"Remember what I said! Let's go! "Zhang tingting shouted excitedly.

Long haochen looked at the resolute look in zhang tingting's eyes and knew that he would not be able to leave.

At the same time that long haochen jumped down, the number on the timer finally stopped beating.

Under the dark night sky, there was a deafening noise from the abandoned chemical plant in the north district of the city.

Qi ya, who was in her sleep, was suddenly awakened by a loud noise. She sat up from the bed and looked out of the window in horror, her heart beating wildly. She turned on the bedside lamp and looked at the time. It was already past two in the evening. She lifted her hand to wipe the cold sweat off her face and walked to the window in her slippers. Under the dark night sky, a round moon was hanging quietly in the sky, and the entire city was silent. From far away, it seemed to be the sound of sirens, as if the police were arresting some criminals.

Thinking about how long haochen was at this moment, qi ya's eyes darkened. She turned around and weakly walked back to the bed to lie down again ...

No sleep!

The explosion at the chemical plant that night appeared in the newspapers and news stations the next morning, and the police rushed to the scene of the explosion and locked it down. The chemical plant had been abandoned, and even if there was an explosion, it was not enough to attract the attention of the police. All of this was due to the nearly ten bodies that the police found at the scene of the explosion. The discovery quickly overshadowed the bombing ...

Wenfeng got the news the next morning from a bodyguard at zhang tingting. Last night, before she went to the chemical factory, the bodyguard was supposed to go with her. Later on, zhang tingting changed him. Unexpectedly, the next morning, she heard the news of an explosion at the chemical plant. Thinking that long haochen and zhang tingting might have died in the explosion, Wenfeng didn' t dare to delay for a second and went straight to zhang zhiyuan's room at the hospital in the city center. The members of the long family were old and small. Long haowei had never asked about the company before, and now he was in a wheelchair, so it was even more impossible for him to carry the burden of the long corporation. Qi ya was pregnant and couldn' t take any blow at all. Now, apart from zhang zhiyuan, he couldn' t find a second person to think of a way.

After zhang zhiyuan heard Wenfeng's report, he was immediately immersed in great grief. He slowly closed his eyes and did not say a word. Wenfeng looked at him in silence and suddenly lost two of his closest relatives. This was a huge blow to everyone and few people could withstand it.

"President zhang ..." Wenfeng was afraid that he would not be able to recover and the long corporation would be completely destroyed.

After about a few minutes, zhang zhiyuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at Wenfeng." From now on, follow me!" "

"Yes, president! "

"Get the doctor in, I want to go through the discharge procedures! Zhang zhiyuan looked at Wenfeng and ordered in a low voice.

"President, but your body ..." Wenfeng looked at him worriedly.

"Do it! Zhang zhiyuan looked at him indifferently and his tone was unquestionable.

"Yes! "Wenfeng turned and walked out of the room.

After all the employees of the long corporation went to work today, everyone was in a panic. The moment the news came out, it was as if a pair of wings had grown up and spread throughout every corner of the company in half an hour. Employees are speculating about where the future of the dragon group will go, and many are even searching online for which companies are hiring. Not only were the employees, even the company's higher-ups were nervous and uneasy. It was not until ten o 'clock in the morning that the chairman and president of the company disappeared, and even the vice president who had always liked to come to the company disappeared. The tension and unease spread rapidly in the company like a huge plague.

When almost everyone was immersed in a huge panic and unease, gong nanyu, the president of nanyu group, felt that his life had reached its peak. When he thought that he was about to take the long corporation into his bag, he couldn' t help but feel excited. He took out a bottle of high-quality red wine and sang a song in the office.

"President, can we take the contract to the long corporation now?" Wang cheng looked at gong nanyu with a fawning look on his face.

Wang cheng's words made gong nanyu stop in his tracks. He thought about it happily and nodded at wang cheng." Yes! Now we can go to the long corporation. Next, I want to take over the long corporation! Ha ha! If the nanyu group and the long family were to form a family, who would be the boss of this city? "Gong nanyu laughed arrogantly at the end.

"Of course it's you, ceo! By then, our nanyu group will be the largest group in the city! "Wang cheng looked at gong nanyu and continued to flatter him.

"Yes! We're the boss! Ha ha! Gong nanyu narrowed his eyes and looked ahead, placing the wine glass in his hand on the table." Hurry up and prepare. I want to go to the long corporation!" "

"Yes! When wang cheng heard gong nanyu's words, he immediately went to prepare the documents.

At the same time, a large number of investors gathered in front of the long corporation's building. When everyone heard the news early in the morning, they all came to the city from all directions, afraid that their money would be wasted in an instant. However, the chairman and president of the company weren' t around, and even the vice president was nowhere to be seen. Hundreds of people waited in front of the company building until it was almost noon, and everyone was getting more and more excited. While several managers tried to come out and explain, the angry crowd scared them back.

Just as the executives in the company were at a loss in the meeting room, the door to the meeting room was pushed open. Gong nanyu, the chairman of the south yu group, walked in with a smug and arrogant look on his face.

"What are you doing here? Looking at the untimely expression on gong nanyu's face, one of the directors stood up angrily and pointed at gong nanyu.

"No big deal! I just wanted to inform everyone that the contract signed by the long corporation with our nanyu group previously would be considered as a breach of contract if it was not executed within three days. The amount of penalty for breach of contract was twice the amount of the contract. The total amount of this contract was one billion yuan, which meant that if the long corporation failed to fulfill the contract within three days, it would have to compensate our company with two billion yuan for breach of contract! As gong nanyu spoke, he angrily handed out the copy of the contract to each director.

All the higher-ups and directors looked at the contract in their hands and looked at each other in dismay. They knew that the contract was a fraud, but the name of the chairman was written in black and white on it. For a moment, no one knew what to say.

"I know that all of you have worked for the long corporation for many years, and some of you have been working for it for a lifetime. The long corporation is indeed in a difficult position right now, but the contract is a contract. Once it is signed, it will have legal effect. I' m just here to inform everyone. If you can' t come up with a solution in three days, then my office will have to suffer and move into the long corporation! After gong nanyu finished speaking, he looked at everyone present with a victorious expression.

The entire conference room fell silent ...

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