"Your company doesn't have air conditioning? "Yu hang asked deliberately.

"Yes ... Yes ..." Qi ya looked at yu hang nervously.

"Then why are you sweating? Don't you know you're hurt? Yu hang frowned at her.

"I went to the construction site this morning, so ..."

"Why do you not cherish yourself so much? That's a knife wound in the back. It's the easiest to relapse! Yu hang looked at her and shook his head.

"Should ... Should ... Be okay? Qi ya began to fear.

"I can' t see the wound right now. I don' t know if there's anything wrong with it, but you' re sweating today. The chances of recurrence are very high ..."

"Ah? What should we do? Qi ya's face instantly collapsed.

Yu hang looked at her expression and raised his wrist to look at his watch." You should be off work now, right?" I can't show you here. Get in the car. Yu hang walked to the car and opened the door for qi ya.

"Then ... I' ll go up first and see if everything's okay." Qi ya wanted to say hello to wu xiaoyu before leaving.

"Just call if you need anything. Let's go. "Yu hang gestured for her to get in the car.

"Well, then. Qi ya pursed her lips and carried her bag into the car.

Seeing that yu hang got on the car and started the car, qi ya asked nervously," shall we go to the hospital?" It was a problem to suddenly find out where to examine the wound. She had not expected that yu hang, who was standing beside her, would not be a pervert. Qi ya swallowed hard.

"Let's go to president long's apartment. It's more convenient there. Besides, he's one of the people who knows about it." "Yu hang replied naturally.

"To long haochen's apartment? I'm not going! Hearing that she was going to long haochen's house, qi ya immediately expressed her attitude.

"Then you can't let me examine you on the street, can you? Yu hang looked at her with amusement, but the accelerator on his feet did not stop for a moment.

"Then ... Stop ... Check by the roadside ..." Well, qi ya regretted it after she finished speaking.

Yu hang looked at qi ya's embarrassed expression and couldn' t help but smile. "

"Look at what you said. Then ... Let's go to his apartment ..." Qi ya replied helplessly.

Yu hang slightly raised the corners of his lips as the car sped towards long haochen's apartment.

It took more than half an hour from qi ya's company to the downstairs of long haochen's apartment. A few minutes later, qi ya followed yu hang into long haochen's house once again. Because she had been here once before, this time, she was quite familiar with qi ya. She

After changing her shoes at the door, she went up to the second floor and wanted to enter the bedroom that she had slept in yesterday. She wanted to check it out here and go home quickly. She really didn' t want to have anything to do with long haochen.

She was still a little worried about what happened last night. Regardless of whether long haochen could find out the real culprit, she was certain that her appearance at long haochen's side had angered at least a few people.

She did not want to risk her life for such a man. No matter what, it was not worth it. Therefore, at this moment, she hoped that yu hang would quickly check her wound and leave as soon as possible.

As soon as qi ya stepped onto the floor on the second floor, she saw long haochen walk out of the study wearing a black casual pants and a white shirt. The two of them came face to face.

"Um ... Dr. Yu asked me to come ..." He was the owner of the house and barged in without greeting him. It seemed like he couldn' t make sense, so qi ya felt a little awkward.

Long haochen glanced at her and replied indifferently," yes ..."

Qi ya turned around and looked at yu hang." Dr. Yu, please hurry up and take a look at my wound. I still have to go home after reading it. "

"Well! "Replied yu hang readily.

"Wait! Yu hang! Long haochen watched as yu hang followed qi ya to the bedroom door and called out to yu hang," go to my study and wait for a while!" "

Yu hang stopped in his tracks and looked at long haochen.

Watching yu hang enter the study, long haochen walked into the bedroom that qi ya had just entered and closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing? Qi ya was nervous when she saw long haochen closing the door. Why did this man run in?

"I don't like my woman being seen by a second man in her body! Long haochen walked up to her and looked down at her overbearing reply.

Qi ya blinked in confusion. What did this man mean just now?

"Let me see your wound! Long haochen ignored her question.

"You're not a doctor, why are you looking? Qi ya did not understand what the man was trying to do.

"Don' t think too much. I have no interest in your body at all! Qi ya's attitude made long haochen frown. He raised qi ya's chin and gently stroked the flesh-colored band-aid on his left face.

Qi ya unconsciously shrunk her neck." It hurts ..."

Long haochen looked at his nervous little face and said slowly," I apologize to you for what happened last night ..." He knew that the reason why tao yuying did this was because he kissed qi ya twice in the office, making tao yuying think that he liked this woman.

Qi ya blinked in disbelief. This overbearing man actually apologized to her? Did she hear wrongly?

"Did you find out who did it? "

"I've already taken care of it. Let me see your injury ..."

"You ..." Qi ya stepped back nervously. She had already been taken advantage of by this guy several times, so she was determined not to let him succeed this time.

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