Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 518: Killer grass

The three people who rushed out, where there is Ling Xiao half-pointed calm and cautious, it is like a pervert seeing a **** woman dressed, don't kill it and go up.




   The three had just rushed out less than ten meters away. Suddenly two of them screamed, and their hearts were pierced by the grass leaves that suddenly protruded from the ground and died on the spot.


   "Twenty survivors!"


   When the cold voice sounded, all the people realized.


  The so-called experience, although there may be many benefits, but if you want to get a benefit, you must endure the danger.


   Fifty people now have 20 people left, which has to be said, it is really miserable.


   Fortunately, it was not really dead, otherwise Yue Huazong this time may have suffered heavy losses.


   The third person who rushed past escaped hurriedly towards this side.


   Look carefully. Behind him, it was a grass that attacked him!


"That's mad blood grass! Although it is a plant, it has the characteristics of a fierce beast. It is equivalent to the fierce beast of the ninth grade. The blades of grass are sharp like swords, which can easily destroy the fine treasures. If they are encountered, they will be eliminated!"


   Ling Xiao's voice slowly sounded, and said lightly: "Don't die, you can try to make a break, anyway, I have no opinion."




   Finally, the tired disciple was screamed and was eliminated.


  Although he was only scratched a little bit by the leaves of the grass, he died because of poisoning and was eliminated.


  In an instant, the person's body turned into a pile of thick blood, which looked extremely disgusting.


   "What should I do, Sister, there will be mad blood grass next to this long-lived fruit tree. Among these people, I am afraid you have a way to deal with it, Sister?"


  Shen Tianlin looked at Bai Feifei and asked with some despair.


There are five longevity fruits in total. He believes that as long as Bai Feifei gets it, then he should still be able to get one.


   "What can I do, but the mad bloodweed is highly toxic, and my strength is useless, is it still not dead?"


  Bai Feifei no matter how stupid, when he saw the mad blood grass, he couldn't help but quit.


   "Crazy blood grass is coming!"


   Suddenly, Li Zonghao shouted, and everyone was shocked.


   Dantai Ayako hesitated and hurriedly turned to escape the colorful Xiangyun.


   Then Shen Tianlin, Bai Feifei, Wu Yang, and Qin Wu all ran out.


   They didn't even have time to collect any herbs, because the attack of the mad blood grass had already come.


  Only Li Zonghao, he was the earliest to discover the wild blood grass, but he did not escape, but instead squatted on the ground, trying to grab a handful of herbs to leave.




   But in a moment, a green light flashed, Li Zonghao couldn't even utter a scream, and his head fell directly to the ground, with no vitality.


   "Nineteen survivors!"


   Ling Xiao did not escape, he stood there as if it were a plant, not a person.


The template of    Mountain and River Wuhun is so powerful, it can not only hide the breath, but also change your breath.


  Crazy blood grass is a fierce plant Lingxiao still understand, it is definitely among the top among the terrorist poisons under the sky.


   It is said that no one can resist unless there is an antidote.


   But the mad blood grass has a fatal weakness, that is, the facial features without fierce beasts. It judges the enemy, and it depends entirely on the breath and heat emitted by the human body.


   Ling Xiao was motionless at this time, the breath was completely integrated with the surrounding flowers and grass, and this wild blood grass would naturally not attack him.


"Crazy blood grass is a fierce beast of the ninth level. Under normal circumstances, I am definitely not an opponent, and I cannot move. Once moved, even if there is a template, it is useless. This guy will actively lock the moving things, whether it is an insect or a beast. , All will be poisoned by it!"


   "My strength is at most equal to that of the blood snake. If you want to get dragon blood grass, you still need to think about some strategies."


   Lingxiao stood there, carefully analyzing the current situation, in order to make countermeasures.


   He did not flee like Bai Feifei and others, nor did he make a fool like Li Zonghao. In any case, he can always remain calm and never make mistakes that he should not make.


  Even though his body can resist most of the toxins, but the toxins of the wild blood grass are too scary, he is not sure to resist.


   What's more, even if the mad blood grass is not poisonous, the leaves that are as sharp as treasures are enough to kill people.


  Crazy blood grass does not have any wisdom. It is a low-level creature, but it fights by instinct, so conspiracy plans are not useful in front of this thing.


  Because that is to play the piano to the cow.


   But Ling Xiao has an advantage!


   That is the sword soul avatar!


   Today's Ling Xiao has condensed thirteen sword soul avatars. From the point of view of this mad blood grass, it is simply indistinguishable from true.


   He can use the sword soul avatar and the superb method to forcefully take longevity fruit.


   There are five fruits in total, one is naturally reserved for himself, and one for Grandpa Hong Qi.


  The remaining three pieces are temporarily stored. Anyway, in the world of mountains and rivers, there is no fear of decay, so whoever needs them most will use them.


   His brother Ling Luo, friends Ling Yixue, Leng Mei, Dai Yuling, Lan Yu'er, Yang Danlin may all use it, but they may not use it, so it is not necessary to make a judgment so quickly at the moment.


  The moon girl should definitely not be needed, and she has lived for so many years. This thing should have no meaning for the moon girl.


   and his master Yuanzun are just souls, not to mention.


  Anyway, these five longevity fruits can't be wasted!


  If possible, even the tree, he must be transplanted into the world of mountains and rivers. In this way, using the time difference of 100:1 in the world of mountains and rivers, he can still cultivate longevity fruits.


  After making up his mind, Ling Xiao suddenly pushed Zhenyuan to the extreme~www.ltnovel.com~ The figure was like a phantom.


   Swish swish!


   The moment when Ling Xiao moved, he was spotted by Crazy Bloodgrass, and then five or six leaves resembling a long snake flew towards Ling Xiao in an attempt to kill him like Li Zonghao!


   Bang Bang Bang Bang!


   In the continuous dodge, the leaves of the wild blood grass directly stabbed the ground and the rock.


   Wherever stabbed, there will be a large area of ​​rot and withering.


   Even stones are no exception.




  Looking at the withered herbs, Ling Xiao could not help but secretly sigh, but at this time he is unable to protect himself, and he has no time to care about those things at all, and can only continue to speed up his speed.


  Bloodgrass failed to kill Ling Xiao, more leaves were separated.


   "Can't escape!"


  Sword soul avatar!


   Suddenly, Ling Xiao split two sword soul avatars, one of which blocked an attack for him, and then the body sprang out.


  Another sword soul avatar attracted the attention of the mad blood grass, giving Ling Xiao's body the opportunity to jump hundreds of meters away in a flash, directly under the longevity fruit tree.


  Don't look easy to say, but it is really impossible to achieve this without precise control of soul power and true elements.



  :. :

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