Long haochen had been a silent spectator the entire time, as if this engagement ceremony was not held for him at all. Looking at his grandfather and tao shengshan smiling and shaking hands with the camera, his frown deepened.

Ever since he knew that he was going to get engaged to tao yuying, he had been guessing that long yuanqiu's motive was far more than that.

Qi ya slept until it was past ten o' clock the next morning until a blinding ray of sunlight shone through the window before she lazily moved her body. She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up from the bed.

She turned to look at the seat beside her and realized that the man had long disappeared. She recalled that he had said that today was his engagement ceremony, and it seemed that she would be able to escape the disaster today. She took her bag from the bedside table and took out her phone to see that it had been turned off.

"Are you mistaken? Are the doctors and nurses here on strike? Qi ya got down from the bed, tidied her clothes, and walked into the bathroom to wash her face. She tucked her slightly messy hair with her hands and quietly walked out of the room with her bag on her back.

She thought that someone would stop her if she left without a sound, but when she walked out of the hospital, she did not even see a fly in front of her. Qi ya hailed a taxi from the side of the road and headed straight to the company. Looking at the buildings and pedestrians passing by, qi ya was stunned by what happened last night.

She hadn' t even kissed another man in the past seven years, let alone slept with a man. She had thought that last night must have been a nightmare, but she didn' t expect it to be sweeter than ever. When she woke up, she realized that it was already ten o' clock in the morning.

There was a wolf lying beside her, but why did she sleep so soundly? She didn' t even have a nightmare? Could it be that she really fell in love with him just like that man said? Qi ya shook her head in her heart. How could it be possible to like him?

When qi ya walked into the company, she bumped into the company's boss, qin dongxu, and she smiled shyly. Since he took office, his business manager had either had a problem with the construction site or had to leave early and late, which was somewhat unreasonable.

Qi ya, come with me! Qin dongxu originally wanted to go out, but when he saw qi ya enter the company, he turned around and turned back.

"Oh. Qi ya followed behind qin dongxu nervously, not knowing why he was looking for her.

The two of them entered qin dongxu's office one after another. Qin dongxu gestured for qi ya to sit down on the sofa.

"President qin, if you have something to say, just say it. Qi ya didn' t dare to sit down, but she tightly clenched her fingers and looked at qin dongxu.although the company was zhang zhiyuan's, qin dongxu was still his boss.

Looking at qi ya's nervous look, qin dongxu smiled slightly. He walked over to the sofa and sat down. He looked at her and said," don' t be nervous. I' m looking for you today because I want to talk to you about qi wei. "

"Ah? You talk to me about everything? "No matter what, it was a bit unexpected. Qi ya walked to the sofa opposite qin dongxu and sat down. She didn' t understand what he wanted to talk to her about.

"Yes, I think you have seen qi wei's performance at blue temptress. Actually, that night, the entertainment director of the refined state entertainment company was also present. They were very interested in qi wei and the other two's performances and felt that their market potential was huge. So, I' m looking for you to talk about the fact that qi wei didn' t sign the contract with refined state entertainment. "

"Ah? Sign? Are you saying that qi wei can be on tv like other stars? It was a great surprise to her. She had never thought that such a day would come. Now she was a little excited and her voice began to tremble.

"Yes! If the first hit, he will be in the days ahead of the record, concerts are inevitable. Qin dongxu nodded with a smile.

"Oh my god, wait a minute, I'm so excited. Is that true? Qi wei was actually going to become a star! Is that true? Qi ya was so excited that she was at a loss. The chance of winning the lottery actually happened to her son. She did not believe that such a good thing would happen.

Qin dongxu was amused by her cute look and lowered his head to smile. He looked at her and continued," because you' re his guardian, we need you to sign this contract. Long haowei and zheng yunchu have already made a good communication. Tomorrow morning, at eleven o' clock, the three of you will go to the refined state headquarters to sign the contract. Are you okay? "

"No ... No problem! Qi ya answered excitedly, her breath uneven.

"Good! I have to go to the headquarters now. You go ahead. Qin dongxu stood up with a smile.

"Well, yes. Qi ya returned to her office excitedly.

The engagement ceremony between long haochen and tao yuying went very smoothly. Both old master long and the tao family had a satisfied smile on their faces. This made cao yuezhi, who had been discriminated against in the tao family, feel that she had finally raised her eyebrows once.

She has a lot of confidence when talking to others. Tao yuying understood her mother's heart and looked at the smile on her face. For the first time, she felt the value of her existence and was determined that she must marry long haochen. Regardless of whether that man would like her or not, even if all he wanted was a piece of decoration, she had to do her best to sit in that position.

For her own sake, she was even more mother!

After the engagement party, tao yuying asked her cousin, han shasha, to go shopping. When they got engaged, old master long generously gave her a million yuan bank card as her usual pocket money. This made everyone marvel at old master long's love for his future granddaughter-in-law. Although he hadn' t even gone through the door yet, from the way old master long treated tao yu ying, he could tell her position in the long family in the future.

When old master long learned that tao yuying was going to the shopping mall, he specially sent a mercedes-benz to send the two sisters to the city's boutique shopping mall.

The car stopped in front of the shopping mall. Tao yuying and han shasha got out of the car, chatting and laughing. Tao yuying intimately took han shasha's arm and walked towards the shopping mall. After a few steps, tao yuying's phone rang. She took out her phone and saw a strange number.

"Miss yu ying? "The voice of a strange woman came through the phone.

"Yes, may I ask who you are ..." Tao yuying loosened her grip on han shasha's arm and stopped in her tracks.

"I am your mother's best friend. She must have mentioned an aunt Murong to you. "The man introduced himself with a smile.

"Are you really aunt Murong? My mother always talks about you. Haven't you always been in america? "Hearing her explanation, tao yuying exclaimed in surprise. In her memory, her mother did have a best friend named Murong yue who immigrated to the united states with her family many years ago. I haven't been in touch for a long time.

"Is yue zhi okay? "Murong yue sobbed.

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