Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9733: giant sculpture in the universe

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At this time, Chu Zhongtian was simply an extraordinary life form.

Completely different from ordinary people.

Up a terrifying level.

Ling Xiao desperately resisted again.

This time is worse than the last.

He vomited blood, and there were scars all over his body.

"do not come!"

Seeing that Jin Yan and Xue Xue wanted to come over.

Ling Xiao shook his head.

His face was not determined.

Not grief.

but excited.

"Hand over the holy spear, you are not my opponent!

Hand it over, at least you can save those friends of yours.

Otherwise, I'll let them all go with you! "

Holding a long spear, Chu Zhongtian was condescending, looking at Ling Xiao indifferently, standing high above.

As if to win.

The crowd shook their heads.

I think this fight should end here.

They have played more than 600 rounds.

Ling Xiao should have reached his limit.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Chu Zhongtian, I must thank you! "

Ling Xiao stood up, like a blood-soaked **** of war.

His whole body suddenly burst out with amazing breath.

Straight to the bullfight.

Break the sky.

Shattered the clouds in the sky.


"He actually broke through at this time!"

"This guy!"

Everyone present was stunned.


"The president has broken through the semi-holy!"

Bai Fengfeng and the others were extremely excited.

The combat power of the Heavenly Emperor Realm is so terrifying.

Once Ling Xiao breaks through the semi-holy.

The combat power is unimaginable.

Chu Zhongtian frowned: "Hmph, how about a breakthrough.

After all, it's only a half-sacred one! "

Although it says so.

But Chu Zhongtian's face was not good-looking.

Obviously, Ling Xiao has become stronger.

That kind of power even made him fear.

"Chu Zhongtian, come on, let you see the power that truly belongs to the semi-sacred!"

Ling Xiao's mouth curled into a smile.

The Light of Life quickly repairs damaged bodies.

Ling Xiao, who was holding a spear, became extremely powerful.


Chu Zhongtian didn't want to wait.

He didn't want to see Ling Xiao recover, otherwise, he really didn't have the confidence to win.

However, Ling Xiao was faster than him.


The two long guns collided again.

There was a shocking sound that was more terrifying than ever before.


After the huge roar, Chu Zhongtian was actually repelled!

For a long time, Ling Xiao hadn't accounted for anything.

But at this moment, Ling Xiao gained an advantage and completely suppressed Chu Zhongtian.


Chu Zhongtian smashed to the ground.

There was a strong inconceivable in his eyes.

"Come again!"

Ling Xiao didn't give Chu Zhongtian a chance to breathe, and a time-space transfer instantly came to the sky above Chu Zhongtian.

And then stepped down.

"Go away!"

Chu Zhongtian was furious.

At the same time, a shot was fired.

He is Chu Zhongtian, the first arrogant in the blessed land of life.

The strongest genius.

He definitely can't lose to a chopper.

But now, he was suppressed.

It's so humiliating.

Just so humiliating.

"Hehe, let me down!"

Ling Xiao sneered, and a scroll of soil appeared on his right foot.

turned into a mountain.

Shengsheng stepped on Chu Zhongtian.


Chu Zhongtian spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was much more embarrassed than Ling Xiao before.

Ling Xiao didn't stop.

The attack hits again.

Chu Zhongtian resisted with all his strength.

But almost every time it was suppressed.

He vomited blood every time.

Chu Zhongtian is not only bleeding from his body, but also bleeding from his heart.

It's just too nasty!

He was actually suppressed by Ling Xiao like this.

He would be so embarrassed.

Simply unacceptable.


Seeing this scene, Xueling, Tianxia Liang and the others were almost dumbfounded.

How could Ling Xiao be so powerful that even Chu Zhongtian was not his opponent?

This is too incredible.

"No, we have to blame this guy for Xu Canglong's death, and then let the Great Sage of the Beiliang family kill this guy!"

The world is roaring in the cold heart.

If Ling Xiao is not dead.

He will die in the future.

He targets Ling Xiao everywhere, and is most afraid of Ling Xiao's revenge.

In fact, this guy thinks too highly of himself.

Ling Xiao didn't take him seriously at all.

As long as he no longer targets Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao doesn't even bother to pay attention to him.

Others were equally shocked.

It's just that the cultivation base has broken through to the first layer of semi-holy.

It completely suppressed Chu Zhongtian.

This is too scary.

Chu Zhongtian, known as the undefeated peer.

Today was actually defeated by Ling Xiao.

It's not that he was defeated by the older generation of powerhouses!

Not lost to a siege by a group of people!

But in a one-on-one battle, he lost to Ling Xiao, who was younger than himself and had a lower cultivation base than himself!

What a first day pride!

What an invincible myth!

All became a joke.

A new myth is born.

If this matter spreads out, I am afraid that the whole blessed land of life will be shaken.

This is simply amazing.

The half-sages of the Chu family were dumbfounded.

Three views collapsed!

Can't believe it!

How in the world could such a thing happen.

Chu Zhongtian, the holy son of the Chu family.

The first day of the blessed land of life is proud.

He shouldn't be defeated.


The key is to lose to a person whose cultivation base is lower than him.

The pride of the Chu family is gone.

Jin Yan, Xue Xue and the others laughed.

This is Ling Xiao.

It's his boss!

It's his master!

It's their president!

Ling Xiao defeated Chu Zhongtian, this battle should also usher in the final ending.


Chu Zhongtian couldn't take it anymore.

He turned around and flew directly towards the huge Dinghai God Needle.

At this time, only by escaping into the Continent of Zero can there be any hope of survival.

He could see it.

Ling Xiao really wanted to kill him.

Although I was very aggrieved in my heart, I could only escape.

"Open, the door is open!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Dinghaishenzhen began to change.

From a huge pillar to the sky, it turned into a door.

A gate that stands in the endless sea.

The door opened slowly.

The entire endless sea seemed to be shaking.

"Come in!"

Seeing that Chu Zhongtian flew directly into the gate~www.readwn.com~ the rest of the people also rushed to fly in.

Ling Xiao is no exception.

"All in!"

The Continent of Zero, where the Holy Venerable lives.

Don't know what's good.

Although Ling Xiao has gained a lot of benefits since he entered the tree world.

But the continent of zero was still attractive to him.

behind the gate.

Ling Xiao was stunned!

It's not like land here.

It's more like an empty universe.

It's like dominating the universe.

However, there are no stars, sun and moon here.

Some are just a huge sculpture that stretches across the universe.

too big.

In this world, there is a greatness beyond everything.

In front of this sculpture, everyone is as small as an ant.

Than, even smaller than the ants.

The sculpture's eyes are closed.

Appearance is also the appearance of thirty or forty years old.

Lifelike appearance, very like a person.

That's right, it was the phantom I saw on the mountain outside.

That holy phantom.

Moreover, there are some similarities with Chu Zhongtian.

Could it be that the Chu family is really the descendant of the Holy Venerable?

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