"To him? Qi ya raised her head and looked at zhang zhiyuan. This question came suddenly. Although long haowei had mentioned it to her before, she really hadn' t thought about it.

"Well, he needs an assistant anyway. You can take care of his life and work well! Zhang zhiyuan nodded with a smile. It was the most appropriate thing for qi ya to take care of qi wei, but the most important thing was that she could completely get rid of long haochen.

"I think there should be no problem with brother yunchu and haowei being with him, right? And I don't want to give up my job. Qi ya refused without thinking. In fact, what she wanted most was not to be a successful business manager, but to be a great designer. It was a dream that had been hidden deep in her heart, but that dream had vanished seven years ago with that night.

Zhang zhiyuan didn' t expect qi ya to reject him so soon, but since she liked her current job, he couldn' t say anything more.he looked at her meaningfully and nodded faintly." Alright! "

"Who is qi wei? At one side, han shasha caught a hint of affection from zhang zhiyuan's eyes. Her intuition told her that she might have met an enemy.

"My son! Qi ya narrowed her eyes and smiled. She could even imagine han shasha's next expression.

"You have a son? "Han shasha looked at qi ya in disbelief, unable to believe what she said.

"Yes! Qi ya smiled happily.

"Are you married? "Asked han shasha in surprise.

"No! Just as qi ya was about to answer, long haochen spoke first.

Long haochen's words caused han shasha to shut her mouth, and another round of silence fell on the dining table.

After the meal, qi ya felt that she was having indigestion, especially the seemingly calm conversation between long haochen and zhang zhiyuan. She did not know that han shasha was long haochen's first girlfriend, so she simply thought that their current state was caused by her.

The four of them finally finished their awkward dinner and left the hotel together. Seeing zhang zhiyuan's car go far away, qi ya pulled on her seatbelt and frowned at long haochen." You' re only happy that I can' t get off the stage in front of him, aren' t you? "

Long haochen looked at her in silence and asked," will you be happy as long as I compromise? "

"I didn' t mean that. I just felt that the way you two looked at each other was like the enemies of your past life. You know he likes me, and you're trying to embarrass me, and you're trying to embarrass me. Qi ya turned her face away in anger and did not want to talk to this person.

Wenfeng slowly started the car. Long haochen looked at the street lights flashing through the window and his eyes seemed to be drifting." Seeing his fiancée sitting next to him must be very uncomfortable, right? "Actually, the person who was most upset was probably him. He had thought that he had exhausted all his feelings in the past seven years, but when he sat next to her, he found that he could not calm down.

"It's none of your business! Qi ya snapped back at him.

Long haochen frowned slightly and reached out his hand to grab qi ya's chin, forcing her to look straight at him." Today's date isn' t over yet. Shouldn' t you be more dutiful? What a girlfriend should do? "

'Well, when did I say that I was your girlfriend? Qi ya wanted to slap long haochen's hand away, but there was nothing she could do. She could only glare fiercely at this overbearing man.

Long haochen pulled qi ya into his arms with his other hand and gently stroked her chin with his fingers." Since it's a date, why aren' t you a girlfriend?" If I hadn' t done that just now, what would miss han think of the way zhang zhiyuan looked at you? "

"She can think whatever she wants. It's her own business. Besides, zhang zhiyuan and I didn' t do anything, so why should I care what others think? "Qi ya retorted.

Long haochen curled the corners of his lips and raised his hand to knock on qi ya's forehead." Is this place really filled with human brains?" "

Long haochen! "Qi ya shouted angrily. This hateful man actually turned and scolded her.

Long haochen ignored her reaction and continued," the way zhang zhiyuan looks at you, even a fool can tell. Do you think han shasha will pretend not to see? That was her fiancé and the honorable president of the refined state. If a woman like you takes it, she could lose everything. If you were in her position, do you think you would stand by and do nothing about it? "

"Then ... What will happen to her? Hearing long haochen's words, qi ya lowered her voice. After all, she had already experienced a horrific incident when someone cut her face before, so she didn' t want that nightmare to happen to her again.

Long haochen let go of qi ya and said in a low voice," she won' t do anything to you. If she really has the guts, then she really won' t be able to marry into the zhang family. "

"Why? Qi ya blinked her eyes in confusion, completely unable to understand what the man was saying.

Long haochen finally couldn' t help but smile. He looked at her and asked," you didn' t lie to me, did you? Your son really wasn' t picked up?" "

"No! I was born in october! Why the sudden question? Qi ya gave him a puffy look, not understanding why this guy asked this question again.

"Then you should really thank his father, at least he is not as stupid as you! Long haochen laughed sarcastically.

"You are stupid! Qi ya rolled her eyes at him.

Long haochen looked at her and smiled. After a while, the car stopped in front of qi ya's building. She loosened her seatbelt and got up to get out of the car, but long haochen pulled her back.

"What now? Qi ya looked at him speechlessly, wondering what tricks he was trying to play.

"Since it's a date, do you owe me a parting kiss? Long haochen looked straight at her without a smile on his face.

Pfft! Separate kisses?

Qi ya rolled her eyes and kissed each other. Did he really think he was dating him?

"You can't force me until I like you! "Answered qi ya in a hurry.

"Well! Long haochen pulled her into his arms and kissed her on the lips. After a while, he let her go and said," don' t get me wrong. I' m forcing myself." "

Ugh! Qi ya didn' t want to waste any more time with him. She opened the door and got out of the car, then quickly disappeared into the corridor. Hearing the slamming sound of the door closing on the fourth floor, long haochen closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, instructing Wenfeng," let's go!" "

Wenfeng quietly started the car and looked at the road in front of him." President ..."

"Speak! "

"Miss qi doesn' t have the heart of the city. Will the old master do something to her?" Wenfeng voiced its concerns.

"He only cares about those women who are married to the long family. If he wanted to make a move, he would have done it seven years ago. Long haochen replied with his eyes closed. Based on his understanding of long yuanqiu, he did not care what kind of woman he liked. The woman he was engaged to was his real goal.

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