Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9784: You are here to apologize!

Chapter 9750 You are here to apologize!

People who live with Ling Xiao also don't believe it.

They all felt that Ling Xiao was finished this time.

There are more than a dozen people, and the weakest is also a four-layer semi-sacred.

This is clearly not letting Ling Xiao live.

"Haha, even the ants, dare to be mad!"

Ling Xiao smiled.

His expression gradually became serious.

Still, no gun.

There is no need to use weapons to deal with these junk.

Left Hand Fire Scroll!

Scroll of the Right Wind!

Because of the use of magic power.

So fire black magic fire.

The wind is the black magic wind.

Wind and fire meet.

It turned into a terrifying beast and roared and rushed out.


A loud bang.

A dozen people all flew out.

Someone's body has been blasted to pieces.

Some were left with only stumps and amputations.

Anyone who can make a scream is considered strong.

Because most people don't even have time to let out a scream, they are already burping.

Ling Xiao used the law this time.

But it's just the magic law.

Not the supreme law.

Just ordinary magic law.

The wealth of the emperor cannot be seen through appearances.

Emperor's capital is a kind of qualification.

Its laws are no different from ordinary people.

Only the law of the Son of the Most High is special.

Ling Xiao does not use the Supreme Law now, which is equivalent to an emperor who masters the laws of magic.

Although the combat power has been weakened a lot.

But still crushing this group of waste.

Wu Tuyuan screamed in horror.

His arms and legs were all crippled.

Ling Xiao walked to his side and stepped on Wu Tuyuan's body.

He sneered: "Trouble me? Are you worthy?"


He suddenly kicked Wu Tuyuan out.

The others who were still alive also rolled and crawled away.

Do not kill Wutuyuan.

I just don't want to completely **** off the Ukrainian Tujia.

The Wu Tu family occupies a very important position in the Wanyan family.

However, he hoped that the other party would not go too far.

Otherwise, kill is kill.

There is a holy gun.

He is not afraid of the Great Sage.

These people had better not **** him off.

"Boy, I won't let you go, I will never let you go!"

Outside, there was a hysterical roar from Wu Tuyuan.

He wants to abolish Ling Xiao.

As a result, Ling Xiao lost his limbs instead.

It's really a miserable one.

Why is he not angry.

Ling Xiao sneered.

Looking at the dozen people who lived with him, he said, "You guys should consider my proposal.

Following this young master, none of you will have good results.

Might as well give it a shot.

We all go to support Wanyan Aruo.

Let them all become the head of the Wanyan family.

In this way, you are bound to be reused.

Choose only once.

I may be leaving soon.

Whether you go or not is up to you! "

Everyone was silent.

It seems that all need to be considered.

Ling Xiao didn't force them either.

Because Wanyan Strong hasn't chased him away yet.

He was in no hurry to leave.

The next day, the people of the Wu Tu family came to the Gongzi Mansion.

Face to face, Yan Yan is strong.

Leading the team is Wu Tuyuan's second uncle, and Wu Tuyuan's brother Wu Tumeng!

Wutuyuan was carried.

Although the night passed.

Legs and feet have not recovered.

"Deacon Wutu, Brother Meng, what's going on?"

Wanyan was also very surprised.

Because he saw the tragic situation in Wutuyuan.

Yesterday, Wu Tuyuan went to trouble Ling Xiao, and he acquiesced.

But he didn't expect this to happen.

Deacon Wutu was the second uncle of Wutuyuan and the deacon of the Wanyan family.

The status is also quite high.

Wu Tumeng is the first genius of the Wutu people.

Equally noble.

And it is the capital of the emperor.

In the future, he is absolutely eligible to be promoted to elder.

Become the right-hand man of the Wanyan family.

These two are not to be underestimated.

"Master, you have to decide for us.

I was beaten like this, and it was all done by that son of a **** Ling Xiao. "

Wu Tuyuan said in pain.

"Master, we are here for only one thing.

I'm just looking for you to go to Ling Xiao.

Leave it to us Utu people to deal with! "

Deacon Wu Tu bowed.

"That's it, little thing!

Go, call Ling Xiao over! "

Wanyan strongly recruited Ling Xiao, just because she didn't want Ling Xiao to go to Wanyan Aruo's side.

But if Ling Xiao offended the Wutu people.

It is impossible for him to stay.

Soon, Ling Xiao was found.

Taking a look at the appearance of Wutuyuan, Ling Xiao smiled.

He sat directly on a chair next to him: "Why, are the Wutu people here to apologize?"

"Ling Xiao, I didn't let you sit, what qualifications do you have to sit!"

Wanyan frowned strongly.

"Hehe, listening to what the eldest young master means, is he planning to stand up for the wastes of the Wutu people?

So, yesterday they came to trouble me.

Did the eldest master acquiesce? "

Ling Xiao didn't get up and still sat there.

asked coldly.

"Presumptuous! How dare you be so arrogant, not only hurting my Wutu people.

How dare you slander the eldest young master! "

Deacon Wu roared.

"Hehe, what about hurting them?

I didn't kill Wutuyuan, I just kept my hands out of Wanyan's strong face.

They got a group of people to kill me.

According to your opinion, should I not resist and let them kill me? "

Ling Xiao smiled contemptuously!

"Bold, who do you think you're talking to?

Don't kneel yet! "

Deacon Wutu suddenly burst out with a terrifying breath and locked Ling Xiao.

To kneel Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao was still sitting there, motionless.

He has beaten the great sage.

Although the opponent is strong, it is not fake.

But still can't scare him.

"Hehe, kneel down? You are not qualified to make me kneel.

If not to apologize.

I'll go first! "

Ling Xiao got up and was about to leave.

"Ling Xiao, do you still take me, the eldest young master, in your eyes!"

Wanyan was very angry.

"Haha, Wanyan is strong, do you have the guts to say this?

Asking me for help, he actually arranged for me to live in such a place and sent someone to monitor it.

What do you think I am?


Be clear, I'm not your slave. "

Ling Xiao sneered.

What a shit, young master.

He didn't take it seriously.

"Young master, you also saw that this kid is so arrogant.

It will definitely be detrimental to the eldest young master.

I propose to abolish his cultivation.

Let him remember his lesson! "

Deacon Wutu said hurriedly.

Wanyan frowned strongly and said, "Ling Xiao, I think you are talented.

I can't bear to let you down.

As long as you kneel down now and apologize to the Utu people.

This thing is over. "


Even if they don't apologize to me.

Even delusional that I apologize to them.

Kneel down?

Wanyan is strong, you are really good at double standards! "

Ling Xiao sarcastically said.

"Master~www.readwn.com~ don't have to talk nonsense with this guy.

Abandon him directly.

He has no respect for you at all. "

Wu Tuyuan said loudly.

"Ling Xiao, kneel down and apologize.

Otherwise, don't blame this young master for being rude! "

Wanyan was really angry.

He felt that he was already very partial to Ling Xiao.

He just asked Ling Xiao to kneel down and apologize.

Ling Xiao actually didn't appreciate it, and dared to contradict him.

Just looking for death!

However he didn't know.

Ling Xiao didn't take him seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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