Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 572: Gatekeeper monster

? "It's all brothers and sisters, saying this is boring, as long as it is not directed at me, I have always been very generous to fellow students."


   Ling Xiao laughed.


   "Don't thank you, Brother Ling's kindness, I remember it in my heart."


   Leng Hao took a deep breath.




   At this moment, the five-sided monster has solved the giant stone monster. After all, the strength difference is relatively large, and the giant stone monster is definitely not the opponent of the five-sided monster.


   Ling Xiao used to take the monster stone monster monster.


   This is an essential material for refining many medicinal materials, and it will be useful in the future.


   And many materials on the giant stone monster are necessary materials for the formation of formation.


   Ling Xiao has arranged a lot of formations for several days. Although he said that he had prepared enough materials before entering the Yuehua Pagoda, the material is more beneficial.


  After he collected all the materials, Leng Hao's injury was almost recovered.


   "Let’s go, I plan to go to the fourth level, I need the help of the three of you."


  Lingxiao already knows the entrance of the fourth pass, and has the key to the fourth pass, so he is definitely going to go.


"no problem."


  The reason why these three people can stay in the Yuehua Pagoda until now has got so many benefits, all because of Ling Xiao.


   Therefore, Ling Xiao begged them to do things, they were happy.




   At the entrance of the fourth pass, four people suddenly stopped.


  A few tens of meters away, there are terrible energy fluctuations, powerful and vast breath, which makes it difficult to even breathe.


   "My God, is actually the gatekeeper of heaven and earth!"


   Leng Hao frowned.


  Although I don’t know the specific strength of this gatekeeper, there is no doubt that he has reached the heaven and earth.


   This is troublesome.


This is a humanoid monster. It’s not too tall. It’s only about three meters long, with white hair. It holds a long moon knife in his hand and sits on a boulder. It doesn’t seem to mean immediate action. .


   "What about Brother Ling?"


   asked Leng Hao.


   "The fourth hurdle must go, as for this guy, I have to find a way!"


   Ling Xiao took a deep breath.


  Anyway, the third hurdle is coming to an end. It is estimated that the monsters that will appear next will become stronger and stronger, and even after an hour, monsters in the heaven and earth will appear.


   The disciples of the trial have only two options.


   will either enter the fourth level or be eliminated.


   Ling Xiao's choice was to enter the fourth level. There is no doubt about it, because he wanted to know what was in the fourth level.


   "Brother Ling, why don't we three of us simply lead the guy away, you should be able to easily enter the fourth hurdle in your own way."


  Leng Hao suggested.


   "Don't worry, let me first look at the situation of the gatekeeper."


   Ling Xiao will not make any hasty choices. Even if he wants to do it, he will have to wait until he knows the other party's situation.


   "Five-faced monster, to lead the gatekeeper!"


   Ling Xiao gave orders to the five-faced monster.


  Five-faced monster directly shot a dark green toxin light at the gatekeeper holding the moon knife.


   Then, the gatekeeper responded and really had to chase the five-faced monster.


   "The speed is not as good as mine, but faster than you. With your ability, it is impossible to hold him back. Taking advantage of this opportunity, first inject the true element into the disc, hurry up!"


   The gatekeeper failed to kill the five-faced monster with a single move, indicating that the trial disciple was still given a way to live. Since this is the case, Ling Xiao will have a chance.


   He still has two five-faced monsters to use, which is definitely enough to delay the time. The next thing to do is to quickly start the disc.




   The other three did not dare to neglect, and each stood aside and stretched out to the place where energy was injected above the disc.


   Then the four of them injected Zhenyuan together, and the disc began to flash.


at the same time.


   Tantai Ayako and Liu Lie also encountered a chase from the third pass.


   They don't have the help of the five-faced monster, so even if they encounter a half-strength Tianzun with 10% strength, they will be very embarrassed.


   "Sister Tantai, I'm going to lead this guy away, you must live, try to get a first show to the gang."


   Liu Lie's body fluttered, attracting a powerful half-step Tianzun beast to chase after him.


   On the other side, Tantai Ayako also began to run away.


   She felt that it was absolutely impossible to chase down the monster who tried the disciples. Before encountering greater danger, she would try to enter the fourth level.


  Liu Lie keeps running away, but he is not Ling Xiao after all, the speed is incomparable with Ling Xiao, and the half-step Tianzun beast is getting closer and closer to him.


   Tantai Ayako, finally got into trouble again.


   is also a half-step Tianzun fierce beast with one strength, although she is now cultivated in the early stages of the supernatural realm, and it is not without the strength of the first battle against the half-step Tianzun with the previous strength.


   But after this battle, I was afraid that she was also weak and even died of serious injuries.


   So she could not fight, she tried not to choose to fight, but accelerated to escape.


  The people who stayed are all clear in their hearts. The more they can hold on for a while, the more benefits they will get.


  On the steel warship, Wu Yang and Qin Wu stood in front of the ancient ship king and were following orders.


   "The two of you went to find Ling Xiao, and after you found it, you didn't need to ask anything, just killed!"


  The ancient ship king already knew what was happening in the land of dragons. This Ling Xiao actually killed a member of his generals. He could not bear it.


   Wu Yang and Qin Wu, controlled by the Black Spirit, are no longer their own.


   Their strength at the moment is the strength of the Black Spirit.


   One is the pinnacle of the transcendent realm, and the other is the invincible practice of the transcendent realm.




   Two figures emerged and began to look for Ling Xiao's whereabouts.




   Push the time forward for a while.


  The entrance of the Moon Pagoda.


  Yue Huazong's high-level people have basically gathered here~www.ltnovel.com~ including Mo Yan Tianzun has also appeared.


   The whole sect, everyone felt a little upset and a little excited.


  Inferred from the time, at this time, not all the disciples who participated in the trial were trapped, that is, all the records were broken.


   broke the record created by Mo Yan Tianzun and Zhang Yueying.


   At least this is true in terms of time. As for the benefits, it is unknown. After all, after Situ Jun was eliminated, no one was eliminated.


   "It's the fifth day, do you guys say anyone has found the entrance to the fourth level?"


  Chang Yueying suddenly asked.


   "Impossible! They should just be avoiding the killing of the third level. How could it be so easy to find the entrance of the fourth level. Neither the deity nor the master taught you how to do it."


   Mo Yan Tian Zun absolutely does not believe that someone can do this.


  However, Ling Xiao appeared in his mind involuntarily.


   "That kid!"


   "What you can't do by yourself is not necessarily done by others."


  Jinguang Tianzun sneered: "At least I am very optimistic about the kid in Ling Xiao. If he does it, he really has a chance in Tianda and is moving towards the fourth level."



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