"Long wei is right! Haochen will be fine! He'll be fine! Qi ya suddenly stood up from the sofa. She wiped her tears and was about to walk out. If she did not see long haochen with her own eyes, she would never believe it!

"Qi ya! Long haowei shouted from behind her. Unfortunately, he couldn' t stand up at all. He didn' t even have the ability to stop her from leaving. Looking at her back, he angrily punched his wheelchair.

Long zhenye and han yulin were all immersed in great grief and had no time to stop qi ya. Qi ya quickly left the living room of the villa and ran towards the door of the villa while crying. Wen ji stopped her.

"Sis, what's wrong with you? Although he did not know why qi ya was crying, wenzhi could roughly guess that she probably knew what had happened today.

I want to see haochen, I want to see him! Qi ya pushed wenzhi away and walked out.

"Sister! "Wenji grabbed her by the arm and wouldn't let her go.

"You asked me to see him! I don't believe it! I don' t believe that he would leave without me ... Haochen ..." Qi ya looked ahead with tears in her eyes, her heart aching like a knife.

"The president is fine now! How could he leave you? Sis! "Cried wenzhi, looking at qi ya, who was out of control.

Hearing wenji's words, qi ya, who was in deep sorrow, widened her eyes and looked at wenji incredulously. She grabbed his arm tightly and asked," what did you say just now?" You said haochen was okay? "

"He's all right! You come in with me first, I'll tell you slowly! Okay? "Wenji held qi ya's shoulder and gently persuaded her.

"Well! Looking at wenji's eyes, qi ya nodded after a long while and obediently allowed him to bring her back to the living room.

As soon as wenzhi entered the living room, he saw that the entire family was immersed in grief and even long haowei, who had always been optimistic, began to cry.

"Uncle, auntie, haowei, sis, calm down first! Wenzhi helped qi ya to the sofa and sat down. Looking at long zhenye and han yulin, he continued," the president is only missing now. There is no sign that his life is in danger. Don' t mess around yourself first!" "

"There was an explosion at the scene, wasn' t there? He must be targeting my brother. How could he not be in danger? Long haowei asked in disbelief.

"My brother said that the police had conducted an appraisal of the bomb at the scene. It was just a modified smoke grenade and did not cause any casualties. Those people took advantage of the smoke to take the ceo away! "Wenji patiently explained to everyone.

"Really? "The words of wenji made qi ya's heart relax. She looked at wenzhi incredulously.

"Why would I lie to you? The president's matter has already been on the television. You can turn on the tv and see the news report on it. "Wenzhi picked up the remote control on the coffee table and started crying. He turned on the tv and turned on the news channel. As expected, the news at this time was reporting on long haochen's disappearance in detail.

Listening to the analysis of the reporters on tv, the family's heart relaxed a little. Although he couldn' t see long haochen and didn' t know where he was, at least he was safe now! This was a great comfort to the long family!

"Right now, my brother is investigating this with chairman zhang of the refined state group. Chairman zhang promised to find out the truth and save the ceo! Now all you have to do is wait at home for news! The ceo was not an ordinary person, and even those who kidnapped him would think of that. The police won' t let them off easily! Therefore, those people would not attack the ceo unless they were forced to! You have to trust the president. He's gonna be fine! "

"Yes! Wenji's right! Dad, mom, qi ya, we can' t just mess around on our own. Big brother, he' ll be fine! Long haowei nodded in agreement.

"Yes, haochen will be all right! He'll be fine! "Answered qi ya, wiping her tears.

"Yes! Haochen will be fine! We believe him! Long zhenye and han yulin nodded at the same time.

"But wenji, haochen was kidnapped. Would those people hurt him? Qi ya couldn' t help but feel uneasy at the thought of where long haochen was still trapped.

"The people who kidnapped the president are only trying to control the long corporation. If they hurt the president, it will become a criminal case, so they definitely won' t attack the president! You can rest assured! "Replied wenzhi confidently.

"Wenji is right. We must have confidence in haochen from now on. Long zhenye looked at his family and encouraged them.

Eight o 'clock in the evening.

Chemical plant in the north end of the city.

According to the time agreed with chang hai, zhang tingting brought yuefeng and four bodyguards along with bai yun to the gate of the abandoned chemical factory. When the car came to a stop, yue feng looked around through the window, but there was no sign of anyone. Just as she was about to speak, she heard zhang tingting's phone ring.

Zhang tingting frowned slightly and looked at the number on her phone.

"Here I am! You're not afraid to come, are you? "Zhang tingting sneered.

"I am in the factory, and you can see me as soon as you come in! A place with lights! Long yuanqiu's voice was hoarse and cold.

"Well! Zhang tingting glanced at the factory. There was indeed a room with lights on. She put down her phone and looked at yue feng beside her." He's inside!" The one with the lights. "

"I' ll get off the car and take a look. You protect the chairman well!" Yue feng ordered the bodyguards in the car in a low voice.

The few of them nodded in silence. The bodyguard who drove the car slowly drove into the courtyard of the factory. The car slowly stopped in front of the factory building. Yuefeng first looked around before he opened the car and carefully got out of the car. The other bodyguards also carefully walked down and looked around to see that nothing was amiss. Bai yun then walked down and took out zhang tingting's wheelchair from the trunk. Yue feng returned and carried her in his wheelchair. The group then walked towards the lighted room.

The door of the room was open, and yuefeng looked around vigilantly. He made a stop to the people behind him, then walked into the room on his own. As soon as he entered the door, he saw chang hai sitting in a wheelchair waiting in the room, standing beside the vice president of the long corporation, dongfang. Looking at yue feng's nervous expression, dongfang laughed sarcastically," haha!" He had not expected the chairman of the refined state group to be so timid! "

Zhang tingting was furious when she heard dongfang dongfang's words. She shook her wheelchair and entered the room. Bai yun was about to follow behind her when she saw the door slamming shut.

Hearing the door behind her slam shut, zhang tingting didn' t care. She looked at chang hai and said coldly," I' ve been waiting for thirty years, and I finally got to this day! Chang hai, in order to get our zhang family back then, you killed my father and even injured me severely. It's time for you to pay this debt back today! Zhang tingting said as she pulled out a black pistol from under the arm of the wheelchair and aimed it at chang hai, her eyes spitting out anger.

"Ha ha! Who can leave this factory is not certain! Chang hai looked at zhang tingting and laughed.

"Really? Today is your day! I want revenge for my dead father! Fuck you! "Zhang tingting tried to pull the trigger as she spoke, but the lights in the room suddenly turned off, and the entire room suddenly turned dark.

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