Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1055: Because, his name is Chen Yu!

Seeing such an attack, everyone's hearts were sinking fiercely.

正是 It was this move that made Zang Feng seriously injured. Can Chen Yu resist it?

I was thinking so, and saw that in front of Chen Yu's palm, a huge golden disc suddenly appeared, and the black and red beam of light hit the golden disc directly!


Suddenly, he suddenly burst out from Chen Yu's mouth. Chen Yu twisted with one hand in the opposite direction. The golden disc suddenly spun up like a meat grinder, and the tornado was put into the meat grinder. Sausages are average, but in a moment, they are minced and completely turned into nothingness.


Hei Ying was surprised for a moment, it seemed that Chen Yu would have resolved this attack so easily.

I haven't waited for him to react, Chen Yu moved!

He stepped out, Chen Yu's figure disappeared directly from the place, and when it appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Heiying, raised his fist, and blasted away from Heiying!

In just an instant, the two were fighting together!

"Mr. Chen, don't!"

At this moment, Tibetan Yuanba yelled, his face full of anxiety.

父亲 "Father, what's wrong? Mr. Chen has an advantage now, why do you want to stop him? Now, it is when he is ill that he wants his life. Mr. Chen did nothing wrong."

Others looked at Tibetan Yuanba in wonder.

Tibetan Yuanba's face was abnormally dignified, and he said, "You do n’t know, the horrors of the Three Mysteries are too terrible! Each change of the Three Mysteries will strengthen the user's ability. And this person's magic changes can absorb Attack and true strength of the other party, Huawei's own power! "


Hearing this, everyone was shocked and looked shocked.

During the attack, he drew on the strength and true power of the opponent. Doesn't that mean that he can't touch the opponent at all?

"It's over, it's just the first change, it's already so abnormal. Now, even Mr. Chen cannot win the other party!"

Someone glanced into the pothole. The seriously injured Tibetan front had no war.

In the face of such opponents, their hearts are filled with despair.

"桀桀 桀桀, boy, attack me as much as you can, the more you attack, the greater my strength!"

At this moment, in the sky, the dark shadows shouted loudly, and the sound was full of pride.

But the next moment, his pride turned into shock!

"No, how is this possible! What power is in your body! Ah, no. Wow!"

Suddenly, I saw the two people who were originally stale. The dark shadow suddenly sprayed blood, and after drawing a palm, it quickly retreated toward the rear. At the same time, there was a trace of golden flame in his body. Constantly channeling out, like the sacral crucifixion, is burning wildly!

"Damn! Give me a break!"

Hei Ying's eyes were fierce, and he turned his whole body power to compress all the flames to his left arm. Then he waved his right hand and chopped his left arm down sharply!

左 And that left arm is also burned directly in the air!

This, what's going on?

Seeing this scene, everyone was holding back. Doesn't it mean that the three magical changes of the demon can absorb the attack of the opponent?

But now, why should Black Shadow break his arm?

"Tibetan Yuanba, this, is this the request of the three magical metamorphosis of the demon? Self-decision?" Someone looked strange.

Tibetan Yuanba froze, and then frowned fiercely.

Fart request! What a moth had happened to Nima.

Awkward smile, Tibetan Yuanba said: "It is really impossible to use common sense to do things related to Mr. Chen ..."

In the sky, at this moment, Chen Yu was standing in place, looking at the dark shadow on the opposite side, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

怎么 "Why? Don't you want me to attack you with all your heart? It's just that, you can't stand it?"


Heiying heard that, he could not help but hesitated. Then, his face suddenly gloomed, and at the same time, there was still a look of horror.

Just now, he did learn from Chen Yu ’s attacks, but he never expected that Chen Yu ’s true power was completely different from others, and it contained the breath of Zhigang Zhiyang and Zhiye Zhiba. Just into his body, he started to destroy it crazy!

运转 He is running too magically, and wants to use the absorbed real power for his own use, but he is horrified to discover that not only cannot be resolved, but the real power in his body, which is torn apart!

He even frightened him that after absorbing a piece of Chen Yu's true power, he had to consume ten times his true power to be able to force him out!

"How can this guy be so horrible! When did such a character appear in Thunderfield?"

Hei Ying stood there, a pair of eyes staring at Chen Yu, full of dreadful look.

"Boy, you're fine! Fine! I despised you, but this time, it won't!"

The wrath of angrily exploded from the dark shadow's throat, like the sorrow of evil spirits, which made people shudder.

Then, he suddenly drank, and the place where the arm was broken suddenly wriggles, and the blood lines of black and red are constantly intertwined, but for a moment, a new arm appears directly!

Subsequently, the shadows coagulated the fingerprints again. As the fingerprints coagulated, the appearance of the shadows also changed greatly.

"Tai Magic Three Mysterious Change, Land Demon Change, Heaven Demon Change!"

On its head, the two horns slowly increased, and the two canine teeth, like sharp swords, directly extended beyond the lips, and the muscles on the body continued to increase. Above the two palms, the nails rose sharply by three inches, exuding faint cold light.

In a blink of an eye, the shadow became like a ghost, and its breath soared several times!

"Tai Mo San Xuan change! This is the complete Tai Mo San Xuan change!"

Yuanzang Yuanba shouted in a cry, his fists clenched tightly, showing the extreme shock in his heart.

How long has 没有 been no one and can master the supreme inheritance, and now appears to him in this way!

Qian Zangfeng also got up from the pothole, looking up at the dark shadow in the sky, his expression was extremely complicated.

Just now, he was still telling Chen Yu that if he could get the three magical transformations of himself, he might not lose to the other party. However, I did not expect that now this supreme inheritance has been obtained by aliens and turned around to deal with them!

"Brother, Chen, can Mr. Chen win?"

There was a sense of unconfidence in the voice of the Tibetan Yuanba.

Qian Zangfeng looked very dignified and sighed deeply.

"The power of the three magical changes is terrifying. Although Mr. Chen is powerful, the power of the three magical changes can double the user's strength. When people are demons, they can absorb each other's attacks. He can strengthen his defense and resilience. By the time of the demon, his speed and attack power will be multiplied geometrically! Mr. Chen wants to win, it is difficult, difficult, difficult !!! "


When I heard this, everyone was embarrassed. Although Chen Yu had the upper hand just now, forcing the other party to cut off one arm, but in an instant, the other party has recovered as before, and now it is the incarnation of the demon. How can you fight?

"Let's help Mr. Chen?" Someone said.

At this moment, Xiao Xuaner, who had been silent beside him, shook her head slowly.

"You can't help him, he doesn't need your help, because, his name is Chen Yu!"

(End of this chapter)

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