Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 186: Master Apprentice



Among the twenty-two people, only one person's eyes are still clear.


   That is Ling Xiao.


   Ling Xiao never thought that he would be worse than any other, especially after he got the Wu Wu Soul, his training speed was like a leap.


   once unreachable geniuses, all of them were thrown behind him.


   "You are proud to be here. Twenty-two of you, no matter whether you can finally become master disciples, can get a quasi-super martial arts as a reward, you can choose yourself."


  Baiyun Guanzhu still made a real headshot at the people and said with a smile: "Then please follow me to the palace of true spirits."


   "Senior brother, I am afraid that there are a lot of people entering the Hall of Truth this time. I remember that when we were there, there were only three people who were able to reach the end."


   Lin Ze smiled and said to the real person.


   "Well, you are right, the young people now are much stronger than we used to be, but at first, the three of us went in, but unfortunately none of them were chosen as true disciples by the master, they were just entry disciples."


  Baiyunguan nodded, suddenly shook his head again, somewhat lost.


  It can be seen from this point that it is really extraordinary to become a true disciple of Master Baiyun.


   "Well, it would be nice to be an entry disciple."


   Wan Ben snorted coldly.


   He has lived for most of his life, with power and strength, but the only thing he can't relieve is that he failed to become a true disciple of Master Baiyun.


   This is one of his heart problems.


   But the words came back.


  The reason why his life will undergo a huge change, from the ordinary disciples of a small family to the governor of Baiyun today, is closely related to his acceptance by Master Baiyun as an entry disciple.


   This is still the case with the entry disciples.


  He was really hard to imagine what would happen to the true disciples.


   I heard that Master Baiyun’s three other true disciples have already been promoted to the extraordinary realm. I don’t know if it is true.


  Following Baiyun Guanzhu through a garden, everyone came to the so-called Zhenling Hall.


  It is here that Master Baiyun realized his epiphany here, and finally broke through the shackles and promoted to the extraordinary state.


   This Zhen Ling Temple has obviously been repaired and renovated, so it is the most eye-catching building in Baiyun Temple.


  Outside the Hall of True Spirit, Bai Yunguan said in his hand: "Master, there are 22 people who have broken through the three barriers this time, and now they have all brought them in. Please ask Master to give orders."


   "Come in."


   This voice is very kind, giving people the feeling that it is like talking to a kind old grandfather, without the slightest arrogance and the slightest coercion.


   But when he heard his words, he put a huge pressure on everyone.


  So ah, this power is really not pretended, but the strength is reflected.


   Even if it looks like an ordinary bad old man, someone who knows his strength will definitely not dare to be arrogant in front of him.


   Ling Xiao took a deep breath, then lifted his heels and followed the people in front to walk inside.


   At this moment, a cold voice rang in his ears: "Ling Xiao, you killed my brother, this blood debt, sooner or later I will ask you to pay it back!"


   flying fish?


   "Hmm, I'll kill your brother? You killed hundreds of people in the Ling family and killed countless warriors of the human race. How can this blood debt be counted?"


   Ling Xiao snorted coldly and directly transmitted the sound into the secret.


  Anyway, this skill can be learned naturally as long as a martial arts warrior.


   "Then see who will die first!"


  Because this is the Hall of True Spirit, Flying Fish did not dare to say anything, closed his mouth, and walked towards the hall.


   Ling Xiao didn't argue with him anymore, after all, in front of an extraordinary warrior, what you might do would be nothing to hide.


   He has decided that this time he can’t use Wuhe Soul anyway.


   This is his treasure at the bottom of the box, and it is a good medicine for his success.


   must not be easily exposed to anyone.


   Unless one day, he has enough strength to protect himself.


   But it is obviously not good now.


  The twenty-two young warriors who entered the hall were all in the same mood as Ling Xiao. Perhaps they were even more nervous than Ling Xiao.


   Even Lin Ze, Wan Ben, and Bai Yunguan also have serious expressions and dare not say anything.


   It seems that Zuo Leng and Ming Tian didn't seem to care too much, still chatting there with a smile.


  The true disciple is the true disciple, this treatment is different.


   "That's Master Baiyun?"


   someone asked in amazement.


  Because Master Baiyun's image is far from what they imagined.


   In their imagination, Master Baiyun should be extraordinary and majestic, at least that's the master's style.


   But actually.


   This Master Baiyun is a peasant's dress, and even trimming a strange flower there.


   There are seven flowers on this flower, all of which are as translucent as crystal, without any color or meaning of withering.


  Master Baiyun was holding his trousers, and his upper body was like the old man in the countryside, with a straw hat on his head and a dry tobacco bag inside.


   "Shut up! Do you dare to doubt Master Baiyun?"


  Wan Ben snorted and nearly shot the boy to death.


  Fortunately, at the critical moment, Master Baiyun spit out a smoke ring, and even easily blocked Wan Ben.


   "It's all good children, why bother to do anything, and what do I count as an old man, extraordinary in your eyes, but when you really come to my level, you will understand that I am not worth mentioning the old man."


   Master Baiyun smiled slightly, put down the scissors in his hand, and then came over, knocked the dry tobacco bag twice on the wall, and surely went out, and then put it into the storage ring.


   "Master, you are humble."


   said Wan Ben.




  Master Baiyun smiled, did not refute, but looked at the twenty-two teenagers standing below.


"I'm a student. I don't care what race you are. Human race, ninja race, and blue race don't matter. In the final analysis, it's just a low race, so don't worry about your origin, as long as your talent potential is enough , Then you can become my apprentice."


   During his speech, he glanced at the electricity and glanced at the twenty-two young martial artists under the stage.


   Except Ling Xiao, everyone else felt like being shocked by electric shock~www.ltnovel.com~ Souls experienced violent fluctuations, and the brain was blank for a moment.


   Fortunately, Master Baiyun didn't mean to hurt them, otherwise they didn't want to live alone.




   Master Baiyun's eyes fell on Ling Yixue, he could not help but stunned for a moment: "I didn't think that I really met such a genius, it's kind of interesting."


   "Master has discovered the talent that can be made?"


   Lin Ze and Wan Ben asked in unison.


   "Well, it's a pity that there is only one qualified to be my true disciple."


  Master Baiyun sighed.




   Hearing this, the twenty-two people who were confident and full of expectations felt a little shocked.


   is even a little angry.


   "Master's words, naturally yes."


   No one dared to doubt Master Baiyun's vision. At first glance, he could see at a glance what level and talent they were.


   "Okay, don't stop patting me on my ass. I have dizzy eyes and sometimes have mistakes, so let "Qixinghua" prove it."


   Master Baiyun was cautious. After all, he wanted to select disciples. He did not eliminate all of them because of his own glance.


   also kept a glimmer of hope for these children.


  :. :

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