At the same time, zhang zhiyuan immediately sent yundong to investigate all the women in the city called ling xin.because time was running out, if it was a little late, long haochen's life would be in danger at any time.zhang zhiyuan sent people to investigate while he began to prepare the 100 million yuan.he had to make two preparations to ensure that his brother's life would not be in danger.

Afraid that the people who kidnapped long haochen would alert them when they saw xiao mei, Wenfeng specially brought xiao mei to his apartment. When their car arrived at the apartment building, zhang zhiyuan's men had already taken all the information that was called ling xin from the city and waited there. As soon as the few of them got out of the car, they immediately entered the elevator of the apartment and soon entered the living room of the Wenfeng apartment. Everyone did not dare to delay for a moment as they placed all of ling xin's information in front of xiao mei so that she could carefully identify it. Because it hadn' t been long since morning, xiao mei had a deep impression of that woman, ling xin.

"That's her! I can recognize her even if she turns to ashes! "Said xiao mei, pointing to the one-inch photo.

"Are you sure it's her? Wenfeng looked at the information in front of him and asked again," why does this woman look so familiar?"

"Yes, definitely her! She's the one who took kang! Xiao mei nodded affirmatively.

Wenfeng picked up ling xin's information and looked at the content on it. After a moment of contemplation, he immediately went to his study, turned on the fax machine, and sent it directly to the ceo, zhang zhiyuan.

When zhang zhiyuan received ling xin's information, long haowei was also sitting by the side. "What a surprise! The person who kidnapped brother long haochen was his secretary.

"Who is she? Long haowei had several secretaries, and zhang zhiyuan didn' t know ling xin.

"She's one of my little secretaries. Usually, she just sends and receives information in the office. She doesn' t look like a scheming person. Why would she kidnap my brother? "I really don't understand what this woman's motive is. Was it really for the money?

"Your secretary? Zhang zhiyuan frowned as well.this situation was unexpected, but it was good news.after all, the person who kidnapped long haochen was someone he knew, which made it easier for him to save long haochen.

"That's her! Brother, why don't I call her and ask? Long haowei took out his phone and asked zhang zhiyuan.

"Why didn't she come to work today? Zhang zhiyuan raised his hand to stop her.

"She asked for a week's leave. I didn' t want to invite her, but she said that she had something important at home these past few days. Later, I agreed to her. I didn' t expect that it had something to do with brother. Long haowei was furious at the thought that the person who kidnapped long haochen was his secretary. On the surface, she looked at the kind and heartless woman, yet she was so ruthless.

"It seems that she has already planned it. Don' t call her first. First, find out where she lives. If you alert her, haochen's safety will be affected. "

"Brother, what shall we do next? Long haowei asked nervously.

"Do you know where she lives? Zhang zhiyuan thought about it and asked.

"I really don' t know about that. How about this? I' ll call the personnel manager and ask him to bring up all the details of ling xin! Long haowei took out his phone as he spoke.

"Well, yes! "

Because it was the vice president of the company who wanted to read the documents, the hr manager quickly found out everything about ling xin after receiving the call and took it to the ceo's office. Zhang zhiyuan and his brother looked through ling xin's information and found that the address on it was the name of a small community, so they immediately sent someone to investigate whether there was a woman named ling xin who lived here. Because of the detailed address, the investigation was very quick. It didn' t take long for the information to be returned, saying that there was no such woman in the community. Obviously, the information that ling xin left in the company wasn' t real.

She had thought that once she found out about ling xin, she would be able to find long haochen through the grapevine, but who would have thought that the clue would end up in her own company? Because he was afraid of alerting her, he didn' t dare to call her, but he couldn' t find her, so long haochen's safety couldn' t be guaranteed. After careful consideration, zhang zhiyuan decided to call director wu of the public security bureau and tell him all the information and clues he had.

After receiving the report, the police immediately paid attention to it and quickly set up a task force to begin a detailed investigation of all possible participants in the case. In order to communicate with zhang zhiyuan more easily, the police department secretly entered the long corporation with their makeup on and turned zhang zhiyuan's office into a headquarters.

Ling xin's address was the most important thing in this case because from the current situation, ling xin was probably with long haochen. Under the investigation of the criminal police, a secretary from long haowei's office, Yuexi, finally decided to call ling xin.

After communicating with long haowei's secretary, Yuexi, Yuexi picked up the phone that had been monitored and called ling xin.

When ling xin's phone rang, she was reminiscing about the past with ah qiang in the study room. When she saw that the number on the phone was a call from her colleague, Yuexi, she didn' t care and directly pressed the answer button.

"Yuexi, what is it? "

"Oh, where did you put the company files that you had organized two days ago? Vice president needs it now! We can't find anyone! Yuexi tried to relax its tone.

"Company records? Let me see ... Well, it's in the filing cabinet next to you, in the first little box, you look for it! "Ling thought and wanted to answer.

"Oh, wait a minute, I' ll see if you' re here ..." Yuexi stopped for a moment and then asked," why aren' t there keys? Where did you leave your keys when you left? "

"In the second drawer of my desk, look around and call me if you can't find it. Ling xin looked at ah qiang beside her and hung up the phone as she spoke. She continued to look at the information in front of her with ah qiang.

When gong nanyu came over, he happened to hear ling xin's voice. He stood at the door and shouted," ling xin, come out and help me! "

"Oh! Ling xin looked up at gong nanyu's expression and immediately stood up knowingly and said to ah qiang," mingyu, take a look here first. See if you can remember anything. I' ll go help big brother first! "

"En ..." Ah qiang nodded without lifting his head.

Ling xin immediately walked out and didn' t forget to look back at ah qiang vigilantly when she reached the door. When she saw that he had no reaction at all, she was relieved and went up to the third floor. She entered gong nanyu's study and then closed the door of the study.

"What are you looking for me for? Ling xin asked curiously as soon as she walked in.

"Who called you just now? Gong nanyu frowned slightly.

"It was a secretary of the company who asked me where the company files I had collected were. "Ling xin answered truthfully.

"Is that file important? "Gong nanyu, who was feeling guilty, immediately asked cautiously.

"Well, it's not very important. Why? Ling xin looked at him in confusion.

"Are they doubting you already? Gong nanyu frowned and asked, his deep eyes moving slightly.

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