..."" Zhang zhiyuan was silent for a few seconds and knew that he couldn' t hide it, so he replied slowly," yes! "

Qi ya sniffed and smiled gratefully." Manager, thank you ..."

Qi ya, have you gone home yet? Did you have dinner? "

"En, I' m going home. I just had dinner. You don' t know, wu xiao yu's cooking is really delicious. She's going to make me sick. Haha! Qi ya did not want him to worry about her and laughed.

Long haochen looked at the woman in silence and got up to leave the bedroom.

"Really? Then I won't bother you, and if anything happens in the future, you can still call me, okay? Zhang zhiyuan gently reminded her.

"Well, thank you, manager! Qi ya nodded vigorously.

"Good night! "

"Good night! "

Zhang zhiyuan looked at the phone that had been disconnected and shook his head helplessly.

Silly girl, wu xiao yu never knew how to cook. How could she cook so well?

Qi ya stared blankly at her phone for a while, then called her friend wu xiaoyu to tell her that she had something to do and that she was staying at a friend's house tonight. She threw her phone on the bed and slowly laid on the bed. Although her stomach was very hungry now, she still did not want to move. The pain behind her back made her feel heart-wrenching pain even when she called.

Fortunately, this big bed was exceptionally comfortable and soft. Looking at the unique lamp in front of her, it emitted a warm and gentle light. Qi ya's heart slowly calmed down and her thoughts began to become clear. Thinking back to what happened tonight, she couldn' t figure it out. During this period of time, apart from having some conflicts with long haochen, she admitted that she had never offended anyone, but why did those two men do something so cruel to her? And she purposely mentioned long haochen's name?

Ever since she met long haochen, apart from his venomous tongue, this man did not seem to have gone too far. Even if she had slapped him and spilled coffee all over him, he had never done anything to her. She didn' t believe that he wanted to kill her just because he had a few meals with shu zijun and attended a cocktail party. Although she didn' t like this man, she still had some judgment.

But if it wasn' t him, then who was it?

And why was she using long haochen's cover? Framing him on purpose?

There was a slight sound of footsteps on the stairs. A moment later, qi ya saw long haochen walk in with a tray in his hand. Seeing that she was still lying motionless on the bed, long haochen walked to the sofa and placed the tray on the coffee table. Only then did qi ya see that there were some dishes that looked good in color and smell. Qi ya's appetite was completely hooked up as her hungry chest pressed against her back. She moved her body, and the pain in her back came in waves. She could only keep her head down weakly, her face resting on the pillow.

Long haochen put the things away and looked at her in silence. He took the tray and walked out. After a while, he returned. This time, he brought some porridge back and put the porridge on the tray. Seeing that qi ya was still staring at him, he slowly walked over. Her gaze swept across her back and she turned to the wardrobe to find a few quilts and put them on the bed. Then, she raised qi ya and stuffed the quilt under qi ya's body, making her slightly taller.

"Did you not like the food? After getting qi ya ready, long haochen looked at her and asked.

"I like them all! "Answered qi ya weakly.

Looking at her expression, long haochen turned around and walked to the coffee table. He bent over and picked up the entire coffee table. After a few steps, he walked to the bedside and put it away. Then, he took a chair and placed it on the end of the coffee table. Sitting in front of qi ya, he picked up the bowl of bird's nest porridge, picked up the spoon and stirred it slightly. Then, he put it on his lips and took a sip to try the temperature. He felt that he could only spoon some more slowly and pass it to qi ya's lips.

Qi ya blinked her eyes. In her impression, this man had always been a cold popsicle. He had always treated her with evil words. This time, he actually wanted to feed her for the first time. The sun's coming out of the west?

"What is it? Long haochen asked slowly as he looked at qi ya's dazed expression.

"You have just used it! She had clearly seen him take a sip first, and now she was letting him drink it, wasn' t that sharing a spoon with him? They're not that close, are they?

"Don't eat it! Long haochen looked at her and wanted to take the bowl away.

"Wait! I eat! So ... You don't have an infection? Qi ya looked at the spoon in front of her and then looked up at long haochen, her eyes rolling around.

Long haochen wanted to stand up in silence, but qi ya grabbed him by the leg." I' m just kidding. Seriously, why are you so stingy?" "

Long haochen sat down again and handed a spoonful of porridge to her. Qi ya opened her mouth and took a sip, feeling her throat moist and sweet.

Her eyes lit up." What kind of porridge is this? So good? You didn't do it, did you? "

Long haochen glanced at her and placed some porridge on her lips." How do you know the honorable president?" The discovery surprised him, and he wondered how the woman knew such a mysterious man.

"Why should I tell you? Qi ya raised her eyebrows and nodded while tasting the porridge in her mouth. Your food is delicious! "

"And what will you tell me? Long haochen narrowed his eyes at qi ya, but he didn' t stop.

"I won't tell you anything! "Qi ya answered straightforwardly and continued eating porridge.

"It seems that I really underestimated you. "Said long haochen coldly.

"What do you mean? Qi ya blinked, not understanding what he said.

"Meet one and hook up with another! Long haochen said sarcastically.

Qi ya glared at the guy who deserved a beating." Hey, don' t slander me, okay?" Who saw a guy hook up with a guy? "This venomous man!

"What is zhang zhiyuan's identity? Did you know he's worth a billion dollars now? A woman like you who has no status or background knows him, so there's only one possibility ..." Long haochen looked at her and paused.

Qi ya bit her lip and stared at him, thinking that he definitely couldn' t spit out any ivory ...

Unless you are ... His woman! "

Qi ya looked at the man speechlessly. She was so angry that she couldn' t speak. She turned her face away and didn' t want to talk to him anymore.

"Am I right? Long haochen looked at her expressionlessly, his eyes flashing fiercely.

"Yes, you're right! I'm his woman! I had sex with him! I see one hooking up! As long as it's a man, I want to sleep with him, and your good friend shu zijun, I am his woman! Are you happy to say that? Bad guy! "

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