Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1076: I am the rule!


There was a tumult of noise throughout the venue. Everyone stretched their necks and looked at the nine figures in the field.

"Haha, boy, fight with me, you're still far behind!"

Yao Ji's face was arrogant and his laughter was full of pride.

"It's over! Chen Yu is surely over! The nine magic alchemy, but the most powerful alchemy of Yao Ji, these nine figures are equal to Yao Ji's incarnation, and connected to Yao Ji's mind, everyone has Yao Ji's strength is one-third, and nine people come together. Yao Ji's strength has been turned several times! "

"Yes, now Chen Yu is trapped in it. Nine people use Chen Yu as a medicinal material to perform alchemy. Chen Yu has absolutely no reason to survive! Dou Xue Dan is so horrible!"

Everyone was shocked.

But the next moment, a voice made everyone feel excited.

"Second move."

The faint voice came out of the upside-down Dan furnace!

Afterwards, the outer wall of the inverted Dan furnace slowly became transparent, and a hint of golden light was revealed from it.

And the blood-colored chain connected to the Dan furnace was also rattling, and a faint cloud of smoke suddenly emerged from the chain!

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, the monster Ji's face changed greatly, and she was about to move, and when she heard a bang, the entire Dan furnace was bursting! That blood-colored chain was completely broken! The resulting shock wave directly let the nine **** figures fly backwards!

Yao Ji, also a shock from his father and son, took several steps back.

The Dan furnace burst, showing the scene in it. After seeing this scene, Yao suddenly shrank his pupils.

I saw that Chen Yu had one hand behind her back and the other palm, but she was holding a golden Dan furnace with a height of one person!

This Dan furnace is exactly transformed by Chen Yu with his own dragon dragon power. In the Dan furnace, it can be clearly seen that nine golden dragons are constantly wriggling. The medicinal materials have now become medicinal juices, all Gathered together!

"This, this is!"

When Yao Ji saw this, his pupils were shocked. Do n’t use the furnace, just rely on your own true power to transform into the furnace. This method can only be done by those extremely powerful alchemists!

And look at the appearance of those medicinal materials, now it has begun to slowly shape!

How short is this? Alchemy is almost ready to be trained?

Yao Ji only felt like a while, even if he came to refine the elixir, it would take more than three hours!

But now?

Just less than twenty minutes!

How is this possible?

Everything Chen Yu has done has completely subverted his knowledge!

"Here, this kid, where did the freak pop out?"

With his eyes widened, Yao Ji remembered what Yao Baiqi had told himself.

"Father, that Chen Yu is so horrible. In front of him, I feel like I'm a baby and can't be beaten!"

The words were still in the ear. At that time, Yao Ji just smiled a little, and didn't take it seriously, but now! When he really faced Chen Yu, he realized that his son did not exaggerate in the slightest. Even, Chen Yu's performance was even more terrifying than his son said!

This kid must not stay! Otherwise, my pharmacist, I am afraid that I will be completely removed from the Five Realms in the future!

Looking at Chen Yu, Yao Ji looked gloomy and undisguised murderous, and escaped from his eyes!

At this moment, on the high platform, the old servant who was sent out by Yao Ji before came back and saw the scene in the field, but he was slightly surprised.

"Well? Didn't the master ask me to prepare a room for Master Bai Qi tonight tonight? Now that he ended up in person? The kid is so unlucky that he will be killed by the master. Not to mention his own woman, tonight by Bai Qi How hard is it for the young master to juggle at the most expensive Lei Yin Hotel? "

The old servant shook his head constantly, but Chen Yu, who had always been indifferent, had a sudden shock, and then, the killing machine came straight out!

Chen Yu heard what the old servant said just now!

"Old bastard, you **** it!"

Chen Yu's voice was as low as a ghost! Make everyone shudder. Yao Ji was shocked, and then laughed.

"Huh, boy, how about it? The old man's son, since she looks after your woman, she is destined to be under the care of the old man's son! You? You could have chosen to live in humiliation, but now you want to die I'll do it for you! "

His eyes flashed, and Yao Ji made his fingerprints again. The nine blood shadows that had just returned were all shaken, and surrounded Chen Yu again.

On top of every shadow of blood, thousands of fine bloodshots were raised, and suddenly blasted away at Chen Yu!

"The Nine Devil's Life Road!"

The nine blood shadows even spoke at the same time, shouting the same words.


Sun Hong, who had been sitting on the high platform, stood up sharply at this moment, his eyes shocked.

"Yao Ji, hurry up! Fight blood Dan, but use Danhuo to fight Dan! You don't do it right now!"

Dou Xue Dan requires that no matter how the two parties fight, they must use the flame as a guide, but now Yao Ji has given up alchemy and directly attacked Chen Yu by other means.


Yao Ji chuckled and said, "Lao Tzu is the rule! The winner is the king, and the weak and the strong eat! I will eat him!"


Absolutely overbearing! Let Sun Hong's breath be suffocated. He is now old and his life has reached the last period. It is impossible to subdue Yao Ji again.

And now in the association, Yao Ji has controlled the strength of most departments, and now even if it is against the rules, he can do nothing.

I glanced around, and sure enough, many people in the association were sitting on their seats at the moment, and the old **** was there, making it clear that they would not stop Yao Ji.


Sun Hong sighed, and then sat back weakly.

Seeing this scene, Yao Ji snorted and looked at Chen Yu again, with his index finger down, and nodded his feet.

"Boy, no matter who comes today, I can't save you! The old man is going to kill you, there is no place for you in heaven or earth! Go!"


Countless bloodshots ran directly to Chen Yu! With a terrifying atmosphere!

"not good!"

Gu Tianhe and Tang Wu were all shocked at the moment.

But Chen Yu's face didn't have the slightest look of panic, she still lowered her eyelids, and there was a slight smirk in the corner of her mouth.

"Yes, the rules are human, but here you are not the rules, I am!"

"Third move, off!"

Falling down in a word, the nine **** shadows that had been so violent were suddenly stunned!

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