Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 182: Snow Lotus



   Previous September General was just guessing that Ling Xiao was practicing "Dragon Body" in the Treasure Pavilion.


   But how difficult it is to master martial arts, even getting started is difficult.


   So he didn't expect Ling Xiao to cultivate to what extent in such a little time.


   However, it seems that Ling Xiao's "Dragon Body" already has the feeling of becoming a realm.


  , right?


   No one can answer him.


   over there, the huge bear paw also merged with Ling Xiao's palms, and then the air permeated for a long time, and the palms almost condensed into a solid, ushered towards the huge blade.




   The huge bear's paw intersects with the huge blade in the air, and then the blade is caught between the palms.


   "Shoot the white blade empty-handed?"


   "Is this special?"




  In the voice of everyone's discussion, the huge bear paw slammed backwards, and the huge blade shattered. The genius boy of Ninja Academy was also really spitting blood and fell to the ground.


   "Actually, I don't have to touch this head-on at all, because your move is flashy and unattractive."


Ling Xiao looked at the genius boy who fell to the ground, but just said lightly: "The reason why you are tough is to tell you, beat you, three or four strokes are enough, you can't even use ten strokes, I still look at you a little bit high. Now."




   It was only that day that the teenager had stood up, but hearing Ling Xiao's remarks, he couldn't help but rush into the heart, and another spur of blood spurted out, and his face became more ugly.


   "In this battle, Qianlong camp wins! Hahaha, Ling Xiao, you really give us a long face for Qianlong camp, no, it is a long face for the general of the town! Give a face to the human race!"


  General September was stunned for a moment, and the results were announced immediately.


   "Long live--!"


   "Long live Commander Ling!"


   "Lingxiao! Lingxiao!"


   The next moment, the roar of Zhentian sounded in the Qianlong camp, whether it was like Ling Xiao or not, at this moment, they shouted excitedly.


  Because of this bird's breath, they had long been fed up.


   At the same time, they also understood that it was not Tianren Academy that was too good, but that the efforts of these people were not enough.


  Look at others Ling Xiao, just a newcomer who has not joined the Qianlong camp for a long time, but can achieve today's achievements with his own abilities.


   Is there any reason not to work hard?


   Is there any reason to blame others?


   "Three people, what about things?"


  General September asked the genius boy who looked at the three Tianren Colleges with a smile.


   "Hmm, I would like to lose by gambling. We lost and accepted. This is two copies of quasi-super martial arts. Take it."


The lazy boy took two cheats from the storage ring and handed it to General September: "But don’t blame us for not reminding, let’s remember the content above, because after a quarter of an hour, these two books will Will be destroyed automatically."


Speaking of which, he looked back at Ling Xiao and said coldly: "I admit that you are strong, but it's really nothing to beat me. The next time you go to Tianren Academy, the opponent you meet will be more powerful than you. The true genius of our Tianren Academy is still far away."


   Then, he turned and was a little embarrassed by the girl and the fat boy and left.


   "Ling Xiao, you have a good memory. You have to remember the contents of these two books, and then pass one of them to Ling Yixue."


  General September hurriedly delivered two quasi-super martial arts to Ling Xiao.


   Ling Xiao nodded and flipped around.


   At that moment, there was already a duplicate version in the world of mountains and rivers.


   "Two internal exercises?"


   Ling Xiao could not help frowning, "General September, there are problems with these two books, and the key points have been revised a lot."


"This is normal."


General September sighed: "Although it is stipulated that the cheats cannot be drastically altered, but a few key points are slightly modified, it is allowed. We have done the same before, so whether we can practice or not depends on Your own skills."


"Yeah, I got it."


   Ling Xiao nodded.


  In fact, this kind of thing may be very uncomfortable for others, but it is nothing to him.


   Because he has mountains and rivers martial arts, like this quasi-super martial arts, only a few key points have been modified, which can be analyzed and cracked.


   "Understood? Are you not going to hand it to me, and then Wumai Jiuzhong Martial Master will help crack it?"


   asked General September.


   "How long does it take?" Ling Xiao asked.


   "At least one month." General September thought about it.


   "That's not necessary."


   Ling Xiao thought, my mountain and river martial arts souls might be able to crack them all in a moment, or it would be faster to come by myself.


   "No need? Are you sure?"


   "Surely sure and sure!"


   After Ling Xiao finished speaking, he turned around and returned to his independent courtyard. Ling Yixue and Leng Mei also followed.


   "You two are free, I'm going to learn about this quasi-super martial art."


  After speaking, Ling Xiao entered the training room.


  The two quasi-super martial arts obtained from Tianren College are "The Soul of Burning Soul" and "The True Explanation of Snow Lotus".


   Both categories belong to the inner power mentality, but they are quite different.


   Among them, "The Real Explanation of Snow Lotus" is actually an advanced version of "Snow Lotus Qi Jue".


  Think about it too, "Snow Lotus Sword Skill" is an extraordinary sword skill, and "Snow Lotus Sword Skill" is just a top martial art, and it can't be matched at all.


   It is estimated that most of the "Snow Lotus Real Solutions" still have an advanced version on it, which should belong to extraordinary martial arts.


   but can get a quasi-superior inner power mentality, Ling Xiao has been content.


  Since it is a quasi-super martial art, compared with top martial arts, it naturally has its superiority.


   What makes this "Snow Lotus True Interpretation" extraordinary is that it can completely transform the foundation of the previous "Snow Lotus Qi Jue" practice.


   In other words, if Ling Xiao cultivates, it will do more with less.


  Not only that, the true element condensed by this set of inner strength mentality not only has a very strong cold attribute, but more terrifying, it can also change the opponent's true element attribute.


   It sounds like it's not much use, is it?


   This is not the case~www.ltnovel.com~ If opponents are good at fire and earth attributes, then their martial arts must be matched with these attributes.


   It is conceivable that the flame palm was originally used, but the true element is a cold attribute. Can the flame palm still have power?


   Of course, this change is only gradual, it is impossible to completely change the opponent's true yuan at once, so the advantage is that it can weaken the opponent's attack.


  If you cooperate with Shan Wu Wu Soul's ability to devour the true unit, your opponent will inevitably suffer a great loss.


   "The Soul of Burning Soul" is very interesting. It is not a so-called internal power mental method, but rather a kind of power method that uses soul power as a true element.


   Of course, in addition to transformation, it can also increase soul power.


   This thing is simply a martial art tailor-made for Ling Yixue.


   Ling Yixue's true yuan level is not as good as many people, not even as a warrior of the realm, the reason is that she is a soul race.


   But with "The Soul of Burning Soul", she doesn't need to condense Zhenyuan at all in the future, she can completely use soul power as the energy source of martial arts.


  Ling Yixue's soul power is so strong, I am afraid that it is not as good as the Wumai Jiuzhong Peak Warrior. If you really practice this "Soul Burning Secret", then the strength has improved by more than one grade.


   Of course, Ling Xiao can also practice this "Soul Burning Recipe".


  :. :

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