Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9741: Return of the Holy One

Remember [] for a second,!

Chapter 9707 The return of the saint

Ling Xiao is very generous.

This time although he needs someone to support.

But it's impossible to stop these people from going home.

"President take care!"

"Everyone take care, you must live!"

Tuoba Jue and others from the barren tribe also returned to the barren tribe.

When the Strange Immortals invade, the Desolate Clan will definitely be affected.

This is inevitable.

They also have to report back.

After returning to Canglan Sanctuary, Bai Fengfeng, Zhu Tianpeng, Lei Zhenzi and others also returned to their sects.

They also need to report the situation to the sect.

At this time, there were more than 100 people who followed Ling Xiao.

Except for Meteor, Dian Dongxing and others in the Black Sand Region.

Then there are some free people.

These people followed Ling Xiao back to the Different Fire Sect.

The old man in the Different Fire Sect has already left.

He had said at the beginning that he would leave, go to the fairyland, and fight side by side with his original comrades.

Naturally it will not stay.

Ling Xiao was a little lost.

But now he can't rely on others.

Everything is up to you.

Different Fire Sect is the place to stay.

"Yueying, what's going on with this strange immortal race?"

Ling Xiao asked.

"What strange immortal race, this is what they call themselves.

We call them the spooky clan! "

Yueying said: "I didn't expect that they invaded the Ancestral Dragon Realm so quickly, what a pity!

But in this matter, you can't help for the time being.

What you can deal with is only the strange immortals under the saints.

Combat power is very limited.

I still recommend that you cultivate as well as possible.

Wait for the strength to increase.

After being promoted to the Holy Land, fight with them again. "

"By the way, Yueying, my apprentice Yaoxiang is seriously injured, is there any way you can save her?"

Ling Xiao did not forget the medicinal fragrance that had been resting in the Dragon Pagoda, the ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Although there is no problem with the appearance of the medicinal fragrance.

But just can't wake up.

This is really worrying.

Yueying just glanced at it, then shook her head and said: "If my cultivation base returns to the original state, I can naturally help you.

But now I don't have the ability!

This girl doll is a very special attack.

Her soul was imprisoned in a certain world.

So the flesh is still alive.

But can't wake up.

If you want to save her, you have to bring her soul back.

Otherwise useless.

But with your strength, I can't do it.

I do have a suggestion.

Doesn't your Ancestral Dragon Realm have a three-eyed organization?

They may have information there.

You might as well ask.

If it really doesn't work, then keep her body.

Wait for me to recover, or your cultivation base reaches the realm of sainthood, and then bring her back from that place. "

"Damn Xu Canglong, he has such an ability?"

Ling Xiao was a little confused.

"It should be some kind of treasure."

Yueying said: "He has the intention to kill you, he must use treasures to confirm that you cannot be resurrected.

This silly girl blocked a blow for you, and it is fortunate that she did not die. "

"Looks like, we can only take one step at a time!"

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, ordered everyone to practice here, and gave many resources.

These more than 100 people are all geniuses.

The talent is extremely high, and it will definitely become the mainstream against the strange clan in the future.

Ling Xiao had high expectations.

In the end, Ling Xiao released the ancestor of the magic spear from the Ancestral Dragon Pagoda.

After quietly saving the ancestor of the gun from the Qin family.

Ling Xiao has always let him stay in the Ancestral Dragon Pagoda to heal.

And he also gave him the Peeping Heaven Stele.

did not expect.

The ancestor of the **** gun who had undergone a death test actually broke through the holy realm.

Although it is only a sage.

But it's a blessing in disguise.

The Emperor Realm has a lifespan of up to 20,000 years.

And the holy realm, even if it is only a virtual saint, has a lifespan of 100,000 years.

"Congratulations to the ancestor!"

Ling Xiao laughed.

"It's thanks to you for this matter, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to break through the holy realm in my life."

The ancestor of the **** gun smiled and said.

Although he is the most talented person in the history of Tianwangzong.

But he has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he has not been able to break through.

Because of the Peeping Heaven Stele that Ling Xiao took.

Because Ling Xiao gave him the medicine pill.

That's what he is today.

"Old Ancestor, these are for you!"

Ling Xiao took out ten of the infinite divine fruit and gave it to the ancestor of the divine spear.

The ancestor of the gun is now his backer.

The stronger the strength, the safer he is.

After that, he distributed the infinite divine fruit to Hua Zuiyu and others.

These are companions who have stood the test of time.

Giving them food is safer.

For the rest, it depends on performance.

Everyone is practicing.

Ling Xiao is also consolidating his cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Ling Xiao went to Fengming Mountain.

Learned a very amazing thing.

The Holy City fell.

The six major families in the provincial capital have all migrated and disappeared.

Countless warriors died tragically at the hands of a strange clan.

And more warriors were transformed into a strange family.

The most terrifying ability of the strange clan is this.

Their people fight more and more.

Although they themselves are not many.

But every time you occupy a place, you can transform countless of the same kind.

With the Holy City Sanctuary as the center, they marched in all directions at the same time.

Along the way, the rebels died.

Surrender conversion.

This also makes their combat power continue to increase.

The numbers keep increasing.

Along the way, blood flowed like a river, and there was hardly a single survivor.

This is horrible.

Also too frightening.

The forces near the holy city left there one after another and migrated into the remaining eight holy emperors.

A large number of emperor-level forces have also entered the Canglan Sanctuary.

Gather here and form a line of defense.

Fortunately, as the battle lines opened.

The top-level combat power of the strange clan is not enough.

Therefore, after encountering the counterattack of the Eight Great Sanctuaries, the expansion was temporarily stopped.

Facing unprecedented pressure.

The threat of almost genocide.

All the forces have let go of their past grievances.

formed an alliance.

The Alliance is named after the Sanctuary.

The Canglan Sanctuary is called the Canglan Alliance.

Ling Xiao naturally led the people from the Batian Society to join this alliance.

The grudges of the past are nothing.

In short, now, everyone is working together to fight against the powerful enemy.

Fights take place almost every day.

Almost every day someone dies.


Ling Xiao's spear pierced a semi-holy body and devoured the energy essence in his body.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, he didn't have time to feel sad.

I don't know how many fights it took.

I don't know how many companions fell beside him.

He was already a little numb.

Today, his ~www.readwn.com~ cultivation base has been upgraded to the triple semi-sacred.

All of this is due to constant fighting.

"Huh? What is that?"

Ling Xiao stopped.

See a large area of ​​strange clan being slaughtered.

A figure quickly approached Ling Xiao.

It turned out to be a holy gun!

The holy gun actually flew back by itself.

The holy spear that flew back instantly entered Ling Xiao's body.

"Holy Venerable!"

In Ling Xiao's soul realm, a figure appeared.

It was Chu Renxiong.

"Don't call me saint, I'm almost out of fuel now."

Chu Renxiong waved his hand and said, "My name is Chu Renxiong, just call me Lao Chu!"

(End of this chapter)

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