Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9767: road

Ling Xiao's words just hit the pain point of these shameless people.

Let them realize their shamelessness and inferiority.

"Hahaha, well said!"

At this time, a large number of warriors flew in from outside the Holy Court.

These are all warriors who have participated in the war.

These days, they have been coerced, lured, and even attacked by the Qin family and the Chu family.

This makes them miserable.

Many people died too!

This time, taking advantage of this opportunity, they plan to join forces.

Give it a shot, it doesn't matter.

They have never been afraid of the strange clan.

Naturally, they are not afraid of these people.

And, instead of sitting still, it's better to fight back.

This is what the previous war taught them.

There are many people in this group.

There are virtual saints, true saints, and little saints.

The terrifying breath vibrated.

collide in the void.

This also caused some forces that were originally staying in the Holy Court to rise up one after another.

Look this way.

"The Chu family and the Qin family are too shameless.

The Holy Court sacrificed so much for this world.

They even took advantage of the fire! "

"It seems to be because of Ling Xiao!"

"Hmph, it's just an excuse, the Chu family and the Qin family have ambitions.

During this period of time, more than one force has been destroyed.

How unwilling it must be for those who have survived the strange clan to die in their hands! "

"Yeah, what a shame!"

These people didn't keep their voices down at all.

Because the Qin and Chu families have gone too far.

If I don't say it now, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to say it later.

Outside the city, another force appeared.

Northern Liang family.

Like the Chu family and the Qin family, there is no force to take action in the battle against the strange clan.

They are here now.

A group of **** with the strength of saints, but without the heart of saints.

They soon descended to the Holy Court, and they were attacking with the Chu family and the Qin family.

Let Ling Xiao have no way to survive today.

"The Beiliang family, hehe, another shameless family has appeared!"

Ling Xiao raised his eyes and glanced at everyone in the Beiliang family, revealing a wicked smile.

Today, it looks crazy.

"Ling Xiao, you dare to kill the two emperors of my Beiliang family.

We must avenge this revenge! "

The powerhouses of the Beiliang family let out an angry roar.

However, without the Great Sage, Ling Xiao's strength is not as good as the opposite.

So, there is no need to be afraid.

"Sure enough, it's a nest of snakes and rats, and they're all in one!"

Ling Xiao sarcastically said: "The three of you are really the scum of the blessed land of life."

"Ling Xiao, how dare you be mad!

No one can save you today! "

The little saint of the Beiliang family said angrily, "Don't think that the Holy Court can protect you.

Today the Holy Court dares to shelter you.

We even destroyed the Holy Court! "

"Hehe, what a great prestige, I want to see, how did you destroy the Holy Court!"

The teachers of the Holy Academy sneered.

Although the Holy Court lost a lot, it was not afraid.

Today, even if they fight to the death, they cannot let these three shameless people succeed.

"What nonsense talk to them, just kill it!

This kid is crazy! "

Qin Fen yelled.

"Yes, just do it!"

The saints of the three families burst into terror.

There are three of them, and there are three great saints.


Today's Holy Court has only one Great Sage.

And it's still a wounded Great Sage, so they don't need to be afraid at all.

"Fight them!"

The teacher of the Holy Academy roared.


All the strong men roared.

In any case, block these three families, otherwise, they will never have peace.

At this moment, a terrifying breath descended.

The painting saint appeared.

In the void, a picture emerges.

A dragon descends.

In one bite, he swallowed a little saint of the Beiliang family.

"Those three old things haven't come yet, you still dare to be mad here.

Do you really think I dare not touch you? "

"Painting Saint!"

The three major forces did not expect it.

Under such circumstances, Hua Sheng dared to take action.

And the shot was so sudden.

The three great sages hiding in the dark were too late to rescue them.

A little saint has already been killed.

"get out!

Otherwise, you will all die today! "

The painting saint's temper is not gentle at all.

Different from Poetry.

Simply arrogant.

"Painting Saint, today, I'm afraid it's you who will die!"

At this time, in the void, three terrifying auras emerged.

The Great Sage of the Northern Liang Family!

Chu madman!

Qin Cannon!

The three of them came together.

The terrifying aura prevailed over the entire Holy Court.

The three great sages joined forces, this is really terrifying.

"They were really hiding behind their backs.

Now it appears at the same time.

Ling Xiao, I'm afraid there is trouble! "

"Yes, not only Ling Xiao, but the entire Holy Court may be in trouble!"

The crowd groaned.

A moment of panic.

There are three great saints on the opposite side, which is really hard to mess with.

"Painting Saint, Ling Xiao must die today, if you dare to stop me, I will kill you together!"

Qin Pao said coldly.

"That's right, the Holy Court today is not as good as it used to be.

You don't think you alone can save that kid, do you? "

The Great Sage of the Northern Liang family also said coldly.

"It's over, it's really hopeless, Ling Xiao will die today!"

"Yeah, no matter how strong the painting sage is, one person can't stop the three great sages!"

"too difficult!

It is a pity that the Holy Court, originally six great saints, five sacrificed themselves for mankind.

Now it's down to the point where he can't even protect his own students. "

"Ling Xiao is also considered a generation of heroes, but unfortunately, today is going to fall after all!"

"That's right, there's no help!"

Countless people are feeling emotional.

When the three great saints on the opposite side appeared, it already meant that Ling Xiao had no chance.

Although many people present wanted to fight to the death.

But suddenly found that in this situation, fighting to the death is meaningless.

"Hahaha, do the three of you really think that there is no one in the blessed land of life?

I've already seen that you gang of dogs are not pleasing to the eye!

give me death! "

A loud laugh came from the depths of the Holy Court.

After that, there was a huge sword glow, stabbing the Chu madman.

Chu Kuangren's face sank.

This blow is extremely powerful.

It is clearly a terrorist attack that can only be erupted by the powerful of the Great Saint.

Could it be that there is still a Great Saint in the Holy Court?

Chu Kuangren's face turned cold, and the long spear in his hand shook.

Then the gunfire erupted.

That is no longer the rule.

but "the way".

What Chu Kuangren mastered was the way of recovery, which was similar to the way of life.

This way allows him to have an incomparably powerful healing ability.

Similar to the way of life, but not as good as the way of life.

After all, there are only a few of the supreme sons.


The spear light and the sword light collided together.

Between heaven and earth, an amazing power erupted.

Many people were shocked and flew out. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

I couldn't open my eyes for a long time.

Wait for the roar to sound.

The next moment, Tuoba Zhan appeared above Batian Valley.

On his shoulders was a giant sword.

When did this guy change his weapon.

But it still seems to be the way to go.

The way of power!

(End of this chapter)

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