Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9739: 6 Saint Qi out!

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Ling Xiao understands the actions of the Holy Venerable.

She sacrificed her life to protect the whole blessed land of life.

But his descendants were not respected.

It must be uncomfortable.

But he even thought so.

Even so contradictory.

In the end, however, he chose to fight.

Choose to fight for this world.

Such a person is already great enough, you can't ask him to do more.

boom! boom! ......

War broke out.

The twelve evil spirits joined forces with Motian and Heibat to kill Chu Renxiong.

The roar continued.

It made Chu Renxiong unable to concentrate on dealing with the strange immortals.

"Chu Renxiong, you have suppressed us for tens of thousands of years, and today is the time to ask for interest.

Your body is mine! "

Qisha roared, holding a giant axe, and slashed at Chu Renxiong.

Chu Renxiong waved his holy spear indifferently and stabbed it out.


Qisha was knocked out.

The Holy One is the Holy One.

Even if there is only a wisp of consciousness and flesh left.

His combat power is still terrifying.

However, if it was just a Qisha, it would be simple.

But the other party is the twelve evil spirits.

There are also two terrifying beings.

They joined forces to kill Chu Renxiong.

Chu Renxiong also felt a huge pressure.

Although the twelve evil spirits have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years.

As a result, their strength was reduced and their vitality was greatly damaged.

But still has the combat power of the Great Sage.

Ling Xiao even suspected that they might once have been at the level of Holy Venerable.

These guys are horrible.

Fortunately, Chu Renxiong suppressed them.

Otherwise, perhaps as early as tens of thousands of years ago, this land has been occupied by the Strange Immortal Race.

Chu Renxiong was killed and retreated again and again.

There is no way, he is just a physical body with the remaining consciousness.

There is simply no strength that Saint Venerable used to have.

However, even when he stepped back, he was not injured.

His flesh is very tough.

"Hahaha, I'm out!"

At this time, in that passage, a strange immortal finally came out.

And more than one.

"Occupy the Ancestral Dragon Realm and wash the Ancestral Dragon Realm with blood.

Ha ha ha ha! "

Most of their bodies had left the passage.

An attempt is being made to make the channel bigger.

more spacious.

Because their bodies are too big.

It's not easy to get through too many people at once.

The twelve evil spirits, Motian and Heibat are still besieging Chu Renxiong.

Although Chu Renxiong blocked all their attacks.

But at this time, there is no time to take care of the channel at all.

There was sadness in his eyes.

It seems that there are still some regrets.

"Holy Venerable, you don't have to feel guilty.

You have done a great job.

Now, it's our turn to protect the world! "

Ling Xiao shouted loudly.

Chu Renxiong glanced at Ling Xiao.

It seemed that the confusion in his eyes had disappeared.

Even smiled.


Do your best.

This world, without him, will still be guarded by someone.

Wasn't that what he was back then?

How much he hoped that Ling Xiao would be his heir.


In the tree world, another person flew out.

Poetry saint Du Fuzi, Chu madman, Qin Pao, Beiliang family great sage and so on.

When they saw this scene, they did not dare to neglect.

flew directly over.

Share the pressure for Chu Renxiong.

Seven Great Sages joined.

Greatly relieved the pressure of Chu Renxiong.

Make him more and more brave.


Qisha was shot through his body.

Blood spilled.

The sound of howling sounded.

The rest hurried over to resist.

However, Chu Renxiong seized the opportunity.

One shot pierced Twelve Sha's head.

Twelve Sha let out a terrified scream.

But the power of the holy spear is too great.

He couldn't resist at all.

Qi Sha looked terrified.

He was stabbed in the body.

Otherwise, he's finished.


The body of the twelve evil spirits burst, and all the fleshly bodies fell into the tree world.

But Chu Renxiong was not happy.

Because he knew that these twelve evil spirits were immortal.

At least it won't kill you.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he also tried.

Kill these twelve evil spirits.

But they were all resurrected without exception.

So, this can only make them disappear temporarily.

Later, they could only be suppressed.

To kill the twelve evil spirits, there must be a way.

Unfortunately, Chu Renxiong was not found.


A few minutes later, Eleven Sha was also blasted to pieces.

The same happens.

"Damn, this guy has only one flesh left, and it's so terrifying.

Can't let him go on.

Join forces and keep bombarding his soul.

His spiritual energy is running out. "

Qisha roared, the wound on his body had already healed.

Although the Twelve Sha will not die.

But it also hurts.

Moreover, once killed, it will sleep for at least a year before it is possible to recover.

This is also a hassle.

Also, they know their weaknesses.

Once a weakness is found.

While sleeping, it is possible to die.

Shi Sheng and others also entangled the seven demons.

Crazy fight.

Ling Xiao and the others could only watch from a distance.

it can not be helped.

But it doesn't affect them for the time being.

Because of the distance.

But even so.

They were also frightened.


Suddenly, a branch of the tree world shattered.

That means, a world is destroyed.

A whole world.

In that world, countless creatures also perished in this destruction.

It was so terrifying, it was simply unacceptable.

Ling Xiao's eyes showed anxiety.

But he can't do anything.

With his current cultivation, he could not save those people in Xiangtian Empire at all.

I can only pray that their world will not be destroyed.

A little regret.

If only I knew this would happen.

At the very least, Lin Jinwei should be brought out.

At this time, Chu Renxiong defeated Shisha again.

Shisha's body also fell into the tree world.

But at this time, Chu Renxiong's breath was already weak to the extreme.

After all, it's just the remaining consciousness working hard.

Can't last long.

"It should come, it will come after all.

Leave it to you! "

Chu Renxiong sighed.

I have done my best, and the next thing is left to the younger generation.

A shot swept across, repelling the rest.

He directly inhaled the tree world into his own flesh.

Then the fleshly body disappeared into the vast sky.

Don't know where to go.

Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

In Lin Jinwei's world, there should be nothing wrong.

Now that he has returned to the body of the saint.

That's definitely going to be alright.

Now it's time to worry about your own world.

Twelve Sha, there are still nine!

Plus the Demon Lord and the Black Bat Sect Zhu.

Eleven powerful great saints exist.

However, humans are not weak.

Just now, there are seven great saints.

At this time, another great sage flew over.

There are five great saints from the Holy Court~www.readwn.com~ in total.

At this time, the six great saints of the Holy Court were completely gathered.

"People of the Holy Court, quickly return to the Holy Court, this is not a place to watch the excitement.

If something goes wrong, your life is in danger.

go back! "

The speaker was a refined man.

Book Saint!

He is the person who has the best relationship with the poet.

After speaking, the Scholar joined the battle.

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