Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1025: Kill the sky with one sword!

what? !!

At first glance, all of them looked very different and their pupils shrank!

The original two attacks collided, and they were originally offset by each other. However, if you look closely, you can see that among the four people, there are even small bloodshots! Every bloodshot looks like a miniature knife!

"Here, is this the four swords that have just been defeated!"

Someone glared and shouted silently.

"Haha, boy, do you really think that our Blood Sword Fight is so good? Tell you! In our Blood Sword Fight, the blood is constantly flowing and the sword is constantly blowing! Now here, there are 100,000. Knife! "

The ancestor of the Jiang family finally relaxed at this moment and laughed loudly. Holding the knife in front of him, pointing at Chen Yu far away, the ancestor of the Jiang family raised his eyebrows lightly, as if looking at a dead person, full of irony.

"One hundred thousand swords are coming! Boy, how can you live?"


The crowd on the ground was already shocking.

One hundred thousand swordsmanship! Moreover, it is a large array built by four masters. Each blow is extremely terrifying. How can Chen Yu be here?

"It is impossible to live! He is absolutely impossible to live! Under this bombardment, I am afraid that in an instant, he will be blasted into slag." Someone shook his head and said sloppy.

"Hey, Mu Xiu in the forest, the wind will destroy it. Chen Yu was too arrogant before. Otherwise, he would not force the details of the four major families. If he can see it, he will take it, now he will Will suffer such a devastation. "

Gu Tianhe listened to the voices of everyone. Rao is that he knew that Chen Yu's strength was amazing, and now he was sweating in his nervous hands!

"Mr. Chen, you must not die!"

Gu Tianhe meditated silently, the heart already mentioned his throat.

Han Rufeng held his hands on his chest with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, I want to know, can this disciple's disciple still be so arrogant? He has caused my son's wedding, and now, use his life to wash away the shame he brought to us!"

Everyone's eyes are focused on the sky, the cricket figure!

When Chen Yu waved the Dragon Sword, he glanced around, all eyes were knife, blocking him from all sides.

"Oh, is Bloodblade dominated? Then come!"



At the same time, the four ancestors all roared, and the blood knife in his hand pointed at Chen Yu, roaring in unison.

"Blood Knife Overlord, 100,000 swords, cut!"


In the strange wave, 100,000 miniature knives suddenly shot at Chen Yu! Because the speed is too fast, whistling sounds are emitted in the air!

Chen Yu's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Balong sword, sword sweep Liuhe!"

With a wave of the golden sword, the sword qi was like a sea, and Chen Yu spun madly, and turned into a golden tornado with a height of 100 meters.

Boom boom boom boom!

In the sky, knife gas and sword gas collided madly, and the sound of sonic boom continued to cascade.

The scarlet sword dies continuously, but at the next moment, they immediately reunited in the array, which is almost endless.

"Haha, boy, the battle is not broken, and the sword is invincible. How long can you spend with us?"

The ancestor of the Jiang family laughed wildly, full of pride.

"Even if you have the highest combat power, but in terms of cultivation, you are far worse than me. We will consume you now and again! What can you do?"

In the battle, Chen Yu's expression was condensed. This battle was indeed full of fierce danger. But want to kill him?

Not enough!


The golden tornado burst suddenly, showing Chen Yu's figure. The four of them stunned and all laughed.

"Oh, why, run out of energy? If you run out of energy, get ready to die!"

When Chen Yu heard this, she smiled sarcastically, standing proudly on the sky, looking down at the four.

"The person who is going to die is not me, but you!"

The dragon sword in his hand suddenly threw to the sky! Chen Yu whispered, and suddenly two long swords coagulated on the sides of his body!

"Come without indecent assault, since you have a sword formation, then look at my formation, can you stand it!"

"Yulong Sword! Rising Dragon Sword! Balong Sword! Sanjian Rongkong, Sanlong Sword Formation, rise!"

The hands were quickly printed, and three gold swords were suspended beside Chen Yu. The sword's strength was vertical and horizontal, whistling, it was amazing!

"this is!"

Seeing this scene, all the people in the square all changed greatly.

"In the battle, the four of them used the blood sword to dominate the battle. They wanted to take Chen Yu's head, but Chen Yu even sacrificed the Three Dragon Sword Formation! To break the four sword formation with a sword formation? Is this possible?

Someone muttered to himself.

The people on the side immediately shook his head.

"Impossible. What are the characters of the four ancestors? Each of them is an antique character, but the founder of the four major families! And it has absorbed the memory of the battles of previous owners, but what about Chen Yu?"

"How old is he? Even his Master Stalker, in front of the four, is not even grandchildren. Compared with experience and vision, he does not eat a level at all!"

"Bloodblade Array, I have seen records in an ancient book, I heard that the four major families entered the inaction realm, and found the peerless sword array in it! Look at this 100,000 swords So scary! "

"But I haven't even heard of the Three Dragon Sword Arrays. The sword qi is only one piece. How can it compete with the Blood Sword Array?"

The man's head was an analysis of the Tao. The others nodded in amusement when they heard it.

"Haha, what are the three dragon sword arrays, boy, we have 100,000 swords! How can you fight us?"

Chen Yu looked at the four with a cold smile on her lips, a head raised, long hair dancing, and cold eyes swept across the four, full of contempt.

"How to fight with you? I have never retreated in Chen Yu's life, but the four of you have only dared to shrink into this little secret world. You said, can I fight you?"

The four looked pale.

Chen Yu said, "Since I debuted, I have no fear of life and death, and I haven't lost a defeat. The four of you can only hide and hide. In order to survive, you can absorb the remnants of your previous homeowners. You said, can I fight you? "

The faces of the four were whiter!

Chen Yu spoke again.

"I Chen Yu stands proudly in heaven and earth, disobeying heaven and earth, but I'm invincible! You can only wait for the widower kneeling on the ground, how do you compare with me!"

"Although I have only one sword, I can break the mountains, cut the sea, shake the earth, and cut the heroes!"

"Four old couples, you 100,000 swords are not as good as my Chen Yu sword! Three Dragon Sword Formation, Huanglong Sword Qi, chop!"

Pinching, sword up!

The dazzling golden light burst suddenly, sweeping across the wild!

"No! Kill!"

The four were stunned and pushed the knife array!


The endless rays of light burst out suddenly, and the dazzling person could not open his eyes!

It took tens of seconds for the light to completely dissipate, and someone squinted at it.

Then, stayed!

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