to the study and called Wenfeng.

"President! "

"Wenfeng, did you make any movement last night? "

"Very quiet, nothing unusual! I think the east is afraid to come out now, he is well aware of his situation! Now, to long haochen, the east was more important than chang hai. And to the east, chang hai is indispensable, chang hai's prestige in the company has been deeply rooted, his words in the company will have a great impact, so they are now relying on each other. If he wanted to pull out chang hai's tumor, he had to defeat them one by one to succeed.

"Then keep your eyes on him! "

"Yes! "

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