Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9692: Eyeless ants!

Chapter 9658 The ants without long eyes!

"Heh, the kid is quite arrogant.

I want to see if we can offend you! "

Several guards couldn't help but take action.

Ling Xiao naturally wouldn't get used to them.

It was just a slap in the face.

Several guards were all beaten to the ground.

That is to say, he didn't want to care too much with these ants, so Ling Xiao didn't make a ruthless attack.

It's just a lesson.

"What's the matter?"

At this moment, a group of people came out.

The leader is a young warrior.

It is much more powerful than these guards.

Has reached the quasi-emperor cultivation base.

But it's only a sixth-level quasi-emperor.

In front of Ling Xiao, it was still not worth mentioning.

However, the strength of the few people beside this young man was quite good.

Some people have reached the cultivation level of the Half-step Great Emperor.

There is another person whose cultivation has actually reached the entrance to the Human Emperor.

"what happened?"

The young man glanced at Ling Xiao indifferently.

When looking at Yaoxiang, greed was evident in his eyes.

"Reporting to Young Master Xiao, this person broke into our Holy Spear Sect and made a bad plan.

I'll stop him.

He actually resisted and hurt us. "

Several guards complained to the youth.

The status of youth does not seem to be low.

He glanced at Ling Xiao indifferently and said, "If you have a little strength, you dare to come to the Holy Spear Sect to be wild.

Really don't know how to live or die.

I suspect he is a spy sent by another sect.

Come on, put this man to death immediately.

The girl was caught alive! "

The young man ignored Ling Xiao, but stared at Yaoxiang.

Yao Xiang has just turned twenty.

Already have the charm of a grown woman.

But there is no lack of the youthful radiance of a girl.

It is not surprising that young people like it.


A quasi-emperor behind him walked towards Ling Xiao with an indifferent face.

The youth's orders are to be carried out immediately.


Ling Xiao frowned, the guards were just ignorant.

Why is this young man so ignorant looking at his status?

"Boy, what else do you have to say?"

The Emperor Zhun looked at Ling Xiao and asked coldly.

Ling Xiao sighed and said, "We came to the Holy Spear Sect just to find out some news.

The guards shot for no reason.

I was just out of self-defense.

Well, you take me to see the Sect Master of the Holy Spear Sect.

I left after asking. "

"Hehe, admit it yourself, inquire about the news, right?

Looking at the entire Xiangtian League, everyone knew that the Holy Lance Sect could not be easily approached.

How dare you come here to find out the news.

Also see the Sect Master of the Holy Gun Sect.

Isn't it funny. "

The Emperor sneered disdainfully.

"What nonsense, just kill it and it's over."

Xiao Gongzi couldn't help shouting.

Looking at Yaoxiang, he couldn't control it.

The bodyguards behind him also looked aloof.

It seemed that he didn't care whether Ling Xiao was wronged at all.

Anyway, Young Master Xiao wants you to die, so you have to die.

It's like examining a humble ant.


That Emperor Zhun hurriedly closed his mouth, looked at Ling Xiao, and suddenly shot.

"Kid, die for me!"

He shot instantly.

A palm slammed into Ling Xiao's heart.

To kill Ling Xiao with one blow.

Ling Xiao showed a contemptuous sneer.

The mere Zhundi wants to kill him too?

It's ridiculous.

Even if he doesn't move, the opponent can't break his defense.

However, he will not be used to these people.

In the face of the strong, he has never been afraid.

Not to mention these ants.

He stretched out his hand.

Another slap.

Shot the Emperor Zhun flying out.

"You! You dare to hit me?"

The Emperor fell to the ground.

But the injury was not serious.

Because Ling Xiao has really shown mercy.

It took less than a cent of effort.

But this quasi emperor does not know the depth.

Get up from the ground.

Unleash a terrifying aura.

Seventh quasi emperor.

The cultivation base is not too weak.

It's a pity that in front of Ling Xiao, it is still not worth mentioning.

It's no different from ordinary people.


Once again, the seventh-level Zhundi was swept away.

A face suddenly swelled up.

At this moment, Young Master Xiao couldn't help being stunned.

Everyone who had just dismissed Ling Xiao was stunned.

With the cultivation of the seventh-level quasi-emperor, he would be slapped so easily.

It's not weak.

"Little bastard, I'll let you die!"

The seventh-level Quasi-Emperor was extremely furious.

He was slapped twice in a row.

Angry to the extreme.

This is humiliating in front of Young Master Xiao.

It was so depressing.

He drew his weapon.

Roaring at Ling Xiao.

However, Ling Xiao's eyes frightened him.

He stood there.

It was as if he saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

As if seeing a terrifying ancient dragon.

He was so frightened that he dropped the weapon in his hand and knelt on the ground.

so horrible.

It was so terrifying.

"Haha, it's interesting!"

Xiao Gongzi smiled.

"To be able to make the seventh-level quasi emperor so embarrassed.

Your strength is good.

Now, I'll give you a chance to kneel down and explain your situation.

I might be able to spare you.

And will give you a very good livelihood. "

Obviously, Young Master Xiao wanted to win over Ling Xiao.

To be able to defeat the seventh-level quasi-emperor so easily, the cultivation base must be stronger.

However, he still maintained a high-spirited tone.

It was as if it was a supreme honor to have Ling Xiao be his slave.

Ling Xiao frowned, the people here are so unreasonable.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in being someone else's slave, since the Holy Lance Sect doesn't welcome me.

I will go elsewhere.

Farewell! "

This is Ling Xiao.

With some more ruthless people, I am afraid that Xiao Gongzi in front of him has become a corpse.


"Simply arrogant!"

"Being so presumptuous in front of Young Master Xiao.

Really looking for death! "

"Young Master Xiao asks you to kneel down, you kneel down!"

The strong men behind Xiao Gongzi were angry.

Never seen such an arrogant guy.

How dare you be so invincible in front of Young Master Xiao.

"You may not know, you are courting death!

You have no idea what beings you are talking to! "

Ling Xiao's eyes showed a cold look.

He was considering whether to trample these ants to death.

He is not a good person after all.

Young Master Xiao saw Ling Xiao's performance.

Angry to the extreme.

"Do it, you don't have to kill it, let me abolish this guy first.

To be so disrespectful to me is really courting death! "

Xiao Gongzi gave an order ruthlessly.


As soon as his order came out, the masters beside him rushed out one after another.

Surrounded Ling Xiao~www.readwn.com~ a half-step emperor.

The rest are the Nine Emperors.

"Little bastard, I advise you to kneel down and admit your mistake immediately.

Then self-destruct.

Save us our hands.

In this way, a dog's life may be saved. "

The seventh-level Zhundi, who had been slapped twice by Ling Xiao just now, was clamoring again.

Ling Xiao glanced at the seventh-level quasi emperor indifferently: "As a constant ant, you really don't even know the most basic rules!

Yaoxiang, have you ever killed someone? "


Yao Xiang shook his head.

Where did she kill anyone?

(End of this chapter)

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