Wu Tian was a little puzzled. Huangfu Ming Zhu 4 had already left the gods long ago, how could they have just arrived at the Celestial Emperor Palace?

Thinking carefully, a bitter smile appeared in his eyes.

He ignored the speed of Huangfu Ming Zhu.

4 people are now the strongest but 8 Spiritual God. How can the speed be compared with the space divide object?

“You four came to me together, are you here to plead for You Hanyun?”

At this point, the Celestial Emperor’s voice sounded.

Wu Tian turned his eyes and looked towards Celestial Emperor in the picture. I saw Celestial Emperor sitting on the upper throne at this moment, and looked at Xuelan 4 in doubt.

Xuelan took a few deep breaths, gasping for breath, and finally calmed down, busy: “Father, we are not here to plead for You Hanyun, we are here to report something.”

Celestial Emperor asked, “What’s up?”

Xuelan said: “We met the masked man in the god prison.”


Celestial Emperor suddenly got up and hurriedly, “tell me clearly.”

At the moment, Xuelan simply and clearly told what happened in the god prison.

“I dare to wriggle your brains. This guard really eats the ambition of a leopard. It seems that I need some time to rectify the god prison!” Celestial Emperor was furious when he heard this.

Xuelan said: “Father, now is not the time to say this, don’t you think that it is unusual for a masked person to sneak into God’s prison silently?”

Celestial Emperor nodded and said: “It’s really unusual. This person should have a space divide object and the grade is not low, but this person’s whereabouts are secretive. It is not easy to find him.”

Xuelan Worlyly said: “Father, this person must find out as soon as possible, if he is not malicious, it’s fine, but if he has ulterior motives, letting him continue to lurk is not a good thing.”

Jiang Moshan’s eyebrows slightly frowned, saying: “Xuelan, the masked man has saved us. How can you slander him like this?”

Xuelan said: “I’m not slandering him. I’m talking about things. We can’t believe him unconditionally because he saved us. After all, knowing others and knowing each other, we have to guard against it.”

Hearing these words, Wu Tian couldn’t help showing appreciation.

Although Xuelan is a bit arrogant, in terms of alertness, it is still quite outstanding.

“Can’t drag on any more.”

In secret, Wu Tian said to Celestial Emperor sound transmission: “Celestial Emperor, you better go to God’s Prison immediately.”


Celestial Emperor raised his eyebrows without a trace, waving his hand at Huangfu Ming Zhu 4 people, instructed: “I will let someone check the mask people, you go down first!”


4 bowed back.

After waiting for 4 people to leave, Celestial Emperor waved his hand, and the door closed tightly, then glanced at the void in great hall, said solemnly: “Sir, who are you? The fake news that Huang Fuyi received last time, is it right? Did you tell him secretly? “

Wu Tian said: “It doesn’t matter who I am, and the fake news is not important. What’s important is that the 2 Great Accomplishment Heavenly Venerate in the Holy Realm have secretly gone to the god prison to prepare to rescue Nie Caixue.”

“How do you know?” Celestial Emperor was startled.

“Don’t worry about it, anyway, the news I give you will never be false.” Wu Tian said.

Celestial Emperor was surprised by 10000 points. This person not only knows the whereabouts of the 2 Great Accomplishment Heavenly Venerate in the Holy Realm, but also sneaks into the Celestial Emperor Palace with top secret. Now he can’t sense the existence of the other person when he talks with him. This person What’s going on?

Is it…

Celestial Emperor suddenly thought of a possibility, and said, “Is that the Lord the mask man?”

Wu Tian indifferently said: “Instead of guessing my identity here, it’s better to rush to God Prison as soon as possible, otherwise the 2 Great Accomplishment Heavenly Venerate will succeed.”

Celestial Emperor lightly said with a smile: “This will not trouble your Excellency, the powerhouse as clouds in the god prison. They go to the god prison to rescue Nie Caixue, which is equivalent to walking right into a trap.”

Wu Tian said with a sneer: “So confident? I’m not afraid to tell you honestly, they have mastered the precise position of Nie Caixue, and those so-called powerhouses in Shen prison are being secluded cultivation. When they are awakened, Nie Caixue has been rescued by them and Escape. “

Celestial Emperor said meaningfully: “Your Lord seems to know a lot about the gods!”

Wu Tian indifferently said: “The message has been given to you, what are you going to do, then your own matter, leave!”

He drove the space divide object, accompanied by a loud explosion sound, smashed through the gates of the palace, and swept away towards the demons.

“Shua !!!!”

Next moment when Wu Tian left, several gods appeared inside the palace, and they were all attracted by the loud noise.

Looking at the fragmented door, several gods were stunned by 10000 points.

But before they say anything, Celestial Emperor waved: “There is nothing for you here, let’s go out, yes, let Thunder God and Great Commander come to see me.”


They answered, glanced at the door in doubt, and left quickly.

Celestial Emperor frowned and fell into thought.


The magic capital is the base camp of the alliance, not far from the Celestial Emperor City. Depending on the speed of the space divide object, 5 6 can be reached.

On the way, the Purple Gold Rat asked, “Wu Tian, ​​do you say Celestial Emperor will go to God’s Prison?”

Wu Tian shook his head and said, “I’m not sure, but he will always leave the Celestial Emperor Palace whether he goes to God Prison or not. As long as he leaves the Celestial Emperor Palace, I will have the opportunity to sneak into the hidden Long Shan vein, so this is completely Do n’t worry, the priority now is to get the Celestial Emperor order, otherwise everything will be in vain. ”

During the conversation, the space divide object passed over a mountain range, Wu Tian turned his head and looked towards the unconscious Nie Meixue, muttering: “For the sake of the autumn language, let me let you go this time, and hope that in the future, don’t let I met you. “

Then, he waved his hand and sent Nie Meixue out of the space divide object.

With a gurgling noise, Nie Meixue fell into a gorge. The violent impact made her scream, but her eyelids had not opened, and she passed out again.

After the break, Wu Tian appeared over the magic capital.

He did not continue to hide, because it was no longer necessary to go directly out of the space divide object, divide sense hiding the sky and covering the earth, and instantly captured the breath of the devil in a tall and majestic palace.


Immediately after, his silhouette flashed, and he descended on a splendorous and majestic inside the palace.

When Wu Tian stepped out of the space divide object, the demon had sensed his breath and was preparing to get up and take a look.

But just got up, a white silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was suddenly shocked, without the slightest hesitation, and shouted: “Mask man, what are you doing here?”

“Let you borrow something!”

Wu Tian coldly smiled, the coercion roared out from within the body, and the demon was imprisoned in the void on the spot, unable to move.

Then he stepped forward and took away the demon’s space bracelet. Divine sense poured into it and erased the Soul Seal in it!

It’s all too late to say, then fast!

The devil has not responded yet, and the space bracelet no longer belongs to him.

Soul Seal’s memory was forcibly erased, and his face turned pale, and blood spewed out!

The devil angered, “Bastard, who are you?”

Wu Tian ignored it. Divine sense sank into the space bracelet, looking for the Celestial Emperor.

Suddenly, his eyes were bright. At a corner of the space bracelet, he found a token that can be slap-sized and white as a jade. It is engraved with 3 vigorous and ancient ancient characters-Celestial Emperor!

He thought about it, took the Celestial Emperor and asked, “Is this token the key to the door of Heaven Realm?”

The Devil frowned, “Do you want to leave Heaven Realm?”

“Answer me!” Wu Tian complexion turned cold.

“I won’t tell you.” The devil shook his head, said with a sneer: “I have informed the Old Senior of the Alliance, and wait for you to impossible to escape!”

“bang! !!”

Sure enough, the voice didn’t fall, dozens of terrifying imposing manners burst out, and the entire magic was enveloped in an instant!

Immediately following, these dozens of imposing manners approached the great hall quickly!

“Didn’t expect Loose Cultivator Alliance is also lurking so many powerhouses!” Wu Tian muttered secretly, but a faint smile climbed up in his eyes, and said, “Since you refuse to say, I can only read your memory!”

Hearing, the Devil’s face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly said, “I said, I said, the Celestial Emperor Order is the key to the door of Heaven Realm.”

“I was really guessed.”

Wu Tian muttered, his eyes suddenly shot with murderous intention, apparently to kill.

“hong long! ”

But at this time, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering blast exploded somewhere in the heavens, as if heaven falls and earth rends, it shocked everyone!

And the location of the loud noise came from the gods!

Wu Tian knows that the 2 people in black robe have begun to act!

He didn’t hesitate, abandoned the demon directly, entered the space divine object, and galloped towards the Celestial Emperor Palace!

At this time, he could no longer afford to kill the Demon King.

After Wu Tian left, the demon suddenly collapsed on the ground, his body was soaked with cold sweat.

When he thought of the loud noise, he immediately got up from the ground, left the great hall, and landed over the magic city.

At this moment, all the people in the magic city have risen into the sky, gathered together to form a sea of ​​people, looking at the direction of the god prison, all are 10000 points in doubt!

The most noticeable group of people is like an emperor, standing proudly above the sea of ​​people. They are young and old, male and female, and the imposing manner they emit is extremely powerful, and the rest dare not approach them. !!

These people are the League’s Old Antique!

Demon Sovereign is right there!

They also looked in the direction of Shen prison, and the eyebrows were filled with inconceivable doubts!

The devil came to them and asked urgently, “What happened?”

Demon Sovereign shook his head. “We don’t know, right, what about mask people?”

The demon said: “He originally thought you can kill me, but after hearing that loud noise, he left, looking very anxious.”

Demon Sovereign frowned, said solemnly: “This man’s whereabouts are secretive, and his origins are unknown. Maybe the loud noise is related to him. Go, let’s go to the god prison to see!”

The demon, Demon Sovereign, and dozens of Old Antiques, immediately turned into a stream of light, and swept towards the gods.

at the same time!

Over the Celestial Emperor Palace, Celestial Emperor, Thunder God, Huang Fuyi, standing side by side, all looking at the direction of God Prison, his face was rather gloomy!

Huang Fu said: “It seems that the man did not lie, the 2 Great Accomplishment Heavenly Venerate in the Holy Realm really went to the god prison to rescue Nie Caixue!”

Thunder God said, “What are you waiting for? We will go to the rescue right away!”

Celestial Emperor shook his head: “No, we can’t all go. I suspect that the mysterious person who disclosed the news to me also has other plans. You two stay and guard the Celestial Emperor Palace and Celestial Emperor City. I can go alone! “

“it is good!”

Thunder God and Huang Fuyi answered nodded.


The Celestial Emperor silhouette flashed, and suddenly disappeared without disappear without a trace.

Huang Fuyi shouted loudly: “All the gods listen to the orders, and immediately take precautionary measures. If any suspicious people are found, they will all be killed without mercy!”

With this command, all the gods are dispatched and scattered to various places and corners of Celestial Emperor City!

Thunder God and Huang Fuyi also returned to Celestial Emperor Palace Ninth Layer to guard the place in person!

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