Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9743: hunting weird 1

Remember [] for a second,!

Chapter 9709 Hunting a strange family

And, during this time.

Ling Xiao also refined the Desolate Stone that Zhangkong Drunk gave him.

And make the Law of Desolation take shape.

Condensed into a barren sea!

This barren sea is extremely corrosive.

It has become another extremely terrifying means of lethality for Ling Xiao.

But even with him.

The pressure on Canglan Sanctuary is also increasing.

There are more and more strange clans.

There are even many forces that have directly joined the strange clan and are willing to become their kind.

This directly caused great pressure on the Canglan Alliance.

So everyone made a rule.

Reward those with outstanding achievements.

If you kill a strange clan, you will get different amounts of merits according to the strength of the opponent.

Merits can be exchanged for various resources, including holy stones.

Killing 10,000 strange clans of the quasi-emperor level can accumulate one battle point.

Kill 100 of the Emperor level and accumulate 1 Merit Point.

If you kill ten of the Spirit Emperor level, you can accumulate one battle point.

Killing one of the Heavenly Emperor level is a merit point.

Killing a half-sage can get ten combat points.

One hundred virtual saints, one thousand true saints, ten thousand small saints, and one hundred thousand merit points for great saints.

With the reward of merit points, everyone's fighting enthusiasm has also been stirred up.

After all, sometimes you can't drive a warrior with just a sense of duty.

Some people have no sense of responsibility at all.

Only rely on these rewards.

Ling Xiao returned to the Different Fire Sect.

Within two months, the cultivation base of the ancestor of the spear had been raised to the realm of true sage.

The rest of the people's cultivation has improved.

Eating Infinite Divine Fruit will improve the fastest.

There are also at least two levels of boosting.

This made the combat effectiveness of their more than 100 individuals soared significantly.

"Okay, you can't just stay here and cultivate.

We should also go out and practice.

Go out to hunt the strange clan.

Earn credits so we can redeem more rewards.

You can also train yourself. "

Ling Xiao said to everyone.


During this time, Ling Xiao was setting up formations and refining medicinal pills.

Good enough for these people.

So these people did not let him down.

Among the more than 100 people, the one with the lowest cultivation base is also the entry-level cultivation base of the Spirit Emperor.

The one with the highest cultivation base is Xue Xue.

Xue Xue's current cultivation base has been promoted to the fifth-layer semi-sage.

Baili Qiulu is a quadruple half saint.

Ling Xiao is a triple semi-sage.

Taiyuan Bingchen is a first-level semi-sacred.

Hua Zuiyu, Zhang Qiang, and Zhang Feiling have all cultivated to the Heavenly Emperor cultivation base.

Meteor and Dian Dongxing have also been successfully cultivated by the Spirit Emperor.

However, most of them were fed by Ling Xiao with medicinal pills.

The cultivation base is not stable.

It takes a fight to hone it.

As for Jin Yan, Tuoba Jue, and Zhang Kong Zui, they all returned to their respective forces.

I don't know what's going on now.

Before leaving, Ling Xiao set up a teleportation formation in the Different Fire Sect.

In this case.

Once there is danger outside, he can immediately teleport back.

Experience is experience, they are not going to die.

If they all died outside, it would be depressing.

Although he has the holy gun in his hand.

But it can't be used for a long time.

Came to the alliance base.

Ling Xiao was already familiar with it.

Alliance bases are built by manpower.

But this man is a saint.

In almost a day, an incomparably terrifying and huge city rose on the border of the Canglan Sanctuary.

It is larger than any city, and has a city wall that stretches for thousands of miles.

In this way, it can better defend against the attack of the strange clan.

The alliance base and each sect are equipped with two-way teleportation arrays.

In the event of a war, they can rescue each other.

Different Fire Sect also has offices in this alliance stronghold.

Because they are also one of the members.

But rather small.

Now that the ancestor of the gun is in charge, it can be considered a bit of face.

In contrast, palaces like Fengming Mountain, Tianhe Temple, Phoenix Clan, etc., are very huge here.

There is a place where there is a lot of people's voices, which is the Temple of War.

This is the place to redeem the merits.

It is jointly built by more than 100 forces in the alliance.

Resource Sharing.


As he was walking, a voice suddenly sounded.

Ling Xiao saw that it was Bai Fengfeng.

Today's Bai Fengfeng, the cultivation base also has a second level of semi-sage.

Not bad.

Bai Fengfeng is with Zhu Tianpeng and Lei Zhenzi.

The three of them have the same cultivation level, and they are all two-level and semi-sacred.

Ling Xiao gave benefits, but naturally he didn't forget them.

It's relatively close after all.

"You guys, I'm going to take everyone out to practice.

Get some Merit Points. "

Ling Xiao laughed.

"President, you still have to be careful. After all, the stronghold of this alliance is the Xue Clan, and we have a bad relationship with the Xue Clan."

Bai Fengfeng reminded.

"I know, but I hope they focus on the bigger picture now.

Stop playing those tricks. "

Ling Xiao said: "As long as they share the same hatred and grievances, I can completely ignore their past grievances.

Not to mention, let's go outside to hunt the strange clan together! "


Everyone left the stronghold and flew out.

Weird clans are everywhere.

Constantly impacting the human defense line.

Fortunately, there are a large number of warriors who are willing to go out to hunt and kill, otherwise even the Canglan Sanctuary will not last long.

No saint-level powerhouse was found.

The strong in the holy realm will naturally have the strong in the holy realm to deal with.

This is not their goal.

Their target is the strange race under the holy realm.

It is only one kilometer away from the alliance stronghold.

Simply a purgatory.

The battle is going on frantically.

Shouting and killing.

Countless strange clans appeared.

various forms.

All kinds of horror.

Fight with human warriors.

Shouting and killing.

The battles in the Holy Land are all at high altitude.

Obviously, if they fought on the ground, there would be no one on both sides.

Moreover, battles in the Holy Land are not always present.

The most important thing is that the strange clan under the holy realm continues to attack.

Soon, Ling Xiao and the others were targeted.

None of the human beings who appear on this battlefield will be spared.

A group of warriors from a strange family rushed over.

Headed by a fivefold and half saint.

"Half saint to half saint!

God to God!

Spirit Emperor to Spirit Emperor!

Those who are confident in themselves can take the challenge a little higher!

If you are afraid, just leave.

This is the battlefield, and the casualties are on the other side.

Not even me can shelter all of you. "

Ling Xiao gave a battle order.


These are all arrogant arrogance. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

They are not afraid now.

But I won't know for a while.

Especially seeing a human being die in front of him.

It takes that kind of pressure to be truly successful.

Ling Xiao did not participate in the battle.

This time, I came out mainly to hone everyone.

Unless there is an opponent that everyone can't stop, he will shoot.

He said that he didn't care about everyone, but in fact he still didn't want these people to lose one.

After all, they are the mainstay of the future.

It's a shame to die now.

Fortunately, everyone's performance was better than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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