Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 594: Trial No. 1?

Everyone present saw the dazzling performance of Dantai Ayako.

However, no one knows that this is what Dantai Ayako exchanged for her virgin body. The ancient ship king became the guy who picked her virgin body.

Originally, Dantai Ayako had more long-term plans and plans. These things were given to her by the ancient ship king, so that she could strengthen her position in Yue Huazong. In this way, it will be easier to complete the plan of the Hei Ling organization in the future.

Unfortunately, the ancient ship king was a short-lived ghost, actually died in Ling Xiao's hands, and the plan was forcibly interrupted.

These things can only be used to save lives.

"Dantai, your performance is surprising. Even if you look at 100,000 years, your performance is definitely the best! You should be proud!"

Chang Yueying already smiled a little.

In 100,000 years, although no one has ever entered the fourth hurdle, due to various factors, some early warriors will get very rich rewards when they enter the third hurdle and even the second hurdle.

It's just that such rewards have become less and less as time goes on, and getting worse.

After all, even if Yuehua Tianneng is so powerful, she can't change treasures out of thin air. Those things are all collected by her and belong to non-renewable resources.

But even so, Dantai Ayako's performance this time is still very good, especially the items obtained are definitely the best in 100,000 years!

Hearing Chang Yueying, all Yue Huazong people were a little excited.

After all, the better the disciple's performance, the more powerful Yuehuazong will be in the future. If there is a disciple like Dantai Ayako, why can't Yuehuazong revive?

However, the people around him were extremely excited and shocked. Unfortunately, the Yantai Ayako, who was praised by everyone, had great worry in her heart.

Ling Xiao almost became a magic obstacle in her heart.

"Dantai, from now on, you will be Yue Huazong's most outstanding disciple. What you need, Zongmen will help you with all your strength. This is what you deserve after winning the first place in the towering ceremony and achieving record-breaking results! "

Chang Yueying announced this, and no one dared to object.

Even if you oppose, there is no reason, because no one's performance is better than Dantai Ayako.

Although Dantai Ayako had just accepted Dantai Ayako as a disciple, in her opinion, Dantai Ayako's achievements were still to put gold on her face.

"It's a bit too early to teach this, right."

Suddenly, a discordant voice rang.

It was Yang Danlin who spoke.

His trip out of the province immediately attracted everyone's attention. Although many people respected him, he still felt that he said this when everyone was happy. It was too outdated.

So some people are confused.

Some people are a little dissatisfied.

"You don’t need to look at me, don’t forget that there are two people in Yuehua Pagoda. You said that Dantai Ayako broke the record of 100,000 years. I confess to this matter, but you said she was the towering ceremony. First, it is too arbitrary."

Although Yang Danlin can't do it, he still has to fight for Ling Xiao.

Hearing this, the people could not help but realize.

Just because I was so happy, I was so concerned about Dantai Ayako that I forgot that there were two other people in it.

Although these two people are really insignificant at Yue Huazong, they are still disciples of Yue Huazong for the time being.

"Oh, Master Yang, although the length of time will affect the final result, it is not decisive. With the qualifications and strengths like Ling Xiao and Dai Yuling, I want to surpass the achievements of Dantai Ayako. may!"

Mo Yan Tian Zun waved his hand.

"Yes, I mean that too, wife."

Tai Shangzhang taught Chang Yueli to nod.

"Isn't that Leng Hao also entered the fourth hurdle, but what he got is far worse than Dantai Ayako."

Elder Jin also echoed.

Most of the rest of the people think so.

Ling Xiao and Dai Yuling, is it still a question of being alive now, delusional to surpass Dantai Ayako? How is that possible.

You should know that when Tantai Ayako entered the Yuehua Pagoda, he was the superb warrior of the Eighth Peak.

And when Ling Xiao entered, it was the early stage warriors of the sixfold supernatural realm. Dai Yuling was even worse. Only the triple realm of supernatural realm, how could they get more than Dantai Ayako?

"Okay, don't be noisy, the specific situation will be known when they come out."

Chang Yueying's face was not very good. She had almost ignored those two people just now, but Yang Danlin reminded her that she had a bad hunch in her heart.

Dai Yuling will not mention it first.

But this Xiao Xiao can always do unexpected things. When dealing with the plague devil, who could think that he was the one with the most sect points?

Thinking of this, she looked at Dantai Ayako and asked, "Dantai, have you seen Ling Xiao and Dai Yuling inside, are they still alive?"

When she asked this question, many people felt nervous.

Elder Jin, Taishang Jiao Chang Yueli, Mo Yan Tian Zun and others all looked somber.

They have always believed that if they were not Ling Xiao, their people, their disciples would get better results.

Reminiscent of some weird things that happened at Yuehua Pagoda before, they also felt that things might not be so simple.

This time the towering ceremony, although the disciples who were eliminated in the front were quick, but at the back, so many people have entered the third hurdle, which has never been seen before.

What surprised them even more was that five people actually entered the fourth hurdle.

You know, since 100,000 years, the fourth pass has been blocked, and no one even found the entrance to the fourth pass.

These things are too weird.

They don't expect much from Ayako Dantai, but telling them a little will make them more aware of it.

"Senior Master Qi Yun and the elders, the reason why the disciples will be out is actually because of Ling Xiao and Dai Yuling!"

Dantai Ayako thought of this and felt depressed.

She originally tried to use the power of the Black Spirit Organization to kill Ling Xiao and Dai Yuling.

It's a real kill!

But she didn't expect what treasure that Ling Xiao actually got, the strength became so powerful, the king of the ancient ship was killed by one move~www.ltnovel.com~ caused her to choose to commit suicide to escape.

When everyone heard Ayako Dantai, they looked at each other and were shocked.

Actually it is Ling Xiao again!

This time Dai Yuling also blended in.

Could it be said that Bai Feifei and others were right?

This Ling Xiao colluded with Dai Yuling, Leng Hao, Shang Guan Lei, and then slaughtered the rest of the same class, making them eliminated.

"Oh? This is quite unexpected. It was actually the humble outside disciple."

Among the crowd, Ren Xingtian, the head of the core disciple, sneered.

This result is beyond his expectations.

He was originally the most disciple of the inner disciples, and the most optimistic people who could compete with him were actually Mingtian and Dantai Ayako!

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