Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9757: seal channel

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"Three old bastards!"

Liu Sheng scolded: "Especially that **** Chu Kuangren really embarrassed Senior Chu Renxiong!

They are probably waiting for us and the strange clan to lose both sides, so as to condense the fruits of victory! "

"Why is the Great Sage Tuoba Zhan of the Desolate Clan not here?"

Ling Xiao asked again.

"Tuoba Zhan, please don't move, that guy has a weird temper and said he doesn't believe in our human race.

To stay beside the barren people. "

The crowd laughed bitterly.

"I'll go please!"

Ling Xiao said.

"you go?"

Everyone was confused: "Will he give you face?"

"Don't you know if you try it?"

Ling Xiao smiled, turned and left.

After a while, Tuoba Zhan followed.

"Hahaha, you didn't say it earlier, since this time it's Brother Ling's business, I will naturally help."

Tuoba Zhan laughed.

"Don't you believe in humans?"

Liu Sheng asked.

"I don't believe in the human race, but I believe in Brother Ling.

Don't you know, Ling Xiao is the high priest of our barren clan! "

Tuoba Zhan laughed.

Everyone's heart froze, and they looked at Ling Xiao a little higher.

"In this way, I am in charge of escorting Ling Xiao. If you can hold back a few great saints of a strange clan, hold on to a few."

Tuoba Battle Road.


Everyone nodded: "Your brother is here, there are only ten of us, one less than the other party.

Should be more sure. "

After discussing it for a while, everyone went back to rest.

Ling Xiao prepared some medicinal pills for himself.

just in case.

The next day, the army set out and directly attacked the holy city.

Around the holy city, all the fires of war ignited.

Although the holy city has strong defenses.

But the warriors inside can't stand it.

The ten great saints and Ling Xiao rose into the air to observe the battle.

"Tuoba Zhan, you and Ling Xiao don't move.

Nine of us go in first. "

The poet said something.

Then the nine great saints entered the holy city.

Soon, the nine of them were stopped by the nine great saints of the strange family.

A total of eighteen great sages faced off in the void.

Hard to beat.

The terrifying breath set off a shocking storm.

If this is fighting in the city, the city may be fine, but the people around are probably dead.

"High Priest, let's go!"

Tuoba Zhan greeted Ling Xiao.

"You go first, I'm safer alone."

Ling Xiao shook his head and said.

With his current cultivation, as long as he uses the ability of the Phantom Ancestral Dragon, even the Great Sage cannot easily detect it.

After all, he is now an eighth-level semi-holy.

The ability of the Phantom Zulong has also become much stronger.


Tuoba Zhan took Ling Xiao into the city, and then flew in the original direction of the tree world.

Ling Xiao directly transformed into a strange family.

swaggeringly flew in that direction.

Tuoba was stopped by a great sage during the battle.

But what surprised Ling Xiao was that this great sage was not the great sage of a strange family.

It was one of the two great saints in the original holy city.

Now obviously converted.

That would be troublesome.

Doesn't it mean that the number of the other party's great saints is not eleven, but thirteen.

Nine stopped Shi Sheng and them.

One stopped Tuoba Zhan.

There must be four other great saints near the passage.

This is trouble.

"Damn, get out of here!"

Tuoba Zhan roared violently, and the huge prisoner of war repelled the Great Sage who blocked him and flew directly towards the passage.

Ling Xiao didn't find out at this time.

After all, everyone is either paying attention to the battle between the great saints.

Or resist the attack of the coalition forces.

Ling Xiao arrived safely near the passage.

Tuoba Zhan also arrived.

But just as Ling Xiao expected.

There are four great saints here.

Except for the two transformed great saints.

There are seven evil spirits and six evil spirits here.

"Hmph, I knew you had the idea of ​​opening a passage, but this calculus was a big mistake."

Qi Sha snorted coldly, revealing a sneer.

Tuoba Zhan frowned.

He could barely hold on to the two great saints.

Four great saints?

How to play?


Tuoba Zhan roared, and his body suddenly became enormous.

Drag the two great saints with one's own strength.

Fight to the death.

But the other two great saints still held the passage steadily.

"Let me do it."

Moon Shadow flew out.

"This is the consequence of our Immortal Race's failure to fight.

I have to get out. "

"Be careful!"

Ling Xiao reminded.

Moon Shadow turned into a huge dragon sparrow and killed it.

The sharp claws caught out an astonishing gust of wind.

Qisha and Liusha resisted at the same time.

They were all shot out.

The channel is completely exposed.

A large number of strange clans guarding the passage were directly beheaded.

Moon Shadow is too strong.

She actually already has the strength of a great saint.

"Damn, who is this?"

Qisha and Liusha were stunned.

Tuoba Zhan was just trying his best to hold the two of them.

This gigantic dragon sparrow was able to suppress the two of them.

What a joke.

"I felt the breath of the fairy clan on her body."

Liusha frowned.

"Immortal clan? How can there be a living immortal clan in the Ancestral Dragon Realm?"

Qisha was also stunned.

Ling Xiao didn't care whether they were surprised or not.

Between the eyebrows, the mountain and river map flew out.

grow rapidly.

It's like turning into a world.

Just like the previous tree world.

It's just bigger and more perfect than the tree world.

Ling Xiao only understood at this moment.

It turned out that the tree world was what Chu Renxiong used to seal this passage.

The mountain and river map can also be done.

"Don't think about it!"

Qisha and Liusha were in a hurry.

Desperately attacking, trying to repel Moon Shadow.

Go and kill Ling Xiao.

However, Moon Shadow just looked at them indifferently.

A terrifying light of heaven spewed out of his mouth.

Directly penetrated the body of the two.

The two of them screamed in horror.

Without distraction, there is no way to defeat Moon Shadow.

How dare they be distracted.

This is simply looking for death.

At this time, the great saints of the other strange clans in the distant war also discovered the situation here.

But it is impossible for them to rush over.

They were intercepted by Shi Sheng and others, and they couldn't escape at all~www.readwn.com~ Liu Sheng released the wicker that filled the sky, completely blocking the entire sky.

They can't even run.

Only fight to the death.

"Damn it!"

These strange people are in a hurry.


Fighting desperately, wanting to kill Shi Sheng and others.

But unfortunately, this saint who respects human beings is not weak.

All terribly strong.

Especially Yan Sheng.

The man who controls the fire.

The combat power is simply overwhelming.


Ling Xiao controlled the mountains and rivers map to continue to seal.

However, at this time, a huge strange clan emerged from the passage.

The body is like an octopus.

But the basic characteristics of the strange family are there.

Unicorn, white hair, red eyes!

This guy turned out to be the existence of the Little Saint Realm.

It actually blocked the mountain and river map.

"court death!"

Ling Xiao took out the holy spear.

An astonishing attack broke out directly.

The holy spear penetrated the corpse of the giant octopus.

Seriously wounded.

Ling Xiao broke out another attack.

The octopus was so frightened that it retreated.

Mountains and rivers are no longer in the way.

Directly shrouded the channel and closed the channel.

A whole new world was formed.

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