"How, how can this be!"

The unshakable shock came to everyone's face!

I saw in front of Chen Yu that the direction pointed by the dragon sword was divided into two parts directly by a straight line. On the ground, a crack less than five centimeters wide, directly from Chen Yu's feet, It stretched away into the distance, and beside the crack, there were black marks.

In contrast, on the sky, there was also a straight golden corridor visible to the naked eye. All the white clouds along the way were cut away from the middle and spread to the distance, a head that was completely invisible.

Between heaven and earth, there is only one line!

On this straight line, at this moment, Yao Ji was on his knees, and his face was in a complicated look.

"How come, how come?"

The weak voice came out of Yao Ji's mouth, with shock, fear, and deep regret that couldn't be masked.

Wrong! I am so wrong!

Originally, Chen Yu was only a ant-like creature in his eyes, but now he realized that he was facing a terrible beast!

"I, no, Gan!"

Gritting his teeth and saying these three words, a blood line spread directly from the top of Yao Ji's head! Then a bang, he fell down and died!

In the eyes of the public, the deputy chairman of the Five Realms Alchemy Association, a master who condensed into the realm, was beheaded by Chen Yu!

Shocked and frightened. . . . . .

All emotions came to everyone's mind.

Afterwards, the air-cooled sound was heard throughout the conference hall.

"Dead, dead? That's it, Yao Ji ?!"

"I, oh my god, at the exchange meeting, the vice president of the Association beheaded and killed, he was so fierce?"

"Among the Five Realms, is anyone more daring than him?"

Exclaimed throughout the venue.

At the moment, many big men sitting on the high platform opened their mouths, stared at each other with blank eyes.

This, this is not what they think! Why is this young man so strong?

"Before, he said that the three tricks were solved, but it turned out to be three tricks?"

Originally to them, it was just a joke, but at this moment, it was like a thunder, and it kept ringing in their ears.

Han Luo shivered wildly, kneeling on the ground, his face pale. My teacher, actually, that's it, no more?

What scared him even more was that Yaobaiqi, who was standing with him just now, disappeared at this moment. Only the black ash on the ground was silently explaining that he was alive!

Just now Chen Yu's sword was targeted at Yao Ji, but Yao Baiqi was killed by him!

If it was just a little bit a bit longer!

Han Luo didn't dare to think about it anymore, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, full of fear! Infinite fear!

In the eyes of everyone, which one is not the arrogant Tianjiao figure, everyone is looking forward to being?

But in front of Chen Yu, he only felt himself, just like a gnat on the ground, nothing special!

Long Sun Yuwei stood aside, also widened her eyes, staring at Chen Yu suddenly, in her mind, all the domineering posture that Chen Yu just cut off with a sword!

Sun Hong looked at Chen Yu with a complex look in his eyes.

He has seen a lot of geniuses, but like Chen Yu, he has lived so long and has never seen one!

If this son does not die in the future, he will definitely leave a name in the entire starry sky!

Sun Hong's mind suddenly raised such an idea.

And at this moment, the elixir in Chen Yu's hands has also been refined! When the fire was over, the inexplicable crowd had already shaken, and now it was boiling again!

The reason is that the elixir in Chen Yu's hand turned out to be a nine-pattern elixir!

"Nine, nine patterns! What kind of freak is this guy!"

Sun Hong looked at the elixir in Chen Yu's hands, and the whole person was covered. If Chen Yu killed Yao Ji just now, he only let him know that Chen Yu was powerful.

Now, he knows Chen Yu's alchemy, which is definitely the first among the crowd present!

Those medicinal materials, even if he came to refining them, could at most be able to refining the seven-pattern elixir, but Chen Yu did not use the pan furnace, and in the process of fighting, he produced the nine-pattern elixir!

This is no longer a genius.

"I knew it, I knew it !!! Your alchemy is absolutely powerful!"

At this moment, the elder Sun Yuwei was very excited.

Before Chen Yu helped her twice at the exchange meeting, she knew that Chen Yu's alchemy was very strong, but at that time, she didn't have a specific concept, but now, when Chen Yu so easily refined Jiuwen Pill She knew that Chen Yu's alchemy far surpassed everyone, and even Sun Hong was far behind him!

Many Tianjiao who participated in the exchange conference before, seeing this scene at this moment, all look complex.

"It turned out that your alchemy has reached such a point. No wonder you have been so arrogant. I am afraid that in your eyes, participating in an exchange meeting with us is a waste of time."

Tianjiao bowed his head and shook, a bitter smile on his face.

This gap is too big! The older ones are completely desperate, and they can't even give birth to the chase.

"Now I announce that Chen Yu is the number one in this exchange meeting! Who, who have opinions?"

At this moment, Sun Hong shouted, immediately interrupted everyone's thoughts, all eyes instantly looked at Chen Yu.


Refining Jiuwen Dan medicine, three measures to kill Yao Ji, who is so strong, who dare to have an opinion?

Even the arrogant gangsters who had been so arrogant before, all stood up at this moment and bowed down to Chen Yu.

"I wait, agree!"

The general sound of the mountain tsunami sounded, but Chen Yu left the venue directly without a slight stop.

"Chen Yu! You, your first Pharmacopoeia is gone!"

Long Sun Yuwei shouted suddenly.

Chen Yu waved her hand and didn't care: "No need, I'll send it to you."

That kind of thing, to be honest, Chen Yu was totally indifferent.

After speaking, he stopped without any more, and took Xiao Xuan'er and others directly, disappearing in the eyes of countless people.

When he came, he was ridiculed by everyone, but when he left, he was already a legend!

Long Sun Yuwei looked at Chen Yu's background, her eyes were already fascinated, and two red glows directly appeared on his cheek.

"Have you sent me? Then, I will keep it forever!"

A conference came to an end, but what Chen Yu didn't expect was that the day after the conference, Sun Hong took his grandson Yuwei directly and found himself.

At the same time, Sun Hong even took out the five-star and three-tier badge, handed it to Chen Yu, and also said a word to Chen Yu.

A word that shocked Chen Yu.

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