"Well ..." Qi ya twitched her lips and tightened her grip on her satchel belt, her heart thumping nervously, afraid that he would tell her everything that had happened that day. Then she really had no face left.

"Not at all. It's just a meeting. Let's go! Long haochen narrowed his eyes at qi ya and put his hands into his pockets as he walked towards the apartment door.

Qi ya looked at long haochen's back and swallowed hard. It seems that this person really can not do bad things, otherwise you will feel inferior. However, the prodigal son still had a chance to turn around. At most, he would have to apologize to him and pay back the two hundred thousand yuan.

"Gone, you love-struck! Qi ya glanced at the backs of the two men in front of her and poked wu xiaoyu's head angrily.

Don't mess up my hair! Wu xiao yu pursed her lips and carefully adjusted her hair, which was as hot as a chicken's nest. Looking at the tall and straight backs of the two men in front of her, she complained unhappily," Aya, you really are. If I had known that there was such a handsome man, I wouldn' t have told my sister about it. I would have done my hair or beauty earlier." If I could catch one of them in front of me, wouldn' t you be able to get naked in the future? "

"No! Your hairstyle is a chicken's nest, I can warn you, later put your mind on the picture, if you make any mistakes this time, I will cut off your paws, home stewed pig trotters to eat! Qi ya gritted her teeth as she looked at her good friend.

"I see! Don' t be so vicious! Wu xiaoyu snorted and ran past qi ya. She twisted her hips and chased the two people in front of her into the elevator. Qi ya looked at her friend's back and suddenly smiled, then walked in as well.

The elevator door slowly closed. Knowing that the sports car man was standing behind her, he was probably poking her with a pair of sharp eyes. Qi ya suddenly felt like she was ashamed of herself. Her heart was pounding with anxiety, and her hand holding the bag was getting tighter and tighter. Her palms seemed to be sweating.

For the first time, qi ya stood beside the customer and didn' t know what to say. Knowing that the apartments here were all very upscale, if he could sign a house like this, he would definitely get a lot of commission. However, when she thought of the owner of the blue sports car next to her, her heart trembled. She did not dare to think about how shu zijun would feel about her if he knew what had happened that day.

No one wants to give the house to someone like her, right?

No! Since he had already arrived, he must not give up so easily!

Shu zijun didn' t know what qi ya was thinking at that moment. Seeing her keep lowering her head and remaining silent, he wanted to break the depressing atmosphere.

Qi ya, how did you know ah chen? "These two people were not from the same world at all, but they actually knew each other.

Qi ya pursed her lips and did not say anything. Actually, she didn' t know how to answer this question.

Long haochen glanced at qi ya's back and sneered. He really did not expect that the goddess in xu zimo's heart was actually the one who smashed his car and escaped that day. If shu zijun knew that this woman not only escaped from the scene, but also a married mother, I wonder how he would feel. Thinking about shu zijun's expression after knowing the truth, long haochen frowned slightly.

"Well, how on earth did you two know each other? Looking at the two silent people, shu zijun suddenly felt confused.

"No. Long haochen's indifferent reply instantly relieved qi ya's nervous heart.

No? Is he trying to cover for himself? Qi ya could not tell whether she was grateful or guilty. She only hoped that time would pass quickly so that she could leave this embarrassing space quickly.

Shu zijun looked at long haochen's poker face and then at qi ya.

The elevator finally stopped. Qi ya took a deep breath and walked out first. If she stayed in there any longer, she would feel suffocated. Stopping at the door of shu zijun's house, qi ya couldn' t help but raise her head to look at long haochen who was slowly following her. When she saw that his bright eyes were also looking at her, her heart thumped again. She quickly averted her eyes in panic and kept looking at him.

"Qiya, come in! Wu xiao yu stood in the room and looked back at qi ya who was in a trance.

"Ah? Oh! Qi ya widened her eyes when she regained her senses and realized that shu zijun and wu xiao yu were already standing in the living room. Just as she was about to step into the room, she bumped into long haochen, who had just arrived at the door. She shook her body guiltily and quickly retreated to the side. With a forced smile on her face, she said," please, after you! "

Long haochen looked at qi ya coldly and walked in quietly.

Looking at the back view of the cold man, qi ya rolled her eyes at the sky. She swore in her heart that she would not do such a thing even if she died in the future.

When qi ya was standing in the living room, wu xiao yu was already drawing the house. She, who had been acting like a lovestruck fool just now, was actually focused and serious. The sports car man also looked at the living room with a cold face and began to look at the structure in silence as he walked towards the deep end of the house.

Qi ya quickly scanned the living room. When she saw the stairs beside the living room, her eyes lit up instantly. This time, she must find an opportunity to apologize to the cold sports car man and discuss with him how to repay the 200,000 yuan. If he forgave himself for this, he still had a chance to take down the renovation of the apartment.

"Qi ya ..." Shu zijun walked towards qi ya with a smile. He watched her keep tilting her head and looking left and right in the room. His big clear eyes sometimes reflected a bright light, and his heart suddenly softened.

"Mr. Shu, I didn't expect your house to be so big! Qi ya retracted her gaze and smiled at shu zijun.although she knew that the people living here were all rich, she still did not expect that the space inside was so big, and it was two floors above and below. She couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of the cost of the house being renovated.

"How long will it take to decorate a house like this? Shu zijun looked at qi ya and smiled.

Qi ya tilted her head and rolled her eyes. After thinking for a while, she looked at shu zijun and replied," about three months!" "It's really rare for a small company like her to receive such a big house, so she didn' t dare to be too sure about the time.

"Oh ..." Three months? If he gave the house to qi ya's company, it meant that he could contact her for three months. Thinking of this, shu zijun looked at qi ya and said with a smile," when shall we ... Sign the contract? "

Sign the contract? Qi ya widened her eyes and looked at shu zijun in disbelief. Did she hear wrongly? The house proposal had not even been finalized yet. This man actually asked about signing the contract first?

"Mr. Shu, once the proposal is made and the price for the renovation is passed, we can sign the contract. She wanted to sign the contract, but she always kept the bottom line in her heart.

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