? The same sword, the power is completely different.


   As if carrying Thor's anger, this sword directly hit the huge dragon claw.




  The true element on the dragon's claws shattered and collapsed.


   Ling Xiao's sword spirit, there are still remnants, leaving a very shallow scratch on the dragon claw of the poison dragon king.


   "You are really weird. I didn't expect there is such a peculiar inner power mentality in the world. I'm careless!"


   The Dragon King's brows were closed, and the battle that he thought could be resolved in an instant, but he never thought that something happened again.


   However, if this is the case, she still has nothing to fear.


   "Conditions can be changed. If you are willing to surrender this inner skill, I might spare you! Otherwise, even if you are heroic, you will definitely die today. Don’t you think it’s a pity?"


  Although the Dragon King is a dragon, it can enter human form. Naturally, it can use human martial arts.


   She had a greedy intention, and desperately wanted Ling Xiao's martial arts.


   "Sorry, not interested!"


   "It seems you really want to die!"


  Druid Dragon King no longer has illusions. The kid in front of him is simply a guy who can't enter the oil and salt. It seems that he can only come hard.


  Thinking of this, she suddenly opened her mouth, and a cluster of colorful light condensed in it.


   "Dragon's Roar!"


   Roaring, a colorful ray of light emanated from her huge mouth and instantly spread across the street.


  In an instant, the whole street fell apart.


   From the damaged traces, there was also a deadly gas, which looked like the scene of the end.


   "Death Dragon Extinguishes and Dragon Roars!"


   Ling Xiao roared, and the dragon roared at the same time.


   The same powerful, the same scene is amazing.




   Two dragon roars met in the street, and then burst apart, even fighting against each other.


   "Give me death!"


   Perhaps this was expected long ago, and the attack of the Venomous Dragon King did not stop. After the release of the Dragon Roar, this guy actually threw himself over.


  At the moment when the power shattered, her huge claws came to Ling Xiao again.


   "This poison dragon king really deserves to be the warrior of the invincible realm of the nineth invincible realm, and then cooperate with the body of the dragon family, I am afraid that it is a lot more powerful than humans of the same strength."


   Ling Xiao thought to himself, but the movements in his hand were not idle, and he took advantage of a sword to pierce, still the thunder sky elephant cooperated with thunder and lightning.


  Since this trick can break the old guy's dragon claw skills, it doesn't hurt to use it a few times.


   The only thing he is worried about now is that this old guy has no other backhand, so too powerful moves are useless. After all, he still needs to keep some cards.




   This sword was stabbed out, but it failed to completely eliminate the opponent's claw force.


   It seems that the attack of the Dragon King is stronger than once! This old guy actually concealed his strength from the beginning, and it was really difficult to deal with.


The Dragon King's claws are constantly photographed. From the perspective of the onlookers in the distance, it is like a giant beating a mouse. The scene is a little funny, but the destructive power brought, but everyone can't laugh. Come.


   This terrible matchup.


  Fortunately, the Dragon Palace was built more spaciously, otherwise, it is estimated that it will be in ruins now.


   "Double holding!"


   Ling Xiao's left hand suddenly appeared a sword, which was the sword of anger.


   "The sky of thunder · Thunder flash!"


   "The sky of the wind · the wind is like a shuttle!"


   "Death Dragon Extinguishes and Dragon Roars!"


  Lingxiao issued three moves at the same time, respectively attacking the three key points of the poison dragon king.


   No one has forced him to use this pair of stunts for a long time.


   did not expect to use it again today.




   Thunderstruck was directly blocked by the Dragon King with his claws.




  The dragon roar was blocked by the poison dragon king with the same dragon roar.




   But the terrible lethality of the raging wind, still stabbed into the dragon scale of the poison dragon king.


   However, it was only a moment.


   The horrible sword gas was rebounded directly by the Dragon King, flew over Ling Xiao's ear, and hit the building behind him, leaving a scratch with a very flat incision.


  Dragon King disdainfully sneered: "Struggle, all your struggles are useless and useless. In front of this king, you are a terrific seven-layer martial artist in the extraordinary realm, which is not enough to watch!"


   "Really? I don't think so!"


   Ling Xiao smiled faintly. The other party didn't seem to notice. He hasn't called out Wuhun yet.


   Could it be said that the dragon people didn't even know the existence of Wuhun?


   seems to be normal, after all, Wuhun is something created by humans in order to fight against powerful wild beasts. It is normal for them not to understand.




   The real element of terror climbed rapidly. Behind Ling Xiao, the ghost image of the plague demon king Wuhun appeared.


  In the outside world, Ling Xiao is unwilling to display this martial arts lightly, mainly because she is worried about causing unnecessary trouble.


   But here, he didn't have that scruples.




   "How can the Dragon Clan have Wuhun?"


   "This kid is human?"


   "Stupid, the dragon clan has already possessed the human form, and it is not uncommon to have martial spirit. Is the rich golden dragon breath on him still fake?"


   "This is also true, but what kind of martial spirit is this, it feels so scary."


   saw Ling Xiao evoking Wuhun, and the onlookers were shocked.


   And the Dragon King on the opposite side was also a little stunned.


   "Now you try the power of my sword!"


   Ling Xiao withdrew Lei Yingjian and Ragewind Sword, and summoned the Ice Dragon Sword.




   With the strange light of the plague demon king Wuhun's whole body, Ling Xiao's sword light reveals some strange dark green in the white cape.


   Jianguang is too fast.


   instantly arrived in front of Poison Dragon King.


  Dragon King responded indifferently.


  Although she said that she could not stop the sword, because she was unprepared and attacked particularly fast.






   This time~www.ltnovel.com~ Feixue actually penetrated into the huge body of the Venomous Dragon without hindrance, and a bright dragon blood spewed out.


   Fortunately, the Poison Dragon King hid at the last moment and escaped the key points, otherwise, this sword could seriously hurt her.


   Even tragic death!




  Dragon King looked at his continuously bleeding wound in shock, couldn't believe it was true.


   was actually killed by a transcendent Seventh Warrior!


   "Unfortunately, you haven't been able to kill you, otherwise, you can suffer less."


   Ling Xiao showed a helpless expression, standing there, seemed to be lamenting that his sword was not effective.


   "Forget it, it's normal for a master of your level to die with one sword, but the more you do this, the more painful you will be."


   "Little thief, you have to be proud and forget your form, only this is the main idea of ​​this king. This time, how can you hurt this king!"


   Venomous Dragon King was furious, and the terrifying dragon power spread to the whole street, and countless creatures were trembling.


   The seemingly invisible and colorless Longwei, at this time, has become the most terrible killer of the Dragon King.


  However, Ling Xiao stood there, but seemed to feel nothing.



  :. :

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