Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9576: longevity

"Batian Martial Soul (

"That's right, the recent rise of the Son of God of the Sun and Moon Cult, we should have been united.

What are the five of you doing?

The grievances between you and Ling Xiao cannot be the trigger for the chaos in Canglan Sanctuary. "

There are still many sects who like peace.

And there are many sects here, all of whom were rescued by Ling Xiao in the ancient battlefield.

It's indebted.

When it's time to speak, say something.

The faces of the five major strengths including the Phoenix Clan gradually became ugly.

The truth is that truth.

If the saint intervenes in the battle of the juniors, the final result may be that all the juniors on both sides are killed.

In the end, only these saints remained.

What's the point of that?

And the most important thing is that even if they are so crazy, they may not be able to kill Ling Xiao.

That kid Ling Xiao is too cunning.

During this month, they actually stayed in the Canglan Sanctuary, under their noses.

They didn't even find out.

"Father, the fifth brother was killed by Ling Xiao, it has nothing to do with the rest, Ling Xiao did everything.

We want revenge, and we have to find the right person! "

Huang Si suddenly said.

This guy is also alert.

According to the current rhythm, killing Bai Fengfeng and Zhu Tianpeng is impossible.

Therefore, it is better to simply throw all the charges on Ling Xiao's head.

"Yes, kill Ling Xiao!"

"Ling Xiao must be killed!"

The eyes of the five saints revealed a fierce light.

Not only because Ling Xiao killed many of them.

More because, the inheritance of this Different Fire Sect was actually taken away by Ling Xiao.

They can't stand it.

"Ling Xiao must die.

But now that he has entered the inner hall of the Different Fire Sect, we have no choice but to wait here.

As soon as he comes out, he will kill you! "

The Phoenix Saint said coldly.


The saints and powerhouses of the five major forces spoke up one after another.

completely surround it.

Not going to give Ling Xiao any chance.

To completely kill Ling Xiao.


Of course Ling Xiao wouldn't know what happened outside.

He looked at a person at this time.

who came in with him.

"Stinky boy, how could it be you!"

Ling Xiao was very excited.

Because it was Jin Yan who entered with him.

his good brother.


Jin Yan was also very excited.

"It's good to escape, it's good to escape!"

Ling Xiao said with emotion: "Have you joined the sect of Canglan Sanctuary now?"

"Well, I joined the Fire Temple.

But they don't pay much attention to me.

So everything is up to me. "

Jin Yan nodded.

Today's Jin Yan is actually a Dacheng-level Spirit Emperor.

The cultivation base is much higher than Ling Xiao.

Obviously, just swallowing those strange fires brought Jin Yan great benefits.

"We'll talk later, let's see what's in here first."

Ling Xiao laughed.


The two looked around.

This is a great hall.

Very open.

There is almost nothing around.

There is only the central position, with two light clusters suspended.

One has seven-colored flames wrapped inside.

One contains an elixir.

"This should be the Dan Jing and the Different Fire Jing."

Ling Xiao turned on the god-level identification technique, glanced at it, and said, "Go and get the Different Fire Sutra, I'll take the Pill Sutra."


Jin Yan nodded.

The two jumped up at the same time.

Take the ball of light.

The next moment, the ball of light instantly merged into the bodies of the two of them.

Ling Xiao suddenly had a lot of memories in his mind.

It is the memory of the elixir of the Different Fire Sect.

What Jin Yan got was the memory of the Different Fire Scripture.

Jin Yan is a person who plays with fire.

With the different fire scriptures, for him, it is simply more powerful.

Ling Xiao would have been alchemy.

Obtaining this elixir also allowed him to learn many strange elixir refining methods.

Also a very useful addition.

Although he owns Yuan Zun's Primordial Divine Pill Sutra, it belongs to Xianting Continent.

Many medicinal herbs cannot be refined in Qilin Continent at all.

Even the names of the materials are not the same.

Not as good as this sutra.

More accurate and more suitable for him.

In the process of cultivation, how important medicinal pills are, as long as they are martial artists, they should know.

With this elixir in hand, Ling Xiao's cultivation should be easier in the future.

Among them, there are also medicinal pills that improve the bloodline real body and the law level.


Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them.

Ling Xiao and Jin Yan were both startled and prepared to fight.

"Don't panic."

The figure smiled.

Looks very old.

Breath is very weak.

But should still be alive.

people, not souls.

"My subordinates meet the two young masters!"

The old man suddenly bowed and said.

"Little Lord?"

Ling Xiao and Jin Yan were stunned for a moment.

"Is the old senior from this Different Fire Sect?"

Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"Yes, the old man is the guardian of the Different Fire Sect.

When the Different Fire Sect left, there were two suzerains.

One controls the strange fire, and the other controls the Dan Jing.

After waiting for tens of thousands of years, it is finally time to wait for this day.

The subordinates should also retire. "

The old man looked very relieved.

"So, we have become the heirs of the Different Fire Sect?

But why?

Why the two of us? "

Ling Xiao asked.

"Everything is a chance, the moment the two of you enter the Different Fire Sect.

The opportunity has come.

The Different Fire Sect chooses the successor of the suzerain.

One is to control the flames, the other is to understand the technique of alchemy~www.readwn.com~ and the two of them successfully entered this place.

Obviously, the ancestors of the Different Fire Sect chose the two.

Some things don't have to have a reason.

Can only say, the opportunity met.

Plus you meet certain conditions. "

The old man smiled and said: "My Different Fire Sect was originally a sect of the Immortal Realm, no less than Heavenly Court.

It's a pity that he was attacked by the Strange Immortals later.

Most people fell.

After fleeing to this Ancestral Dragon Realm, he still hasn't been let go.

Can only hide and wait for the successor. "

"Different Fire Sect, it's actually a sect of the Immortal Realm!"

Ling Xiao said in surprise: "Then, as the young emperor of Heavenly Court, am I still qualified to be the young master of the Different Fire Sect?"

"Of course, the ancestors chose you, so there is a reason for choosing you, don't think too much."

The old man said.

"Is there no one else in the Different Fire Sect?"

Ling Xiao asked again.


The old man said: "There are also some people from the Different Fire Sect who are fighting in the Immortal Realm.

They will not give in.

They will wait for the young master to go to the immortal world and lead them to overthrow the rule of the strange immortals.

The old man has completed the inheritance of the different fire sect, and it is time to go to the fairyland to find my comrades in arms.

Even if they die, they must die with them.

The old man's lifespan will be exhausted! "

"Shouyuan will be exhausted? Didn't you say that the lifespan of a saint is endless?"

Jin Yan couldn't help but ask.

They can all feel that the old man in front of them is definitely a saint.

And it is not an ordinary saint, it may be a saint-level existence.

"Shouyuan is endless, that's just a relative statement."

The old man smiled and said, "The amount is the young master, I'm afraid you don't know, in the realm of saints, every ten thousand years, there is another catastrophe.

We call it longevity. "

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