Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 516: Wicked complaint

? "Hand over what you get, or I'll kill her!"


   Suddenly, Bai Feifei arrived behind Dai Yuling and grabbed Dai Yuling's neck with one hand.


   Ling Xiao sneered: "You idiot woman, how about killing her, there won't be real death here, then I will get something to share with Yu Ling, and you will go to hell!"


   "Well, I have a magic weapon to imprison my soul, so that she can really die here!"


   Bai Feifei shouted.


   "Oh, yeah, then you use it, I want to see if you Bai Feifei died first, or Dai Yuling died first."


   Ling Xiao was tidying up the things in the coffin.


   He did not look carefully at other things. Anyway, Dan Ding was better than he had imagined. It was actually a magical treasure.


  'S name is "Wanlingding".


   Although there is no attack effect, but with this thing, he can more easily refine high-quality Elixir.


   In a sense, it is even better than those magic weapons used for attack.


  Bai Feifei hesitated.


   Ling Xiao's calm and calm look made her really dare not act rashly.


   "Sister Bai, let's just forget about it. There must be better things waiting for us in the front, why should we have general knowledge of those things for him?"


  Shangguanlei stood up and played the round.


   This is equivalent to giving Bai Feifei a step down, otherwise, once you get into trouble, you really don’t know what will happen.


   "No! Ling Xiao, have you done anything to me?"


  Bai Feifei's brain is so bright.


   "How is it? You are so insidious and poisonous, if you don't guard against it, you must not be killed by you?"


   Ling Xiao said with a sneer: "But you can rest assured that after the towering ceremony is over, I will help you relieve these troubles."


   "Don't you dare to say anything, otherwise I swear I will kill you and kill everyone around you!"


  Bai Feifei thought a lot, and finally gave up to continue to hold Dai Yuling.


  Because if she really killed Dai Yuling, I am afraid that she would not be able to escape. Ling Xiao, this kid is too cunning, he could not believe it.


  Seeing that Bai Feifei let Dai Yuling go, Ling Xiao then put away everything and returned to the avenue.


At that moment, as many as five attacks came from different directions.


   Ling Xiao snorted, raised his right hand gently, five sword lights broke out, pierced the throats of these five people, and then returned to his mountain world.


   Royal Sword is used to deal with such sneak attacks, it is really easy to use.


   is fast and has great lethality, which is really amazing!


   "Twenty-five survivors!"


   It has been less than a day since the beginning of the towering ceremony, but half of them have been eliminated.


   Of course, these five guys against Ling Xiao did not fail in the level, but in greed.


   "Who else wants to start?"


   Ling Xiao looked coldly at everyone around him and asked lightly.


   originally planned to join the warrior, but at this time all gave up such plans.


   Ling Xiao is very strong, he must wait until he is trapped or injured before he can start.


   "The boulder monster is about to wake up, let's go!"


   Ling Xiao glanced at Dai Yuling, then rushed towards the front.




   Outside the Moon Pagoda, at the entrance, many people have gathered.


  Because too many people are eliminated, this is really unusual.




   Suddenly, five figures were thrown out of Yuehua Pagoda directly.


   "Five more eliminated?"


  Chang Yueying frowned and muttered to herself.


   The rest of the senior executives' faces are not very pretty either.


   This time, the Yuemei deliberately increased the number of people entering the Yuehua Pagoda, but who knows that only half of them are eliminated so quickly, what is the significance of this increase?


   "What the **** happened, how did the five of you get eliminated?"


  Elder Jin asked coldly.


   "It's Ling Xiao!"


   One of them said indignantly: "The guy Ling Xiao attacked us!"


   "Yes, that person is too mean, he saw that we got good things, he took advantage of us not paying attention to sneak attack from behind, and robbed us five things."


   Another person said.




   "Sin barrier!"




   "Sect scum!"


   For a time, several voices screaming at Ling Xiao sounded, it was nothing more than a person who was too palm-teaching and Elder Jin.


   "Why are you excited, they are just one-sided words."


Lord Tianyan Tianzun from the inner gate said slowly: "This apprentice Zhao Zhi, the black winged Dapeng Wuhun, was given to him by Ling Xiao. If this Ling Xiao was so good, how could it be given to my apprentice? What about precious things?"


  Because of Zhao Zhi's relationship, the originally neutral Tianyan Tianzun also began to have a good impression on Ling Xiao, and did not believe the claims of these five people.


   "Yes, the five of you haven't recruited them, what's going on?"


   Jinguangtianzun shouted angrily.


  The last thing he hated was that the wicked had sued first.


   "The two Tianzun, we are telling the truth, otherwise with our five strengths, how could we be eliminated so easily?"




  Tianyan Tianzun snorted coldly, his right index finger and **** together, and gently pointed to his vertical eyes.


   Then a white light shot out from the vertical eyes.


  The events experienced by these five disciples are displayed before everyone.


   "Hum, it turns out that the wicked first complained, Elder Jin, what else do you have to say?"


  Tianyan Tianzun looked at Elder Jin and asked, "How are you going to deal with disciples who are the first in the law enforcement hall, like this kind of attempt to cruel fellow students, and also the wicked to complain first, obsessed?"


   "Come here, abolish their five cultivation practices, and expel them from the teacher!"


  Under the eyes of all eyes, Elder Jin couldn't hide the five idiots. With a single order, the law enforcement disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall stepped forward to www.ltnovel.com~ and abolished their cultivation practices.


  No matter how the five idiots call for help, it won't help.


  Naturally, Elder Jin hated Ling Xiao in his heart, and those high-ranking ancestors who had cursed Ling Xiao before, also kept silent.


   In this matter, they are really embarrassing.




  In the Moon Pagoda, Ling Xiao and others fled into a fragrant medicine garden in order to get rid of the giant stone monster's pursuit.


  The huge medicine garden occupies thousands of miles and can't be seen at a glance.


   Clouds of various colors are shrouded in the sky, and looking into the distance, it seems like a rainbow.


   "Twenty-three remaining people!"


   Two more people were shot dead by the giant stone monster, and the giant stone monster also temporarily entered a state of recuperation.


  Everyone stood in the medicine garden and tried to take this opportunity to see if they could get some benefits in this medicine garden.


  In the center of the medicine garden, there is a towering big tree with strange fruits.


   On the ground, there are some strange-looking herbs. Although there are not many people who know these things, just the kind of aura released from it is enough to excite them.


  However, outside the center of this medicine garden, it was actually wrapped in a cloud of auspicious clouds, which could be seen inside, but it was not necessarily able to enter.



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