Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Vol 12 Chapter 9846: Cangsong vs Xue Xue

Chapter 9812 Cangsong and Xue Xue

"Work hard, those who pass the audition will have a great chance.

This chance may make your cultivation soar!

Take your chance! "

The great sage with white hair and beard laughed.

Everyone was nervous.

They were also excited.

If Heavenly Emperor can be promoted to Semi-Saint.

If the semi-holy can be promoted to the virtual saint.

If the virtual saint can be promoted to the true saint.

For the next strongest battle, it will be of great help.

From the emperor realm to the holy realm, it is very difficult.

That is to say, in this era of gathering stars, some evildoers have appeared.

Leaping to the Void became very easy.

But it is more difficult to become a true saint from a virtual saint.

The world of emptiness is a world of nothingness, a world without living beings.

Really began to create life.

This is from scratch.

From zero to one.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Even Hong Yi, the body of the Heavenly Dao, was stuck in the realm of the tenth-order virtual saint and could not break through.

But this time the resources, it is possible for the virtual saint to be promoted to the true saint.

This undoubtedly drove many people crazy.

Even if you can't step into the true saint.

For most people, the breakthrough in cultivation is actually not that easy.

Who can be like Ling Xiao, who can improve if he wants to.

Therefore, even if it is the improvement of the first-order cultivation base.

are all crucial.

This also inspired everyone's desire to fight.

Everyone wants to compete for the 100 places.

Those who were eliminated sighed.

Because they missed the best opportunity.

"The audition for the final discussion will be a big melee strategy.

Until there are 100 people left on the battlefield.

You can join forces, but one thing to keep in mind.

There can be no more than two warriors dealing with one person at the same time.

More than two people, it is a violation.

Another point is that everyone must eliminate at least five people individually.

Otherwise, it is considered to be eliminated.

If the delusion is simply relying on others to pass the test, don't dream. "

When everyone heard this, they all started to think.

can join forces.

Can rely on teammates.

But the premise is that each person must eliminate five opponents individually.

Also, when joining forces, there are many partners that can be entangled.

But when it comes to fighting, it can only be two-on-one at most.

Not three to one, let alone four to one, or more.

The rules are quite simple.

Although it is impossible to completely prevent someone from passing by luck.

But we have been able to do our best to be fair, so as not to let people fish in troubled waters.

"Understand the rules, let's go to the battlefield."

The white-haired saint said loudly.

The rules are simple.

Easier for the strong.

Especially the strong who can one-vs-two, that is basically sure that they can pass the test.

After flying to the battlefield.

The warriors immediately began to look for teammates.

Familiar people plan to join forces.

In this way, you will avoid being single, and others will not dare to touch you easily.

Of course, if the strength is too bad.

It still **** together.

It doesn't make sense.

Xue Xue teamed up with Hua Zuiyu.

Zhang Qiang and Zhang Feiling formed a team.

Since facing one person can only be two-on-one at most, there is no need to find so many people.

It's a waste to find it.

Lang Xiaoyao and Dao Unintentionally formed a team.

Many people have teamed up.

But there are also those who disdain to team up.

For example, the body of heaven is Hong Yi;

such as Cangsong, the son of nothingness;

It is not as good as the annihilation of a demon in the flesh.

There are also real wanderers and shadow bees.

Bai Feifei formed a team with Haitang Shuiling.

Ling Xiao did not find Jin Yan, Long Chen and others in the crowd.

They should be in another war zone.

Yaoxiang, Zhu Tianpeng, Tuoba Jue, and Qiu Lu were not in this war zone either.

But Ling Xiao is not worried about these people.

With their strength, passing the assessment should be no problem.


With a roar from the white-haired saint.

Immediately someone grabbed the start.

First off each one.

Strive to be able to complete the basic conditions of one wearing five earlier.

That way it won't end up being eliminated.

"Get off!"

"You should get out of here!"

The battle broke out instantly.

The battlefield fell into a melee in an instant.

In the beginning, everyone picked soft persimmons.

This is normal.

When you meet a strong enemy, isn't that courting death?

As soon as the battle began, the cultivation of many people was exposed.

Those who are weak in cultivation will naturally become the target of public criticism.

Ling Xiao didn't shoot, he wasn't in a hurry.

Instead, he looked at people he knew.

Everyone reacts the same.

In an instant, Xue Xue had already eliminated the three of them.

Bai Feifei also eliminated one person.

Soon, Xue Xue and Hua Zuiyu had already obtained the five kills.

They stopped fighting each other and gathered together.

Zhang Qiang and Zhang Feiling moved slightly slower.

But also completed the pentakill a few minutes later.

gathered together.

In the next battle, there is no need to fight alone.

The two can join forces.

Also, the two teams are very close.

If more than one person comes over.

They can also combine.

Haitang Shuiling and Dao Zhiyi also approached them.

Because it was already known that Xue Xue was Ling Xiao's apprentice.

As for Zhang Qiang and Zhang Feiling, they already knew each other.

"What are you looking at, kid.

You go down! "

Ling Xiao didn't do anything, just looked at the people he knew well.

Suddenly, a voice came from my ear.

Ling Xiao didn't even look at it.

It's just a half saint.

He waved casually.

The opponent rolled off.

Along the way, three people were directly knocked into the air.

In this way, Ling Xiao completed the four kills with one slap.

One more to five kills.

At this time, Xue Xue was stared at by Cangsong.

"Ling Xiao's disciple, get out of here!"

Cangsong had been unhappy with Xue Xue before.

Got a sigh of relief.

After completing the five kills, he set his sights on Xue Xue.

However, he is not alone.

Instead, they formed a team with the Cang family, an emperor's wealth.

They killed together.

"You go and deal with that woman."

Cangsong pointed to Hua Zuiyu and said.

He stared at Xue Xue.

Xue Xue showed a sneer: "I wanted to clean up you for a long time!"

He was holding a long gun.

Killed Cangsong.

Above the spear, the holy pattern kept flashing.

Fighting with Cangsong.

Cangsong is an eighth-order virtual saint.

He thought that Xue Xue could not be stronger than him.

But when he actually fought, he realized that he had miscalculated.

Xue Xue is too strong.

It is actually a tenth-order virtual saint.

As soon as he made a move, he completely suppressed him.

After only three strokes.

Xue Xue shot through Cangsong's body.

Cangsong was terrified.

"Save me, come and save me!"

He exclaimed.

The surrounding warriors were amazed.

No one thought of it.

Xue Xue was so strong.

With only three moves, he easily defeated Cangsong.

Cangsong really wanted to cry without tears.

If you are eliminated here.

I really cried.


At this time, Hong Yi shot ~www.readwn.com~ on Xue Xue.

Hong Yi's cultivation base is very terrifying, and he is already a tenth-order virtual saint.

Equivalent to Xue Xue.

But the Tao of Heaven is indeed stronger than the Tao of Saint Mark.

In addition, Hong Yi was born with a divine body.

Gradually suppressed Xue Xue.

Cangsong's eyes revealed a ruthless color.

After healing, he actually killed Xue Xue again.

The Son of Heaven and the Son of Nothingness.

To kill Xue Xue.

In this way, Xue Xue is really in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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