Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1074: Dan Dao Nightmare

With Chen Yu's nod, everyone's minds were all pulled up, looking forward to the slaughter they thought unilaterally!

呵 "Hehe, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. How did he know that Yao Ji's title then, if he knew, how dare he do such a thing?"

On the high platform, there was an elder of the Alchemy Association, with a moustache and a smile on his face.

"Oh? Title? What's that?"

The people aside, immediately curious. Several others also showed curiosity.

"Hehe, Yao Ji was then, but he is known as the King of Blood Dan!"


Hearing this title, everyone was surprised.

King of Blood Dan!

What a domineering title, how could they not associate this title with the medicine in front of them.

"When Yao Ji was young, he was more fierce than he is now. In the Alchemist Association, he didn't offend others so much, so he went through many times of fighting. But others did, but they just won. Dou Dan, is to divide life and death! "

"The method of dividing life and death is fighting blood Dan! On this way, the alchemist who died in his hands, I do n’t know how many, even those geniuses, have become dead bones at his feet!"

He said, the man glanced at Chen Yu and laughed, as if looking at a dead man.

他 "He? Oh, really impatient."

A word came out, and the fine, soft laughter kept ringing, full of intense drama.

Gu Tianhe and Tang Wu looked at each other, and the worry in their eyes became more and more intense.

"Oh, boy, your luck is very good, my husband has been for many years, and I have not been fighting with people."

Peony continued to lift his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a deep breath, his face intoxicated.

At the same time, Yao Ji's coat turned into an ashes, revealing his naked upper body.

"This! This is!"

The sound of chilling air-conditioning continued to sound, and everyone's eyes flickered, looking at Yao Ji's upper body inconceivably.

He saw the muscles knotted in Yao Ji's upper body, and on the muscles, there were all kinds of scars, which was very scary.

这 "This is the badge that Yaoji has left in countless battles since the beginning."

The person who spoke before, said again at this moment, there was a feeling of emotion in his tone.

"How many years has Yao Ji not been fighting with people? This boy, I really don't know if he is lucky or bad luck. Hehe."

The granddaughter Sun Yuwei also froze, fell to the ground, and looked at the scene suddenly, the whole person was stupid.

It's the first time that she has become a disciple of Yao Ji for the first time.

洛 Han Luo opened his mouth wide, stared, and his face was aggressive, but then his excited face turned red.

"Fuck! The teacher is so awesome! Chen Yu, an idiot, wants to challenge the teacher? Really **** doesn't know how death is written! Haha, it's so wonderful to have a chance to see the teacher do it You mean it, Bai Qi? "

Turned his head and looked at Yao Baiqi, Han Luo was surprised. He found Yao Baiqi's face, although shocked, but apart from that, there seemed to be a trace of worry?

什么 What the **** is this?

自然 Naturally he didn't know Yao Baiqi's idea. Although his father Yao Ji was very powerful, but in the past few rounds, Chen Yu's performance made him feel a little bit bottomless.

The change in attitude of the grandson Sun Yuwei before and after is so great, this is absolutely inseparable from Chen Yu! But how long have the two talents met?

In such a short time, it is possible to change a person's views, and even let the grandson Yuwei offend his father at the expense of Chen Yu, which is definitely not easy!

My father, you must kill Chen Yu, otherwise, my pharmacist will have a great disaster!

I thought so in my heart that Yao Baiqi's gaze turned to Chen Yu again.

At this moment, Chen Yu frowned, looking at Yao Ji's eyes with a look of surprise.

I didn't expect that Yao Ji's body would have so many scars, indicating that Yao Ji was definitely a real talent.

"Oh, boy, are you afraid of seeing your husband?"

Peony followed the chin, raised his arm and pointed at Chen Yu.

告诉 "Tell you, my husband started to practice alchemy when he was five years old, and entered the martial arts with Dan, and when he was ten years old, he has begun to fight against others!"

"For so many years, the old man's battle has not been under a thousand battles! Every time I fight against the Dan, I have to compete, and I have to live and die! I haven't lost a battle all the way, how can you fight me?"

Every time Shaoyao said something, the momentum on his body became stronger. Later, the momentum of the whole person reached the apex, full of oppression, and everyone was astonished.

But at this moment, Chen Yu just drooped her eyelids and shook her head slightly.

"No matter how much you say, you can't escape today. You say you haven't lost? Then today, I will give you a defeat!"


Peony suddenly blinked.

"Arrogance! I see how you gave me a defeat!"

After a short sentence, Yao Ji's five fingers suddenly trembled and looked forward!

A fire chain ran straight out of his palm and swept away towards these herbs. Although it was a chain composed of flames, there was no trace of flames on the chain, making everyone all exclaim.

"It's such a terrible flame control!"

宏 In the auditorium, Gu Hong couldn't help talking when he saw this scene.

He, as the king of the thunder of Starfield, did not go to the high platform at this moment, but was sitting in the front auditorium with a female student of his own, watching the competition live.

"Teacher, you said that Mr. Chen is very good, can he win?"


Kariya Hiroshi stunned, then a bitter smile appeared on his face, and he shook his head a bit hard.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. As the vice president of the Five Realms Alchemy Association, Yao Ji has unpredictable strength, and he has come along. How rich is the experience of Doudou Dan? Mr. Chen is even more powerful. After all, he wants to fight with Gu Hong , But it is a lot worse. "

For a moment, the schoolgirl was a little lost. Before she heard about Gu Hong's deeds about Chen Yu, she had long regarded Chen Yu as her idol. Now she heard that her idol was about to lose, and now she was a little unhappy.

At the moment, Yao Ji's fire chain was about to touch the medicinal materials. At the moment, Yao Ji could not help but raise a sneer.

Sure enough, he is a young man with no experience at all. The most important step in fighting blood is to be the first mover, just like playing chess. Those who grab the first mover can naturally get a huge advantage. Although you are weak, even if it is a lion and a rabbit, you have to use all your strength. How can you fight me?

He looked at Chen Yu disdainfully, but Yao Ji's expression flickered suddenly.

I saw Chen Yu looking at myself coldly, and a sneer of irony appeared in the corner of my mouth.

How is this going?

"You are called the King of Blood Dan? But how do you know, me, but the Dan Dao Nightmare by the Master of Alchemy of All Nations!"

Thinking of all the previous life, Chen Yu smiled and shook her head, then raised her right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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