Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 9326: Kill the blood drops!

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Blood drops are very confident.

Because of his current position, he still suppressed Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao did not cause any harm to him, all the attacks were just resisting.

"I don't know what you are screaming at, just play with you, do you really think you can be arrogant in front of me?"

Ling Xiao showed a smirk: "Sound of Destroying Soul!"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded.

The next moment, the blood drop was stunned.

All attacks came to an abrupt end.

The blood demon also collapsed.

The circular blade fell directly on the ground.

Because his soul has been hit hard.

Can't control the body, can't control the attack.

Ling Xiao suddenly rushed over.

The spear in his hand pierced the blood drop's throat.

Then, the palm of the North Ming **** unfolded.

Blood drops screamed in horror: "Spare me, spare me, I don't want to die!"

He thought of the previous **** in vain, that's how he died.

He is unwilling, unwilling.

The pain of watching myself being drained of blood was really terrifying.

He can't bear it.

I don't want to bear it either.

He is a genius of the blood knife door, he still has a great future and a bright future.

He is talented, and it is not a problem to break through the realm of the emperor.

But now, he was about to die.

How can this be done?

He regretted it.

Regret to challenge Ling Xiao!

But it was too late at this time.

The people around were shocked, with fear and fear in their eyes.

That's a drop of blood.

It was simply a nightmare under the thirteen top forces and the eight-fold quasi-emperor.

No one wants to fight against the blood drops.

Even Ren Kuang, Shen Man and others are not willing.

The blood drops are too scary.

too cruel.

His blood knife combined with blood demon magic is too torturous.

Fighting him was really a nightmare.

But now, it was such a drop of blood that actually began to beg for mercy.

Forced by Ling Xiao to the point where he could only beg for mercy.

It's so miserable

That's horrible.

"Forgive me? You and the people of the Blood Sword Sect robbed me of my things, but you put this account on our Heavenly King Sect.

It is killing my disciples of the Heavenly King Sect.

Have you ever felt compassion for a long time?

If you don't kill them, I don't have to kill you.

But you did not.

So you must die! "

In Ling Xiao's eyes, there was a terrifying killing intent.

How could he put these offal.

These miscellaneous pieces have caused much loss to their Heavenly King Sect.

Deserve it!

The palm of the North Ming **** was still swallowing.

The blood drop's body is gradually drying up.

"Ah, ah, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Blooddrop had never dreamed that fighting Ling Xiao would be the result. He thought he would be able to escape even if he couldn't win.

But now, let alone hurt Ling Xiao.

He really lost his life.

"Young man, it's almost done, stay a line as a human being, and see you in the future!"

An old voice came from the tallest pavilion.

Although Ling Xiao couldn't tell who it was.

But don't ask, it must be the elder of the blood knife door.

"Senior's words are funny. Just now, when my disciple of the Heavenly King Sect was tortured, why didn't you say anything? If you say something, you won't have the current result!"

Ling Xiao looked in that direction and said, "What you said is correct. Be a human being, but you are not like that in the blood knife door. Therefore, you must also pay the price!"

"Young man, you have to think about it clearly. The identity of the blood drops is extraordinary. If you walk on the rivers and lakes in the future, you are not afraid of accidents?"

The voice of the elder of the blood knife door was extremely cold.

"Hehe, old man, call you senior, since you are shameless, then I don't have to show you anymore!"

Ling Xiao sneered and said: "Yes, I will walk on the rivers and lakes in the future and tell you the people of the blood knife door, it is best not to meet me Ling Xiao, otherwise.

They will be miserable.

kill! "

Instantly increased the swallowing of Bei Ming's palm.

The blood drop uttered an astonishing scream.

Then it turned into a corpse.

It was also burned by Ling Xiao with flames.

There is no bones left.

This response is strong enough.

Stronger than any words.


In the pavilion, the emperor of the blood knife gate burst out with an astonishing killing intent, pervading it.

But he just scared Ling Xiao.

On this occasion, he dared not make a move.

Because this is the rule.

The rules set by thirteen top forces.

Whoever dares to destroy will become the target of public criticism.

Blood drops are killed!

Everyone felt as if something was stuffed in their throats, and they couldn't speak for a while.

God died in vain.

Now it's blood drops again.

This Ling Xiao had already killed two top geniuses.

His strength is too terrifying.

It is even considered to be the top existence among this group of people.

At this moment, no one doubted him anymore.

In the past, at the tea party, it was almost impossible for the Seventh Peak Zhundi to die.

Even if you lose, you can escape.

But this time, it is obviously different.

Because the three sects teamed up to deal with the result of the Heavenly King Sect.

This makes this tea party much more tragic than ever.

Ling Xiao received the storage ring of blood drops.

Then he turned around and returned to the tea table to recuperate and rest.

Next, there are still many battles to be fought.

Now that he has come, he intends to take first place.

Otherwise, how can I be worthy of those dead Heavenly King Sect warriors.

How to be worthy of the person who cleared the obstacles for him like picking stars.

After the blood knife gate, the battle continued.

Compared with the battle between Ling Xiao and the blood drops, the battles of the other sects can barely be regarded as a comparison.

There is no enmity of life and death, so I don't really do like Ling Xiao~www.readwn.com~ After all, everyone doesn't want to hurt his harmony.

This round soon ends.

A new round starts again.

Ling Tianzong dispatched a six-tiered pinnacle quasi emperor to deal with Thunder Fire.

Thunder Fire has been seriously injured, so naturally he is not his opponent.

However, it is impossible for this person to kill him.

After Thunder Fire was eliminated, there were only three people left in the Heavenly King Sect.

After Ling Tianzong, there is the Sky Demon Sect.

Ren Kuang jumped in depth and entered the ring.

He is the leader of the Sky Demon Sect.

The moment he entered the ring, his eyes were fixed on Lei Bing.

Thunder Fire has been eliminated.

Then the injured Lei Bing became his target.

His goal is to kill, so Ming Qin and Ling Xiao are not good options.

"You come out!"

Ren Kuang pointed at Lei Bing and said coldly.

Lei Bing took a deep breath: "If you think I will be easily defeated by you, then you think too much."

She stepped onto the ring.

In this battle, even if she died, she would hurt Ren Kuang.

Clear the trouble for Ling Xiao and Ming Qin.

"Senior Sister, it doesn't have to be this way, saving your life is the key, I can!"

Ling Xiao said loudly.

Lei Bing smiled and said, "I won't die."

She knew how easy it was for Ren Kuang to kill her.

As an ice demon.

Her strongest is defense and control.

On the contrary, the attack power is not so powerful.

Maybe she can't beat Ren Kuang.

But the other party didn't want to kill her either.

"I know you are good at defense and control, but I am ready to restrain you.

Today, if you don't have a chance, you will definitely die! "

Ren Kuang sneered.

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