Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9803: My name is Destruction!

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Patriarch Wanyan knew that all this was due to Ling Xiao.

It was also Ling Xiao's credit that Wanyan Aruo was able to defeat Fujino.

The Wanyan family really found a treasure.

"Come again!"

Wu Tu roared fiercely.

The fifth place in the House of Undying came up.

As a result, it persisted for dozens of tricks.

Lost again!

Now, apart from the Son of the Most High, no one can defeat Wutumeng.


The blood-colored Martial Saint couldn't help shouting.

Wu Tu Meng really boosted morale too much.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are people like you in the Scarlet Demon Academy.

But it's a pity.

That's it! "

The fourth place in the House of Undying came out.

"Son of nothingness!"

Everyone took a deep breath.

No matter how strong Wu Tumeng is, he cannot be the opponent of the Son of the Supreme.

Especially when the cultivation base is equivalent.

"Get out!"

Ling Xiao said.


Wu Tumeng is not reluctant to fight.

Turn around and step back.

"I'll fight you."

The son of nothingness from the Scarlet Demon Academy also came out.

Also the son of nothingness.

Also master the way of nothingness.

However, one ranked fourth and one ranked third.

"These two people have the same attributes, and their cultivation bases are equivalent.

The combat power is also the same.

Almost every year, we have to fight several times, but after all, there is no winner.

Don't know how it will be this time? "

Wanyan Aruo was a little nervous.

Ling Xiao thought to himself, the rumors are indeed true.

The same attribute is destined to be the enemy of fate.

Once you defeat the opponent, you can get the opponent's attributes.

Make your attributes more complete and more powerful.

Because of this, the battle between the supreme sons of the same attribute is generally very fierce.

Unless the two sides are too far apart.

Otherwise, it must be an inextricable fight.

These two belong to the same fighting method.



The two fought indistinguishably.

Nothingness, nothingness.

Hard to guard against.

But they both know each other too well.

Therefore, it is impossible to decide the winner for a while.

"Let's fight too!"

Shadow Bee, the son of darkness, looked at one of the members of the Undying Demon Academy.

Yes, that man is also the son of darkness.

This is also the third son of darkness that Ling Xiao has seen.


Two sons of darkness soared into the air.

Duel in the void, collision.

It has no effect on the battle in the ring.

The Son of Slaughter in Scarlet Academy also looked at his old opponent.

The son of slaughter in the House of the Undead.

It is the same supreme attribute.

The two burst into breath at the same time.

Murderous aura spread throughout the void battleship.

"We've played against each other tens of thousands of times, haven't we? There's never been a winner!"

The Son of Slaughter of the Undying Demon Academy said lightly.

"That's right, I'm not sure to beat you, and you're not sure to beat me either.

The fight between us doesn't really make sense. "

The Son of Slaughter from the Scarlet Demon Academy also said.

Although overall, the House of Undead has some advantages.

But in terms of the Son of the Supreme, the two sides are still evenly matched.

The duel between the son of nothingness, the son of darkness and the son of slaughter is all dead.

This time, there is a high probability that there will be no winner.

"Hahaha, you are right.

Unfortunately, today, we are just a hot spot.

The one who really wants to beat you is another person. "

The Son of Slaughter from the House of Undying laughed loudly.

"Could it be that you have a fourth supreme son?"

The Slaughter Son of the Scarlet Academy suddenly changed his face.

"That's right!"

The Slaughter Son of the Undying Demon Academy smiled and said, "I can tell you something that makes you desperate.

Now, my ranking is only second.

Not the first!

Because there is a stronger Tianjiao in our Immortal Demon Academy! "


Everyone in the Scarlet Academy became nervous.

The Fourth Supreme Son appeared in the Undying Demon Academy.

This is too unfavorable for the Scarlet Demon Academy.


A terrifying aura emerged.

As if to destroy everything.

A young man appeared.

He was wearing a black robe.

Keep an inch.

A pair of eyes seems to contain the power to destroy the world.

The whole person is full of terror.

It's not easy at a glance.

"Is this person the first pride of the Undying Demon Academy?"

"It must be, the Slaughter Son of the Undying Demon Academy has admitted it!"

"But this person's cultivation is only a third-order virtual saint. Like the son of slaughter, how could he be more terrifying than the son of slaughter?"

"You still don't believe what people have admitted themselves. Can they still slap their own face?"

The people in the Scarlet Demon Academy were talking a lot.

Even the blood-colored Martial Saint couldn't help but looked at this person curiously.

Ling Xiao glanced at this person lightly and showed a smile.

Good opponent.

If you can play against this person, you will most likely benefit from it.

"My name is Destruction!"

The young man opened his mouth and said his name.

Immediately, he looked at the three supreme sons of the Scarlet Demon Academy.

Showing a mouth of white teeth: "You don't have to fight.

Today, your opponent is me! "

The son of nothingness and the son of darkness retreated at the same time.

The two sides temporarily stopped fighting.

They all looked towards extinction.

"You want to fight the three of us? One-on-three?

Or a wheel war? "

Shadow Bee asked coldly.

"Whatever you want!"

Destroyer said lightly.

"I'll meet you first!"

The son of nothingness from the Scarlet Demon Academy suddenly shot.

His attack was completely invisible.

The attack is very weird.

And once attacked.

The body is immediately wiped away.

It's really scary.


The world snorted coldly.

Shoot directly.

His attack method is very simple.

Not even using any law power.

Just a simple punch.

But the power it contains is amazing.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao frowned slightly.

This person's situation is somewhat similar to the body of heaven.

He did not master some supreme law.

But his body was born to represent the supreme.

"Body of Destruction?"

This is a higher existence than the Son of the Most High.


Just one punch, as if everything was going to be destroyed.

The nihilistic attack doesn't make any sense either~www.readwn.com~ was destroyed directly.

"What a horrible attack.

But it's strange, why can't I feel any law power? "

"Born Divine Body!"

Someone found it too.

Inborn god.

This cannot be achieved the day after tomorrow.

People are born like this, which is a unique advantage.

"No, it's not the innate divine body!"

The blood-colored Martial Saint shook his head, as if he had noticed something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"I don't care what you are, defeat me!

Everything is nothing!

All zeros! "

The son of nothingness in the Scarlet Academy was furious.

as the son of the supreme.

The other party's cultivation base is the same as his.

It was so easy to suppress him.

Of course he couldn't accept it.

His attack is not weak.

The rest of the people watching were horrified.

But unfortunately, he encountered extinction.

In the eyes of the world, there is always contempt.

Randomly wave your arms.

What it brings is the power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.



After only a dozen strokes.

The son of nothingness was suddenly blasted out by a punch.

Spitting up blood!

Can't believe it!

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