Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1067: Do it yourself, others can't stop it

In the venue, countless eyes gathered, and everyone's face was full of anticipation.

At the first level, the debate between Yan Cang and Chang Sun Yuwei had opened their eyes. But now, not only the two of them, but even Mu Wenjun; isn't it more wonderful to join in?

At this moment, Long Sun Yuwei stared at Yan Cang and Mu Wenjun with a slight smile on his corners of his mouth, proud and arrogant.

"How do you want to compare?"

Yan Cang heard the words, smiled at Mu Wenjun, and was in the eye of the crowd. He even waved his hand and directly flew out the big Dan furnace in front of him.

"Well, what is he doing? Without the furnace, how can they show their ability to control fire?"

Someone said suddenly, the eldest son Yuwei was also a stunner.

"What do you mean?"

Yan Cang smiled slightly and said, "Oh, eldest son Yu Wei, use the three of us to make a miracle. Do you still need this kind of external fire for alchemy? You should know that when you are alchemy, you can only use your own body. Zenith's flames are the most effective! "

"If that's the case, then we might as well use the true power of our bodies to turn them into flames, and have better fire control capabilities than anyone else."

Long Sun Yuwei froze for a moment, then nodded.

At the moment, all three of them glowed.

"Get up!"

Almost in unison, the three of them shouted at the same time, and then swung them out suddenly. From the palm of the three, three fire snakes suddenly appeared, rushing directly into the sky, and turned into three-color flames. Clash fiercely!

"Hisse! It turned out that their true strength was turned into flames for a fight! The three of them are too powerful!"

Someone was shocked to speak, all in shock.

Zhenli Huayan, although it can make the alchemists, control of the fire more handy, but there is a big problem.

That's the way to do it, it's too much of your true power! And when the alchemist is practicing alchemy, the time is generally very long, and few people can support it all the way! On the other hand, burning your own true power is not so simple. It requires high control ability in use, and most people ca n’t do it at all. It may even be a moment to completely clear the true power of your body. Burn out!

If you really use alchemy for alchemy throughout the process, I'm afraid that the alchemy's true power will be exhausted without waiting for alchemy training. Therefore, generally, this method is only used by those who are extremely powerful, and when it is used, it is not used throughout, and only when the alchemy is most critical.

Now the three of them have to use Zhenli Huayan to fight, and sure enough, the masters are playing differently.

At this moment, the flames from the bombardment of the three people in the sky constantly turned into various shapes, collided with each other crazy, and wanted to completely devour each other!

The deafening noises kept coming from the sky, making everyone exclaimed.

On the platform, many big guys also nodded constantly, and there was a strong appreciation in their eyes.

Chen Yu was still sitting there, holding the e-book in her hand, watching it with interest, but occasionally, she raised her eyelids to watch the battle between the three, and then shook her head occasionally, a slight disdain appeared in the corners of her mouth.

"Two idiots, one with inflammation and fire in the body, and one with Akagi. The result is that they are holding on to each other. Is it possible to sneak attack?"

what! ?

The confronting elder grandson Yu Wei suddenly felt a shock, and looked at Chen Yu, who was sitting there, reading with interest, with a shock in her eyes.

Although Chen Yu's voice was relatively small and completely covered up in the roar, but because she was relatively close, Chang Sun Yuwei heard all of them.

At this moment, her heart was speechless in horror.

Just before, Wei Haoyun warned her that there were two mysterious forces in Yan Cang and Mu Wenjun, which made her pay special attention, but it was not clear what the power was, even Wei Haoyun.


This guy just clicked out? !! how can that be? Could it be possible that his knowledge should be above Wei Haoyun?

At this point, her control was affected, and her flames were a little unstable in the sky.

"Yu Wei, what's wrong with you? Concentrate and deal with it!"

At this moment, Wei Haoyun's voice rang in Yu Sun's heart. After all, Wei Haoyun is a remnant soul. All the energy is concentrated in the battle in the sky. Unlike Chang Sun Yuwei, he always keeps a concern for Chen Yu, so Chen Yu did not notice it at all.

"I know."

Long Sun Yuwei was shocked, and she immediately suppressed the shock in her heart, and concentrated all her energy in the battle in the sky.

At this moment, Yan Cang and Mu Wenjun glanced at each other and nodded tacitly.

"Yan Canghuo!"

"Akiki Yan!"

Suddenly, the two shouted together, and then, they saw the fire snake spraying out from the palms of the two, soaring to double in an instant, even the color changed!

Not only that, the flames of the two of them turned out to be like two ropes, spiraling and intertwining with each other, and suddenly rushed to the flames controlled by Chang Sun Yuwei!

what? !!

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were all changed, even the big guys on the high platform, all have changed their looks.

"The Yanling and Muhuang peoples I ’ve heard of are suitable for alchemy by nature. Now it seems so. I did not expect that they still have such power in their bodies! Now the two of them have joined forces, and long-term Sun Yuwei, I ’m afraid to lose ! "

Long Sun Yuwei was also shocked, but what surprised him most was not the sudden outbreak of the two, but the hidden power of the two, which was exactly the same as Chen Yu said!

He, he really knows! It's not like speaking out!

At this moment, the elder Sun Yuwei has been shocked to an ineffable level at this moment.

At the same time, above the sky, Yusun Chang is also losing ground. The flames of the two are being squeezed shorter and shorter, and they are being squeezed back to their palms!

Yan Cang and Mu Wenjun smiled at each other, their faces filled with pride. Although they have been hailed as geniuses all the time, they are still far behind their grandson Yuwei.

Now they can suppress Yusun Long, they are naturally very happy, even if the two are working together, the means is not too glorious, but what they want is just a result! So from the beginning, the two have planned to join forces!

"Hey, grandson Yuwei, I said, this level, I will definitely beat you! But there is a word later, I forgot to tell you, that is I will do whatever I can!"

Yan Cang laughed arrogantly, then glanced at Chen Yu who was reading an e-book, and raised a brow, his face could not help showing a playful smile.

"That being the case, then surprise you."

With a slight smile, Yan Cang's fingers shook, and the fire snake in the sky suddenly split into a burst, facing Chen Yu, snarling away!

Chen Yu, who was originally reading an e-book, saw this scene, and his face suddenly changed, and it suddenly became cold!

"court death!"

The low words came from the mouth of Chen Yu!

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