Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 566: Black Spirit City

? After use, the seal card becomes blank.


   "You stay, protect Longchen!"


   As long as the venomous python does not die, it can always survive, which is not bad. This is also the eighth-level peak beast. It is still good as a mount or bodyguard for Longchen.




   Noble poisonous python roared and nodded.


   Ling Xiao was very satisfied. He took the blank seal card to the place where he had fought, and shouted "Seal!" at the body of the Black Dragon King.


   The already broken Black Dragon King was really sealed into the card, and it remained intact.


   The upper left corner shows his strength-half-step Tianzun (10% strength).


   The upper right corner shows the number of his use-three times.


   It seems that at this stage, the monsters of the half-step Tianzun level can be used three times, which is not bad.


   Ling Xiao is very satisfied with this.


   It's just a pity that he only has three seal cards now, otherwise he will also seal the Dragon King.


  Although the Poison Dragon King is not as good as the Black Dragon King, his strength is not weak anyway.


   Speaking of the Venomous Dragon King, this guy Ling Xiao is definitely going to kill. This is the loyal dog leg of the Black Dragon King. He got his dragon ball again. If he does not kill, it is very troublesome.


   Therefore, after the Dragon King was destroyed, Ling Xiao re-asserted an old fellow who was more prestigious among the Dragon King family, and who was hostile to the Dragon King.


   put away the seal book, Ling Xiao went to say goodbye to Long Chen and others.


   Then he went outside the Dragon Land, took out the magic weapon "Dragon Land" obtained from the Black Dragon King, and put the entire Dragon Land into it.


   At that moment, the Yuehua Pagoda shook the mountain, and several people who were practicing were awakened.


   However, their luck is not bad. After this energy fluctuation, the monsters that would come out of trouble in the third hurdle actually hide in the nest.


   This is equivalent to giving a few practice disciples more practice time.


  And outside the Yuehua Pagoda, all the senior officials, including Yue Nu, were stunned.


  Because they found a golden dragon on the Yuehua Pagoda, they circled around for a while before leaving.


What happened inside   ?


  Why is there a golden dragon?


   This is a scene that has never appeared before in the towering ceremony.


  Innumerable questions haunt the hearts of Yue Huazong's seniors. They now really want to know what is happening inside.


   It is a pity that even the eye of Tianyan Tianzun cannot see through the inside.


   can only wait.


   left the land of the dragon, Ling Xiao did not go to Dai Yuling, Leng Hao and Shangguan Lei.


  Everyone has their own chance, and then they can only rely on themselves.


  Lingxiao still needs to find the clue to the fourth pass, so he heads towards the next secret land.


This is already the second day after they entered the third hurdle. According to common sense, there will be eight-level beasts coming out to make trouble today, such as Dai Yuling, Leng Hao, Shangguan Lei, Liu Lie, Wu Yang, Qin Wu, etc. Facing the danger of being eliminated.


   However, because of the influence of the Dragon Land, these eight-level beasts did not appear. It can only be said that these people were exposed to Ling Xiao's light.


   Ling Xiao inadvertently made the overall achievements of this towering ceremony greatly improved.


   At that time, Mo Yan Tianzun and Zhang Jiao Ying Yue only spent two days in this third pass, and then they were eliminated.


   Each additional day, it is a new record.


   But these don't make much sense to Ling Xiao. He doesn't care about such a fictitious name. His goal is the fourth hurdle, the fourth hurdle that nobody has reached in the past thousand years.


  After half an hour, Ling Xiao reached a barren desert. In the desert, the originally active scorpion-like beast, but now hiding under the desert, did not come out, which saved Ling Xiao a lot of effort.


   Otherwise, those desert poisonous scorpions that haunt us can become a huge threat to any disciple of trial.


   Most of this is also the influence of the terrifying dragon power released by the land of dragons.


   "Black Spirit City!"


   Ling Xiao stopped, and in front of him was a Guo Guo that stood in the desert. Although it had been damaged very badly, there was a mass of black energy that completely wrapped the Guo Guo, and people outside could not easily enter it.


  Every brick and stone above the city's Guo, revealing the evil and ancient atmosphere, revealing the traces of countless years.


   "This is not the city Guo built after Hei Ling entered the Profound Realm 100,000 years ago."


  Ling Xiao has probably learned this history from the mouth of the Dragon tribe, so he quickly thought of a terrible war that suddenly came 100,000 years ago.


   This architectural style is completely different from the architectural style of Xuanjie. Even the buildings that were preserved 100,000 years ago are incompatible with this stuff.


   "It must have been built by the Black Spirit."


  Ling Xiao observed for a while, and had already determined his thoughts.


  The buildings built by these black spirits are full of obvious alien styles, and more importantly, there are many things that Ling Xiao can't understand at all, and there are no records in ancient books.


   "Go in and see what happens!"


   Thinking of this, Ling Xiao released a sword soul avatar through the black mask, and nothing happened.


  This shows that the black mask should not be dangerous for the disciples participating in the towering ceremony.


   When he stepped into the black mask, he accidentally discovered that there was someone inside the mask.


   And it turned out to be two!


  Mage Flame Tianzun's avatar Wang Nan and Bai Feifei.


   "Ling Xiao!"


   "Is it you?"


   Ling Xiao smiled slightly. Now, he is already a martial artist of the eighth stage of the extraordinary realm, and has a variety of killer skills. He will not be afraid of Bai Feifei at all.


   Even if Wang Nan is added, he may not be afraid~~www.ltnovel.com~ The Seal Book starts, but it provides him with a strong fighting power.


   "Exactly, boy, how about we cooperate?"


  Mouyan Tianzun's avatar Wang Nan said with a smile.


   "Cooperate with you? I'm afraid there will be no bone residue left." Ling Xiao shook his head and said.


   "Boy, the deity speaks, always speaking, this black spirit city deity wanted to enter before, but in the end it failed, this is not a secret land that one can complete, you have no choice."


  Wang Nan said lightly: "After the event, the three of us will share what we get."


   "Goddaddy, why ask him?"


  Bai Feifei was a little unhappy.


   "Shut up, be your father."


Wang Nan glanced at Bai Feifei and then said to Ling Xiao: "The deity believes you are a smart person and will definitely agree to cooperate. You know, there is no second person here who understands the situation of the Black Spirit City better than the deity. The mechanical puppets made by the Hei Ling tribe are guarded. Without the guidance of the deity, you will waste a lot of time and energy."


   "Mechanical puppet? Somewhat interesting."


  Ling Xiao has long heard that the puppet technology of the blue people was discovered from ancient tombs.


  If you think about it this way, the puppet technology of the Aolan tribe is simply brought to the Profound Realm by the Black Spirit.



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