Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9745: You can't redeem!

Remember [New] for a second,! Chapter 9711 You can't exchange!

At the same time, the army of Canglan Sanctuary also returned.

Only scattered warriors remained on the battlefield.

Ling Xiao ordered everyone to rest and replenish.

Just three hours later, the strange clan's attack came again.

All over the mountains and plains, overwhelming.

The army of Canglan Sanctuary also dispatched at the same time.

The two armies collided again.

Above the earth, in the sky, blood is flowing.

Corpses are everywhere.

This is war.

The strange clan did not know why Ling Xiao did.

But humans are fighting to survive.

After more than ten hours of fighting, the strange clan retreated again.

Basically the cycle goes like this.

This also made the warriors of the Canglan Alliance miserable.

Basically not much time to rest.

This strange clan recovered too quickly.

And even if they killed so many, the number was not small at all.

I don't know when it will be.

In this way, the Batian Society followed everyone and fought on the battlefield for half a month.

Not only did each one capture a lot of loot.

And more importantly, he has honed his combat experience.

Consolidated cultivation.

At the beginning, they would panic when they saw their companions die in battle.

But now, there is only anger.

"Go back and exchange what you need!"

Ling Xiao greeted everyone to return to the alliance stronghold.

The spoils of war for half a month are naturally quite a lot.

Moreover, Ling Xiao's cultivation has also reached the fourth level of semi-sacredness.

I have to say, this is progress.

And Feixian outside the sky was finally promoted to the realm of transformation through constant use.

Jin Ding Shen Gong has reached the late stage of transformation.

The power has increased a lot.

Time and space transfer has also reached its peak late stage.

Although the progress of the magic technique is slow, it has also reached the late stage of Dacheng.

Now cast the magic technique, the combat power of one boost can be quadrupled!

"Take out your booty.

Separate them! "

More than 100 members of the Batian Society placed their loot on the counter.

In front of everyone, there is a person standing.

Responsible for overseeing and counting the amount of loot.

These people come from all major forces.

Different Fire Sect is not qualified.

After all, the Different Fire Sect did not have any resources.

The basic resources are from the top 100 forces in the Canglan Sanctuary.

So they are all eligible to send supervisors.

When Ling Xiao and others poured out the loot in the storage ring.

Really stunned.

Too much!

The quality is also too high.

Especially in front of Ling Xiao, all of them are semi-holy horns.

He didn't kill the rest and left it to others.

"There are so many spoils of war, and most of them are above the level of the Spirit Emperor!"

"There are so many semi-holy trophies!"

"This group of people is terrible. I heard that they are members of the Batian Society?"

"It's all monsters!"

"Why are these evildoers all gathered together?"

"That Ling Xiao is the son of Heaven, it is especially terrifying, I have seen his battle with my own eyes.

Killing a half-sage is like slaughtering a dog!

In addition to the supreme son of the same combat power, I am afraid that only a saint can do it. "

Everyone was talking and admiring.

In this era, heroes are needed.

Only heroes can save mankind.

Cleaned up everyone's loot, and calculated the merits.

The least one person has tens of thousands of military exploits.

Ling Xiao's military exploits reached a terrifying 200,000 level.

In other words, he killed more than 20,000 demigods.

This is simply a terrifying number.

"Son of Heaven, what treasure do you want to exchange?"

The supervisor standing in front of Ling Xiao asked with a smile.


Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Immediately, a group of people walked in from outside.

The first person was Xueling.

She looks as beautiful as a woman.

"Xue Ling, what are you doing?"

Ling Xiao glanced at Xueling lightly and said, "We did have a grudge in the past.

But now everyone is fighting for the survival of mankind.

You won't mess around, will you? "

"Hehe, you don't need to say that.

If you want to exchange treasures, I'm afraid it won't work! "

Xue Ling sneered.


Ling Xiao asked.

Xueling smiled and said, "No way, everyone is actively killing the enemy during this time, so a lot of treasures have been exchanged.

You people, you can only give up temporarily! "

"Just kidding, I just saw someone exchange something and leave.

What's more, you don't even know what I want to exchange, so you just say there is no more.

Are you here to find fault? "

Ling Xiao said coldly: "At this critical moment, there is still infighting. Are you Xue Clan worthy of being the leader of the alliance?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I said no, no.

Others also exchange only a small amount.

You exchange too much, certainly not.

Unless you choose to exchange for double the merits. "

Xue Ling sneered.

"What are you, do you have the final say here?

Not even the people at the exchange office said a word.

What are you babbling about? "

Zhu Tianpeng cursed.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't want to fight infighting, he really wanted to abolish this fellow.

Today's Zhu Tianpeng is definitely no worse than Xueling.

"Yes, I can attest that there are many more materials that can be exchanged.

Kill the strange clan every day, not only with horns, but also with other loot.

These loot will be added to the exchange pool. "

The supervisor of Tianhe Temple said coldly.

"It can't be said that, these people have so many merit points, if they let them exchange the rest of the things.

Then there is no one else.

This has a huge impact on morale.

It will also chill everyone's heart! "

The Snow Race supervisor sneered.

The Snow Race is the leader of the Canglan Alliance.

After all, they are the strongest.

Many other forces have surrendered to them.

Therefore, the people of the Snow Clan speak the most weighty words.


If you are afraid of the cold in other people's hearts, aren't you afraid of the cold in our hearts? "

Ling Xiao said coldly: "Xuezu, I thought that at this time, everyone should be united.

I didn't expect that you gang of shameless people are still creating disputes.

How shameless.

Don't you think we have too much military exploits?

OK, I don't redeem it.

Just let them exchange.

It really doesn't work, each hostage is exchanged for half of the merit points.

how? "


Xue Ling said loudly.


Ling Xiao slapped it directly.

Pumped Xue Ling away.

"You dare to hit me?"

Shirley was stunned.

"How about hitting you? What are you, you have the right to speak here!

Supervisors, since when did you become the slaves of this shit? "

Ling Xiao asked coldly.

"I'll just ask, exchange or not exchange?"

Feeling the terrifying killing intent coming from Ling Xiao.

The supervisors were also a little frightened.

Ling Xiao is reasonable to exchange things.

They have no reason to stop at all.

Moreover, their strength is not half holy.

In front of Ling Xiao, there is no resistance at all.

Unless you want to die.

"Exchange! Exchange is!"

The Snow Race supervisor said in horror.

"However, there's really not much left."

(End of this chapter)

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