Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9571: The secret of alien fire

"Batian Wuhun (


This time, the saints of the four major forces including Qingluan Palace, Dark Wolf Race, Five Elements Gate, and Fengming Mountain joined forces at the same time.

However, the momentum is huge, and the final result is still the same.

The four saints were all injured.

Had to sit down to heal.

"Well, let's join hands!

Four people can't do it, then everyone will go together, and the strange fire will always be blown away! "

The saint of Tianhe Temple spoke.

He stepped on Tianhe, mighty.

It makes people very jealous.

"Well, join hands!"

The saint of Thunder Temple also nodded.

Subsequently, Baihua Temple also agreed.

Next, more than 70 saints exploded at the same time.

Between heaven and earth, as if the end is coming.

This is really horrible.

Everyone below saw this scene, they were all scared to death.

More than seventy saints joined forces, which is hard to imagine.

With the moment of attack.

The different fire suddenly became extremely fierce.

As if mad, he pounced on these saints.

Even the saint was burnt to scream.

It failed!

All failed!

Ling Xiao sighed.

I guessed it right.

Even a saint can't split this strange fire.

After all, this Alien Fire Sect was once the overlord of Canglan Sanctuary.

Have thousands of saints.

That strange fire has a universe inside, but it can't be broken by ordinary people.


It seems that this strange fire cannot be broken at all.

If we attack by force, I am afraid that all of us will die! "

Everyone exclaimed.

Only now I discovered that there must be a problem with this abnormal fire.

"What can I do then?"

Someone asked.

"According to my opinion, this different fire contains a powerful Saint Rune formation.

It is similar to the Saint Rune formation of my Tian Yanzong.

The saint cannot enter.

On the contrary, those martial artists who are the saints may be able to enter. "

It was the saint of Tian Yanzong who was talking.


Someone asked.

"Is it true? Let the warriors below the saint try to know."

The sage of Tian Yanzong smiled and said, "But my judgment should not be wrong."

Ever since, everyone began to try.

Half-Holy went there and was directly blasted out.

However, although he resisted, he was not bombarded.

It's just an injury.

When the Emperor of Heaven went, he was still blasted out.

But there was no injury.

Finally came to a conclusion.

People under the age of Lingdi and under fifty can enter as long as these two conditions are met.

Therefore, people are even more convinced that the Alien Fire Sect is looking for descendants.

How else would you ask for it.

Seeing this scene, everyone was happy.

So dispatched the Tianjiao of their respective sects.

The warriors of the spiritual emperor and the human emperor have entered the different fire sect.

Under the emperor, he couldn't hold it.

Can't get in above the spirit emperor.

Must be human emperor and spirit emperor cultivation base.

Not more than fifty years old.

This is obviously determined after a very strict selection.

Maybe, there are still people alive in the Different Fire Sect.

Ling Xiao naturally also mixed into the crowd.

It's not just big sects that have Tianjiao.

There are also small sects.

There are even some casual repairs.

Ling Xiao was naturally qualified to go in.

The saints of the Phoenix tribe, Wanbao Divine Sect, the Dark Wolf tribe, and the Five Elements Gate Yiqing Luan Palace gathered together.

All the Tianjiao from their respective sects were found.

"You remember, after you enter, if you have a chance, you will destroy the Tianjiao of Fengming Mountain, Tianhe Temple, Thunder Temple, and Hundred Flowers Temple.

Especially those Bai Fengfeng, Zhu Tianpeng and Lei Zhenzi have a very good relationship with Ling Xiao.

Must be killed. "


Everyone smiled.

Can't find Ling Xiao, so I can only use these forces to exhale.

Of course, the first target to kill was a few people who had a good relationship with Ling Xiao.

Standing in the crowd, Qing Ming's expression was a bit ugly.

She is the most contradictory now.

She is a disciple of Qingluan Palace.

He has a very good relationship with Ling Xiao and Bai Fengfeng.

She couldn't make him shoot those two people.

He sighed helplessly, and could only take one step at a time.


Several saints waved.

The Tianjiao of the five major forces has entered the different fires one after another.

The others also followed up.

Ling Xiao was in the crowd.

Originally, I was worried that Moon Shadow could not enter.

However, it seemed that Tyrant Wuhun still existed in a unique position.

Everything in the world of mountains and rivers can be brought in at will.

There is no rejection at all from the different fires.

He went in easily.

But many people couldn't stand it and ran out again.

The width of that different fire is thousands of meters wide.

Many people can't hold it up to 500 meters.

Going in again, you can only find death.

So I can only quit.

It seems that the strength is not enough.

However, many people passed through the alien fire and entered the alien fire sect.

All want to get the inheritance of the different fire sect.

Regardless of the different fire sutras or the alchemy.

It's all exciting.

In a corner where no one noticed.

A figure stopped.

He started to devour the alien fire crazily.

If Ling Xiao were here, he would definitely find that this was his good brother Jin Yan.

The golden flame is the existence that devours the devil's fetus and the golden crow fusion.

Swallowing abnormal fire can make him grow stronger.

Compared with Dan Jing and different fire classics.

He is obviously more interested in these.

It's a pity that because there were too many people, Ling Xiao didn't notice Jin Yan either.

After passing through the fire, you can see the huge building, which covers an extremely wide area.

I am afraid that the former Heavenly King Sect is not as big as that. UU reading www.udkahnshu.com

So many people have dispersed.

Start to walk towards the center of the building.

Of course they are searching along the way, but what is certain is that good things are definitely in the deepest place.

Everyone can feel it.

"Go find Bai Fengfeng."

Ling Xiao thought for a while.

Bai Fengfeng offended the five major forces for him. Under such an environment, he would definitely be calculated.

Although he didn't know the conspiracy of those people.

But you can also guess.

Thinking of this, he secretly contacted Bai Fengfeng, and after confirming the location, he flew over.


On the way, Ling Xiao found the warriors of the Phoenix tribe and Wanbao Shenzong.

These guys are sneaky and don't know any conspiracy.

Actually, he ran towards the place where Bai Fengfeng was.

He quietly followed behind.

People from the Dark Wolf Race, the Five Elements Gate, and the Qingluan Palace were also found gathering with these guys.

But I didn't see Qing Ming.

He didn't have any hatred for Qing Ming.

Qing Ming and Bai Fengfeng are good friends.

The enmity between the sects will not affect this.

Soon, he discovered that this group of people was lying in ambush on Bai Fengfeng's only way.

Ling Xiao secretly notified Bai Fengfeng and asked him to call Zhu Tianpeng and Lei Zhenzi together.

Now that these conspiracies have been discovered.

Then just come to the plan and do the trick.

Not long.

Bai Fengfeng, Zhu Tianpeng, and Lei Zhenzi appeared.

There are the remaining Tianjiao of the three major sects.

"Get out!"

Bai Fengfeng stopped and did not enter the opponent's encirclement.

"What's the matter? She seems to know we are in ambush here?"

Someone wondered.

They think that the ambush is seamless, so they are surprised.

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