Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1083: Whatever you call


I saw this scene, and the crowd could not help bursting into noise.

Everyone is looking at Chen Yu, his eyes are full of incredible looks.

"This boy, I'm too brave! Dare not to give Zhao Hao face so much, when he's in front of him, make Liu Feng look like this, I think he's finished!"

"Yeah, it seems that he should have come from a foreign country. I am afraid that in other places, he is also the kind of rich second-generation, but in Beidu, he ca n’t even miss him."

"Yeah, the Zhao family and the Liu family, these are the new capitals of the North in the past few years. In order to establish the prestige, many old-fashioned families were abolished. It was at the time of the prestige that some people dared to act against them. They How could he let this kid go? "

In the argument, Zhao Hao calmed down, his face was already cold.

the first time!

This is the first time someone has dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

"Boy, you can, I am so big, I have never seen anyone so arrogant!"

Chen Yu glanced indifferently at Zhao Hao and smiled coldly.

"Now you see?"


豪 Zhao Hao raised a brow and nodded. Chen Yu's arrogance was beyond his expectation!

"There is a species! But there is a species to pay the price! I don't care who you are, I will not abolish you today, I will not be called Zhao Hao! You two, please give me! Kill me and count it! In Beidu, There is nothing wrong with Zhao Hao! "

After a short sentence, everyone's hearts were shocked!

Is this the power of this super rich second generation? In a word, even in such a large shopping mall as Wanda, there is no convergence at all!

Next to Zhao Hao was a bodyguard heard the words, all nodded heavily, and slowly walked up!

At the same time, everyone's fists even put on the steel hoop!


When I saw this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

人 These people are originally well-trained and specialize in killing super bodyguards. Their physical fitness and fighting skills must be strong. Attacking others is always only the key. Now I put on the hoop again. Who can bear this punch?

At the moment, after ten people are ready, they immediately bully themselves, like ten hungry wolves, and rushed towards Chen Yu crazy!

At first glance, they cooperated together for a long time. Although there were a large number of people, the attack was extremely well-organized. Everyone's attack ran to the key point of Chen Yu's body.

If an ordinary person takes a punch, it will be enough to make him crippled for life!

豪 Zhao Hao stood there with his hands on his shoulders, and thin lips sneered.

These ten bodyguards are all carefully selected. Ten shots, even masters with great strength, cannot resist!

At this moment, Zhao Hao seems to have seen Chen Yu completely abused by his bodyguard!

The audience around the audience also shook their heads, and some girls were so scared that their hands were blocked in front of their eyes, and they were afraid to watch the next scene.


In the muffled sound, the fists of ten people fell on Chen Yu's body exactly!

"Oh, boy, this is what offends me! Damn! What the **** is this?"

豪 Zhao Hao just raised a proud smile, but the next moment, it turned into boundless horror!

All of the ten people fell on top of Chen Yu's key points!

But let Chen Yu stand there, not even half a step back! The expression on his face has not changed at all!

This, how is this possible?

豪 Zhao Hao's eyes widened and the boss with his mouth open, the entire person has been completely stunned!

Both of them still hit with fists! How could that steel be hit on a person?

"Is this what you mean?"

羽 Chen Yu tilted her head and smiled coldly, but she didn't see any action, but she trembled suddenly!

Suddenly, I heard a crackling crackle, the bones of the ten bodyguards, all deformed directly! The arm hung beside him in a twisted posture, and it seemed to have broken!


The sound of misery erupted from the mouth of ten people! They were still cold-faced just now, and all of them were sitting on the ground, covering their arms, their faces paled!

"His! The whole body is attacked. Not only is it okay, but just relying on the force of the shock, let all these people break their hands! Oh my god, how can this young man be so powerful? Looking at the northern generation, there is no one. To be able to do this, he, who is he? "

Someone in the trance crowd saw this scene and was startled to murmur.

豪 Zhao Hao suddenly felt a shock in his heart, looked at Chen Yu inconceivably, and a sudden anxiety rose in his heart.

Da da da!

Chen Yu stepped towards Zhao Hao step by step.

With Chen Yu's pace, Zhao Hao stepped back step by step!

"You, what do you want to do? Don't come over! I warn you, I'm the Grandpa of the Marriott Group! My father, they will be here soon. If you dare to move me, I promise that you will not live in Beidu!"

"Is it?"

羽 Chen Yu smiled coldly, walking without any pause, and walked straight to Zhao Hao.


There was no sign of it, Chen Yu kicked her directly and trembled on Zhao Hao's stomach. Zhao Hao immediately knelt down, and a blood spurted out!

With this kick, Chen Yu has controlled the force, otherwise, it will be enough for Zhao Hao to burst directly.

But even so, this foot has broken Zhao Hao Dan Tian, ​​and the whole person has become a waste. From now on, as long as he exerts a little force, the lower abdomen will be extremely painful!

"You, you, how dare you kill me?"

Zhao Hao was like a crouched Ki Wai shrimp, covering his stomach, trying to raise his head to look at Chen Yu, his eyes were full of shock.

Look down!

Everyone looked at this scene, all of them collectively petrified.

I never expected that this young man's courage turned out to be so big that not only Liu Feng was abandoned, but Zhao Hao was also abandoned!

Zhao's family in the north can be described as the presence of wind and rain! He, isn't he afraid?

"What's wrong with you?"

The indifferent voice, not mixed with the slightest emotional color, coupled with the cold eyes of Chen Yu, immediately made Zhao Hao the whole person.

"Some kind, don't go! Wait for me to call someone!"

When I heard this, Chen Yu frowned and sneered.

"Screaming? Okay, I'll give you a chance, just shouting!"

After speaking, Chen Yu returned directly to the store, sat down with Xiao Xuaner, and asked the person in charge to bring him two glasses of water.

豪 Zhao Hao looked at this scene, gritted his teeth, pulled a mobile phone from his arms, and dialed a phone.

"Hey, dad, bring someone over, I'm beaten!"

(End of this chapter)

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