Wu Tian nodded and said: “Yes, I’m going to snatch Divine Spark and Divine Physique!”


Di Tian couldn’t help taking a breath, it was really a bold and crazy plan.

Once this plan is successful, 100% of the illusion warriors will go crazy.

Exciting, really exciting!

The Bloodline of his within the body was burning, and his heart was about to move!

But he calmed down quickly and frowned, “I don’t think it’s better to tell Li Tian.”

Wu Tian said: “I know your anxiety. Once he was our opponent after all, and now it is only a temporary cooperation, but the location of the retreat of the company is not only the seal of Perfection Heavenly Venerate, but also the Perfection Heavenly Venerate. We need his space-time mirror, and we also need the blood of the Sky Warrior, and he has exactly 2 of them. “

Emperor Heavenly Dao: “How can we allocate spoils of war then?”

“This issue is to be discussed after the plan is successful!”

Wu Tian said, sending a message to Li Tian with a land order.

Hearing this news, Li Tian was also very excited, and hurriedly responded to Wu Tian, ​​and then began to arrange.

Next, Wu Tian sat on a hillside and looked at the green plain, while waiting for Li Tian while telling Di Tian what happened in the Reincarnation Continent.


An ancient great hall sits on top of a giant beast.

Inside the palace, there are a total of ten 8 people.

They are Xuanyuan Ao, Holy Lord, patriarch of the other 8 great battle clan, and Great Elder.

The phantom warrior patriarch asked, “War God, what are you doing to us?”

Xuanyuan Ao said, “Wait first.”

Everyone could not help climbing a trace of doubt.

Probably around the past breathe breaths, the Palace Lord came out of the air and descended inside the palace, arching: “Master War God, this loss is too great to be counted at all, and even Holy City has been destroyed Most of the people in the city were killed or injured. “

It was heard that everyone at the scene was gloomy, and cold light blinked.

The Warriors patriarch said, “War God, are you letting us come to plan a joint conquest against West? If so, don’t discuss it, I will raise my hands to agree.”

Others are also nodded.

But to their surprise, Xuanyuan Ao shook his head to deny it.

Now everyone is puzzled, not to discuss continent, why?

Xuanyuan Ao sighed: “You also know that in order to prevent 10000, I have been retreating to expand the astral world after returning from Heaven Realm. Now the space of the astral world is almost the same as the east continent. I mean, we The people of East Continent have all migrated to the astral realm. “


Everyone suddenly got up, looked at Xuanyuan Ao in disbelief, and seriously doubted that there was something wrong with the ears.

Even Holy Lord and Palace Lord showed shock, apparently only now.

Xuanyuan Ao said: “I know, this proposal has made you unacceptable for a while, but you are also very clear that at the latest million years and the fastest hundred thousand years, the injury of mysterious person will be cured, and the Holy Realm will inevitably come by then The devastation, so we cannot continue to suffer any damage. “

The blood-burning patriarch said, “Then don’t have to dwell into the astral realm?”

Xuanyuan Ao shook his head and said, “We are not shrinking, we are accumulating energy, we are avoiding the scourge of war, and rest.”

Devouring the war tribe, patriarch, said, “You will abandon your tribe?”

Xuanyuan Ao said with a smile: “Our 9 great battle clan’s real clan is in the desert and has long disappeared into the long river of history. East continent is at best a temporary residence, what can we not bear?”

Paused, he added: “Moreover, if we don’t leave, the holy realm can never be calm. Like today’s tragedy, there will be 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.”

Everyone returned to their seats, looked at each other in blank dismay, and didn’t know how to decide for a while.

It is undeniable that the current situation is the most wise choice to relocate people from East Continent to the astral realm.

Because of this, during the period of war with mysterious person, tragedies like today will not happen again.

However, their foundations have stood for several times in the East Continent, and they just moved away in this way.

And, if they do move to the astral realm, the beasts of the western continent will surely think that they are timid and timid.

Xuanyuan Ao glanced at the hesitant crowd and said, “Everyone, no matter whether you move or not, I destroy the warriors must move into the astral realm.”

The Holy Lord groaned a little, looked up towards the crowd, and said, “I speak, my opinion.”

“First, we enter the astral world to avoid the scourge of war.”

“Second, if we fight with mysterious person in the future and unfortunately lose, Lord War God can also control the astral realm and take us immediately to flee the holy realm. In other words, we can advance and retreat.”

“Third, after we leave, those people who harbor malicious intentions will have goals. Without goals, their conspiracy will not succeed, and the holy realm will naturally calm down. The Western Antique’s Old Antique can also retreat quietly. When the decisive battle is against mysterious person, both of us will be able to confront him in a state of prosperity. “

“So I think that Lord War God’s proposal is not only feasible, but also implemented immediately, so as not to regenerate.”

I heard that everyone was thinking thoughtful of nodded, and I feel has several points of truth.

Huafan Zhan clan patriarch said: “The proposal is feasible, but I don’t know if you have thought about it. After all, the world of stars is a New World with scarce resources and so many people in the East. If all of them are moved in, I am afraid there will be resources. A tight situation. “

Xuanyuan Ao said: “There is no need to worry about this. My final plan is not only to move everyone to the astral world, but also to continent all the spirit veins, ancestors, Heaven and Earth rare treasure, spirit materials, All transferred to the Astral Realm. “

The annihilation warrior patriarch said: “If you do, you may consider moving to the astral world, but Lord War God, don’t blame me for being ridiculous. You are the master of the astral world. When we enter the astral world, it is equivalent to handing over our lives. In your hands, what if you don’t want to do that? “

Xuanyuan Ao said: “I, Xuanyuan Ao, think for my life, and will never do anything to hurt you, as evidenced by blood oath!”

At this moment, the people of the other 8 great battle clan finally feel relieved.

Then it’s time to make a decision.

Xuanyuan Ao said: “Let’s raise our hands!”

He raised his hand first, Holy Lord follow closely from behind.

The patriarchs of the other 8 great battle clan have deep brows, and it seems difficult to make up their minds.

Xuanyuan Ao did not urge, after all, the family migration is not a trivial matter, it is definitely not anxious, and they must consider it clearly.

Time passed, and patriarch, the mad warrior, raised his hand.

If someone starts, someone will follow.

The remaining 7 great battle clan patriarch also raised their hands one after another.

In fact, they are helpless. Who is the best at present? Naturally it is Xuanyuan Ao. Now that he is gone, isn’t the wild animal of the western continent more mad?

If they choose to stay, it will most likely be a mid-course meal for the western continent beast.

Therefore, they can only choose to migrate.

Xuanyuan Ao said: “Now that we have all agreed, we will immediately proceed with the arrangement. Our clansman of the 9 great battle clan will set out to gather all the resources that can be collected, but we must remember that we should not leak the word, but do it in secret.”

Everyone is nodded.

They are all very clear that if this incident spreads, it will inevitably cause a certain panic in the east continent, and the wild beast in the west continent may be in trouble.

Xuanyuan Ao said: “In addition, you only have half a month. After half a month, I will start a full transfer.”

Holy Lord asked, “Why not transfer now?”

Xuanyuan Ao shook his head and said, “There are countless races in East Continent. If they are not planned in advance, when they enter the astral realm, in order to seize resources and sites, all races will inevitably make a mess of the astral realm, and even races and races will occur. Fierce fighting. “

Holy Lord said, “What are you planning for?”

Xuanyuan Ao said: “My plan is to transform the geography and appearance of the astral world to be the same as that of the eastern continent, so that there will be no disputes wherever they are.”

Holy Lord said with a smile: “Master War God is really thoughtful.”

Xuanyuan Ao shook his head and said, “No way, who wants me to stand in this position? I won’t do it, who will do it? Okay, everyone will arrange it!”

The patriarch of the 8 great battle clan and Great Elder all got up and left.

Xuanyuan Ao also said, “The Palace Lord of the inner temple, it is estimated that many members of the temple are still alive. You must find a way to assemble them so that they can also contribute, and also allow the members of the inner temple to collect resources. Holy Lord, Do n’t participate in this matter, return to the world of stars and continue to impact Heavenly Venerate. “


Palace Lord was instructed to leave.

After Xuanyuan Ao sent the Holy Lord into the astral realm, he also started to call the clansman of the Sky Warrior to explain these things.


On the hill.

Wu Tian has also told the past of these years.

After hearing this, Emperor Tian was feeling 10000 1000 for a while.

Emperor Heavenly Dao: “When the contract between you and the big tiger disappeared, we all thought that you had fallen, but one day, Li Tian found me and told me that you were alive and still in the holy realm, I Really startled, I wondered at the time, how did you get a new life? It turned out to be related to life and death Profound Truth. “

Wu Tian said: “In fact, thanks to Ye Xiuling’s advice, if not, I have now become a loess of loess.”

“Speaking of Ye Xiuling, what on earth does this woman have?”

Di Tian was curious. When he left with Han Tian and the others, Ye Xiuling had not yet appeared, so she did not know her identity.

Do not say they, even if Wu Tian, ​​if it was not Ye Xiuling who told him, he would still be concealed in the drum now.

Wu Tian said: “She is the daughter of mysterious person.”

“Daughter of mysterious person?”

Di Tian’s body trembled, he was really shocked.

Wu Tian faintly smiled and asked: “She won’t say it, let’s talk about you. How have you been at Heaven Realm these years? Also, Han Tian, ​​how are they now?”

“This one……”

Di Tian hesitated, his eyes flickered, and there seemed to be something inexplicable.

But at this moment, not far from the two of them, a golden light suddenly emerged, following Li Tian’s manifestation out of thin air.

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