When qi ya walked out of the office building, long haochen's car had already arrived. Qi ya had no choice but to walk to the car.

"What about the plan? Qi ya stood by long haochen's window, wishing she could take the proposal and disappear right in front of this man. She felt that she and he must be the kind of person who didn' t agree with each other in their lives. As soon as she saw his devilish and arrogant face, the fire in her heart would leap out, causing her to lose control of her emotions.

She admitted that she had never been a grumpy person, but why was she so angry every time she faced long haochen? Therefore, from this point of view, he and she were definitely at odds!

"Get in first! Long haochen glanced at her, his cool sunglasses still hanging on his face, making his face look even more handsome.

This evildoer!

Qi ya shot him a look of displeasure. She had already understood long haochen's character in the past few times. She knew that if she didn' t follow his instructions, she probably wouldn' t even be able to see the surface of the plan. She walked around to the other side of the car and opened the car door with hatred.

Long haochen gently raised the corners of his lips and started the car without a word.

"Where are you taking me? Looking at long haochen's expressionless face, qi ya asked angrily.

"Have you eaten this morning? Long haochen did not care about her attitude towards him and asked indifferently.

Qi ya looked at him and knew that this man was completely unreasonable. If he wanted to say something, he would tell you without you asking. If he didn' t want to say it, he probably wouldn' t say a word even if you put the knife on his neck. However, his words just now stunned qi ya for a moment. This man actually cared if she had breakfast?

"No! "What happened last night, not to mention eating, she was not even in the mood to sleep. However, after working all morning, she was really hungry now.

"You didn't sleep last night, did you? Long haochen gave her a teasing look.

"If I had as much money as you, I would have slept till noon! "Answered qi ya, gritting her teeth.

"Looking at you now, zhang zhiyuan should have helped you deal with it, right? Long haochen parked his car in front of a hotel and turned to look at her. The complicated look in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

Qi ya followed long haochen into a luxurious private room in the hotel. If it were in the past, she would definitely comment on the renovation of the hotel. However, it was long haochen who followed her. She was not in the mood to think about anything else.

The two of them sat down in the room. The waiter came in to order and left. Qi ya was thirsty and hungry, so she picked up the glass on the table and took a big gulp.

"Have you thought of what I said last night? Long haochen looked at qi ya, who was drinking water.

Without raising her head, qi ya asked," what is it? She did not seem to remember what she had promised him last night.

"Do my woman's business! Long haochen reminded him calmly. After last night, he was even more determined. If a small employee of a company could alert the supreme ceo to solve the problem himself, then this woman must be very important to him. After confirming this point, he quickly thought of this idea and put it into practice. He wanted to use this woman in front of him to hit zhang zhiyuan and take revenge on the pain he had caused when he took han shasha away. He was a vengeful man. Now that he had such a good opportunity in front of him, he had no reason to give up.

"Poof! The water that qi ya had just drunk gushed out with those six words. Was this man crazy or was his brain cramped? As his woman, it would be better for her to die.

Long haochen frowned slightly and then relaxed. He picked up the napkin on the table and gently wiped the water off his body. Looking at qi ya, he continued," I can understand that you' re reacting like this because you' re happy and excited. "

Uncle, can you be more narcissistic?

Qi ya glared at him, feeling that this person was really thick-skinned. Before she could say anything, this man had actually made such a presumptuous conclusion. She raised her head and gulped down a mouthful of water before looking at him angrily. Forget I heard anything! "

"That's not something you should consider. Just tell me if you agree or disagree. "

"No! "Answered qi ya directly.

"All right. Long haochen shrugged helplessly and did not show any displeasure at qi ya's answer.

Looking at long haochen's reaction, qi ya was still slightly surprised. In her understanding of long haochen, he should be a person who would never give up until he achieved his goal, but now he seemed to want to let her go.

But how could this be possible?

Although qi ya had always suspected long haochen, long haochen didn' t say anything until the two of them finished their meal. The two of them came out of the hotel. Long haochen looked at qi ya and pondered for a few seconds before saying to her," I still have an important client to meet. The plan is on the coffee table in my office. You can ask shen yao to bring it out. I' ll call her later. "

"Really? Qi ya was a little skeptical and did not believe that she could actually get that plan.

"Then I will call shen yao now. As he spoke, long haochen took out his phone and pressed the secretary's number, shen yao.

Qi ya didn' t expect that she was just here to get a blueprint, and she was actually able to come in and kick a few million pieces of vase into pieces. Was there any reason? Looking at the shattered blue and white porcelain, she really wanted to die.

"It's over, it's over! If the president had known that the vase he had just bought had been broken, he would have killed me! Shen yao stood rooted to the ground with a collapsed face. Her nervous expression made qi ya feel like she had done something outrageous. It was okay to break that guy's vase. If an innocent person lost a job because of her, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life.

Secretary shen, that ... Don' t be afraid. "

Qi ya, I knew you were a good person. Thank you so much. My grandmother has been in need of money for surgery recently, I can't do without this job, thank you so much, you are a good person, you will have good karma. Shen yao grabbed qi ya's hand and was overwhelmed with excitement. But in the heart of the grandmother has died of the hands of what, for this job, grandma you will be reborn again.

"Well ... Is this vase really worth so much money? "A broken vase is worth five million dollars. Is it made of gold? Qi ya didn' t believe it.

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