Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9737: Fairyland Passage

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And behind this person, there are also a few little saints and a few true saints.

"It's you!"

Poetry Saint Dufuzi's eyes showed deep anxiety: "You are not dead!"

"Hahaha, how could I die, I am the Demon Heaven Elder of the Sun Moon God Sect!

Is it possible for me to die so easily? "

The man laughed wildly.

The Sun and Moon Divine Sect fell apart at the beginning, ten thousand years ago.

Some people were sealed like the annihilation Martial Saint and the Bloodthirsty Martial Saint.

Some people secretly survived.

For example, this Demon Heaven Elder is like this.

One of the top powerhouses of the Sun Moon God Cult.

I didn't know what strength it was in the past.

But now, what he has is the power of the Great Sage.

Moreover, he has now created a sect by himself called "Magic Heaven Sect".

But in his heart, he is still loyal to the Sun and Moon Divine Sect.

"Devil Sea, you bring someone to help Lord Qisha completely escape the seal.

This old thing, I will deal with it! "

Mo Tian said indifferently.


Demon Sea, the vice-chief of the Demon Heaven Sect.

The little sage has a perfect existence, leading a group of true saints and virtual saints to rush to the infinite sea of ​​trees.

And Mo Tian killed the poet Du Fuzi.

"Sun Moon Divine Religion, as expected, inherited and twelve evil spirits.

But you are human.

You actually want to do something for the Wei Xian clan? "

Shi Sheng asked coldly while fighting against Mo Tian.

"Hehe, what about the human race.

Among the human race, there are also despicable people.

I choose to take refuge with the stupefying immortals.

Why not let them purify the world?

Everyone has their own way of living, right? "

Mo Tian sneered, the attack became more and more powerful.

The strength of this man is really terrifying.

Even the poet Du Fuzi, facing him, is half-hearted.

On the other side, Mohai and others have entered the infinite sea of ​​trees.

Destroy the last remaining altar.

At that moment, a terrifying roar sounded from the sky.

Qisha, completely out of trouble.

I don't know how much the strength can reach tens of thousands of years ago.

But this guy's escape is not good news for the tree world and the ancestor dragon world.


The waves crashed against the shore, and the boulders shattered.

A huge figure rose into the air.

The height of 100 meters is frightening to look at.

"Hahaha, I'm free!

I'm finally free! "

Qisha laughed, no longer simply roaring, but excitedly laughing.

Although the appearance of the strange immortals is a bit strange.

Basically all white hair, long horns on the head.

But there are some differences.

Everyone's horns are different.

Different colors.

different shapes.

The quantities are also different.

Qisha is more like a **** cow standing up.

"Chu Renxiong!

You to seal us.

sacrificed his life.

What's the use.

We are still not dead.

But you are dead.

I will surely make you regret it.

Your descendants, I will kill them one by one.

make you suffer forever! "

Seeing Qisha's terrifying figure shaking, his breath continued to rise.

Poetry Saint Du Fuzi was in a panic.

Let this guy improve to the extreme, but it will be troublesome.

But what can he do.

He is now blocked by Motian, and he cannot attack Qisha at all.

At this time, Qisha's figure gradually became smaller.

Staying true to life will consume too much energy.

Therefore, the Strange Immortals also like to keep the normal size.

That is about two meters.

Qisha turned into a middle-aged man.

The rest of the place is not much different from the human race.

Only the hair is still white.

The eyes are blood red.

On the head is a pair of black horns.

Even if it has been sealed for tens of thousands of years.

His breath was not at all weaker than Motian and Shisheng.

"Hahaha, go to hell!"

Qisha saw Shisheng.

Extremely angry.

A punch hit the poet.

Join forces with Motian to kill the poet here.

Two great saints join forces to deal with a great saint.

And the strength itself is about the same.

How could the poet be able to win?

He was gradually suppressed.

Anxiety appeared on his face.

at the same time.

The sixth continent, in the abyss.

The roar continued.

Several little saints came here.

Looking at the abyss, I was terrified.

"What monster?"

"I seem to remember that this is the legendary twelve evil spirits of the strange immortal clan!"

"Quick! Run!"

The little saints realized that the situation was not good and turned to leave.

But in front of them, a figure appeared.

On its back is a pair of bat wings.

Very weird.

"Black Bat Sect leader!"

All the little saints were terrified.

"Since you see me, then die!"

The Black Bat Sect is a magic sect created by the Black Bat.

Black Bat is also one of the elders of the Sun Moon God Sect.

At the same level as Motian, the strength is also the same.

He made a sudden move.

The terrifying suction directly sucked several little saints over.

Drained the blood.

That's a little saint.

It was easily killed by the black bat.

The black bat fled into the abyss.

After a while, a huge monster with a height of 100 meters came out.

This monster looks like a frog.

The whole body is green, and there is a single horn on the head.

There are six characters on the forehead.

Soon, the monster shrunk in size.

About two meters.

Similar to humans, but with large eyes.

The tongue is also very long.

"Lord Six Demons!"

The black bat respectfully said.

"Go and help others."

They headed towards the Fifth Continent.

In the Fifth Continent, Chu madmen also discovered the mutation here.

He was thinking about what to do.

Suddenly, the black bat and the six evil spirits appeared.

Without saying a word, they joined forces to attack Chu Kuangren.

The Chu madman fought the opponent for dozens of rounds.

In the end, he fled in a hurry.

Don't dare to fight.

The other party's purpose is to save people.

So there is no catching up.

"The descendants of Chu Renxiong are really not very good."

Six Sha was sarcastic.

After rescuing the five evil spirits.

They continued towards the Fourth Continent.

At this time, Qisha had also left the Seventh Continent to rescue the strange immortals after the Eighth Continent.

Mo Tian entangled Shi Sheng and did not give him a chance to leave.

Although in the process, they encountered some resistance.

Such as Qin Pao and other great saints from the outside world.

But it didn't affect their saving lives.

All the twelve evil spirits were released.

"Open the passage and welcome my clan's arrival!"

Shousha gave the order.

The twelve evil spirits withdrew from the battle.

in their respective sealed places.

Unleash terrifying power.

Gathered into one, leading to the void.

Directly tore the tree world.

The tree world began to crumble.

Every land has produced terrible disasters.

Heavenly Empire.

Lin Ruwei watched the changes between heaven and earth in horror.

For the first time, I felt the weakness of manpower.

The world seems to be collapsing.

What should they do.

Faced with this kind of doom~www.readwn.com~ they seem to be helpless.

"Mr Ling, if you are here, you will definitely tell me the answer.

How are you.

Have you left the tree world? "

Lin Jinwei felt a little despair in her heart.

At this time, the only thing I can look forward to is Ling Xiao, who once brought her great hope.

At this time, the Continent of Zero.

The battle continues.

Ling Xiao already had the advantage.

But Chu Zhongtian, who has the body of the saint and the law of life, is simply an immortal body.

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