Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 529: Oh it's you!

The figure stood there and muttered to himself: "No! He shouldn't be against me, he's fooled, he shouldn't be sure that someone is following him, so I want to try this method."


   Silenced for a long time, and the figure suddenly sneered: "How do you know someone is following? The layout of the deity has been so many years, every time you go to the towering ceremony, you must get some benefits. You can't give up because you are discovered by this kid!


   finished talking, he chased up again.






   Ling Xiao, who was walking forward, frowned suddenly.


   "Actually a strong man of heaven and mankind! How is it possible!"


   Ling Xiao was shocked, his soul force told him the answer, they were followed by a strong man of heaven and earth, not only that, this guy also has the breath of Yuehuazong martial arts.


   But he is not one of the disciples of this towering ceremony, so is it the one who stayed in the Yuehua Pagoda before?




   Listen to Yueyue said that once the ascending ceremony is over, everyone will be sent out of Yuehua Pagoda, unless an accident occurs and the soul is bound to Yuehua Pagoda.


   Could it be the missing Yue Huazong disciple?


   shook his head, Ling Xiao did not continue to think about it, anyway, this matter, no matter how much to think about, the other party did not directly attack them, but followed behind, indicating that there should be fear.


   If this is the case, be careful, it should not be a problem.


  Now what he wants to care about is actually trial!


   The road is very long. Although Ling Xiao confirms that they can kill the monster at the end of the road, you have to be careful along the way.


  He didn't want to encounter the boat overturning in the gutter.


   This way, the most encountered is the poisonous snake, but with Dai Yuling, they are a lot easier.


  After about half an hour, Ling Xiao felt that there was a sign of breakthrough in his practice.


   It really is that danger and opportunity coexist. From the first level to the second level, it has only been more than a day in the past, and he is about to break through.


   It is estimated that I absorbed a lot of elixir when I was in the medicine garden.


   "You two, sit down and have a rest, I will study this snake gall."


   Previously, he killed five golden snakes with the sword technique.


   At the same time, also got the snake gall of five golden snakes.


   "This snake gall actually has the effect of strengthening the martial arts and improving the cultivation, which is a bit interesting."


   Ling Xiao directly swallowed all five snake galls into his belly.


   Then began to practice cross-legged.


   After Leng Hao and Dai Yuling recovered their physical strength, they were there to protect Ling Xiao one after the other. Although it was said that the nearby monsters had been cleared, it was impossible to be dangerous in a short time, but just in case.


   After about ten minutes, all five snake galls were digested and absorbed, Ling Xiao's martial arteries were slightly strengthened, and his cultivation behavior finally broke through the shackles and entered the mid-sixth layer of the extraordinary realm.


   The ceremony of ascending the tower did not delay his cultivation, but rather helped him, which made Ling Xiao helpless.


   It seems that choosing to participate in this towering ceremony is indeed true.


   So next, do you want to test the strength of the guy behind you?


  Although through the judgment of soul power, the other party's cultivation is not lower than the heaven and earth, but he always feels that something is not right.


   "You two come here!"


   Ling Xiao yelled Dai Yuling and Leng Hao aside, and then uttered to them while drawing something on the ground: "...just do it, can you do it?"


   "Relax, we will try our best."


   Dai Yuling and Leng Hao both nodded.


   "Okay, let's start acting."


  After the discussion between the three people was over, Leng Hao picked up all the unconscious poisonous snakes and gathered them together.


  Dai Yuling was responsible for making a medicine powder, and Ling Xiao began to draw a medium-sized array nearby.


   The refining stone in his hand shone with light. This is the refining stone that has been refined for a long time. The formation method to be arranged now is actually a fusion of the Fire Serpent Array, the Thousand Beast Blood Refining Array and the Plagued Bone Array.


   Ling Xiao gave it a name called "Thousand Poisonous Snake Array".


  The formation of this formation requires a large number of viper snakes, and the surrounding environment provides them with this excellent opportunity.


  After a few minutes, all procedures are arranged.


  The people hid in the dark and began to wait.


  Ling Xiao helped Dai Yuling and Leng Hao to conquer all the breath, staying there as if like three stones.




   Suddenly, a figure popped out in the darkness, with a little panic on his face.


   Tens of thousands of poisonous snakes almost completely surrounded him.


  The plague toxin is combined with the sleeping powder made by Dai Yuling.


   Plus ten times more terrifying snake venom, even this silhouette, which has been very calm, is a bit overwhelmed.


There are hundreds of places where    was bitten, although most of the poisonous snakes became fly ash at the moment of contact with him.


   But there are still toxins and sleeping powders sucked in by this person, making this guy a little shaky.


   Dai Yuling and Leng Hao were shocked to see this scene.


   They thought Ling Xiao was too worried, but they didn't expect someone to follow them, and the strength of this person was really strong. If it wasn't for the help of so many poisonous snakes, I'm afraid that the three of them wouldn't look enough.


   "It's you!"


   The strange mist around the figure gradually dissipated, revealing the original appearance, it was the disappeared disciple.


   However, the breath that Ling Xiao felt was another person.


   "You are Demon Flame Deity!"




   Both Dai Yuling and Leng Hao's eyes widened, not knowing what Ling Xiao was talking about.


   "No, you can't be Demon Flame Master!"


Ling Xiao shook his head again and said: "You are just one of his puppet avatars~www.ltnovel.com~ That's right, I didn't expect that Mo Yan Tianzun actually made such a puppet with the soul and corpse of the same door, no wonder every He can get a lot of benefits in a towering ceremony, so it turns out."


Before entering the tower-climbing ceremony, Ling Xiao heard Yang Danlin say that after every time the guy at the tower-climbing ceremony, Mo Yan Tianzun always seems to be able to make a breakthrough in cultivation, and can also get some strange treasures, not at all Know where he got it from.


   Although Mo Yan Tianzun explained that he was able to do the task outside, Yang Danlin did not believe it.


   Now it seems that this matter is really true.


   "Damn, you dare to secretly calculate the deity, are you afraid that the deity will kill you?"


   Mo Yan Tianzun's puppet avatar asked coldly.


   "Afraid, of course I'm afraid! But with the character of Demon Flame Heaven, if you can actually kill us, then you have definitely done it. The reason why you don't do it should be a reason."


Ling Xiao smiled faintly: "If I expect it to be good, you are afraid that you can't easily target us, and because you can't exert your full strength, otherwise, even if you are just a puppet avatar, you will be thrown out by Yuehua Pagoda. "


  The puppet was shocked physically and mentally, because Ling Xiao guessed right.


  If it were not so, he had already started directly, where would he just follow.


  However, his face still seemed calm.



  :. :

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