Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1095: You are not worth it!

In a word, Lu Quan suddenly changed his face!

"Presumptuous! Sir, but the benefactor of our Kara village, how dare you be so rude to him and not apologize quickly!"

Lu Quan was furious, Chen Yu's medical skills were extremely strong at first glance, and he studied medical practice throughout his life, admiring Chen Yu for five things, naturally he couldn't stand Chen Yu being provoked by others.

Especially, the provocative person is still his own son!

In his opinion, Chen Yu's attainment of such a high degree of medical ethics must put all his energy on medical ethics, how could he be his son's opponent?

Hearing his father's choke, Lu Hong was standing there, looking at Chen Yu provocatively, without the slightest apology.

"Father, I also want to see how good Mr. is. After all, I heard that Mr., but I'm very interested in the selection of the magic servant. If you don't have the ability, I think Mr. is quiet and research medical practice.

Lu Hong smiled slightly, with a touch of contentment.

Guan Peng looked at Lu Hong, and was also slightly stunned. He also heard that Lu Hong was hostile to Chen Yu, but he had just woke up after all, and hadn't figured out what had happened.

Guan Lanruo's complexion changed abruptly, stepping out and blocking in front of Chen Yu, his eyes stared at Lu Hong.

"Lu Hong, you are presumptuous! My husband is my father's life-saving benefactor, how dare you disrespect him? Do you want to try? Good! I will accompany you!

Guan Lanruo's eyes flickered, and his eyes were violent!

"Lan Ruo, you!"

Lv Hong was stunned, and his face immediately became ugly.

She, for an outsider, wants to compete with herself?

She was so defending that man!

Anger, immediately appeared to Lu Hong's heart. A feeling of being robbed of his own things made Lu Hong's whole body shivering.

"You, hide from me! Sir, if you are a man, stand up and fight me outright!"

Lu Hong shouted, but Chen Yu just looked at Lu Hong coldly, with a contemptuous smile.

"You don't deserve me to do it. Guan Peng, this is how you treat me in Kara village?"

Upon hearing this, Guan Peng immediately changed his look and bowed deeply towards Chen Yu.

"Mr. Don't blame, Lu Hong is still a little child, unreasonable, and offended Mr. I apologize to you!"

After speaking, Guan Peng looked at Lu Hong and stopped drinking.

"Lu Hong, immediately apologize to Mr. Chen! Otherwise, punish you for one month of hard labor!"


After hearing this, Lv Hong was stunned, and then, a thick sense of inflexion directly poured into his heart, making his face flushed.

Asi and others looked at Lv Hong, full of sympathy. They naturally knew Lu Hong's heart for Guan Lanruo, but now, if Guan Lanruo defends an outsider, what kind of pain should Lu Hong have?

In particular, in their eyes, Lu Hong was the first warrior of their Kara village. Chen Yu was definitely not the opponent of Lu Hong. But Lu Hong didn't even have a chance to fight with Chen Yu!

For a moment, they looked at each other with complex faces.


Lu Hong roared and was very depressed.


But at the same time as Lu Hong yelled, another yell came from the village entrance, which actually suppressed Lu Hong's yell, and everyone was shocked.

Later, a figure, coughing up blood, smashed it down from the air, and fell directly in front of everyone!

A closer look turned out to be the guard that Chen Yu had seen at the entrance to the village!

"what happened!"

Guan Peng yelled loudly, and at this time, a burst of wild laughter passed directly, seven or eight people wearing animal skins with colorful totems painted on their faces, came arrogantly, All the people in Kara village along the way were all horrified and pushed to the sides.

Even more remarkable is that several people dragged a black coffin and swaggered towards Guan Peng!

"Haha, Guan Peng, I would have come to you today, but I didn't expect you to be dead?"

The first strong man looked at Guan Peng and grinned.

The faces of Guan Peng and others suddenly changed.

"Xie Kun!"

Guan Peng gritted his teeth, and the whole man was relieved.

"Who is this person?" Chen Yu asked Guan Ruolan.

Guan Lanruo reached up to Chen Yu's ear and opened his mouth gently.

"This person is the village head of the next Shaying Village, Xie Kun! Shaying Village, among the dozen or so nearby villages, is the largest village. And it is the most powerful. Our village and them have never dealt with it. , And my father's injury was what Xie Kun did! "


After hearing this, Chen Yu raised an eyebrow.

On the side, Lu Hong looked at Chen Yu and Guan Lanruo intimately, shook his fist fiercely, and the posterior molars were about to explode!

"Ha ha, Guan Peng, you can survive under the nine-color Luocha, and you are also lucky, but today I have brought this coffin, but you can't go home empty-handed, so let me see your strength again!"

His eyes flashed, and Xie Kun attacked Guan Peng without any warning.

"it is good!"

Guan Peng roared, without any evasion, he rushed out. In just a moment, the two were in a ball.

I have to say that now that Guan Peng has been well treated by Chen Yu, the body meridians have opened, and his strength has improved a lot. Xie Kun was able to press Guan Peng to fight, but now, the two are fighting with equal strength!

After dozens of strokes, the two fight again, and then directly back up a dozen steps each, regardless of up and down.

"Okay!" Seeing this scene, Guan Lanruo and others all waved their fists fiercely, with a look of excitement.

Xie Kun was the first strong player in the neighborhood. Guan Peng was not an opponent at all, but he never expected that Guan Peng could be as good as Xie Kun!

"It's worthy of being against the bounds of the past! There is such a mighty power!"

Lu Quan was amazed, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, looking more worship.

At this moment, Xie Kun looked at Guan Peng with a look of uncertainty. The people behind him did not sneer anymore, everyone's face was shocked!

"Xie Kun, how are you going to fight?"

Guan Peng sneered, and his heart was filled with emotion. He was really blessed by misfortune. Not only did he not die, but his strength rose!

And all this is thanks to him!

Guan Peng glanced at Chen Yu, his eyes were full of gratitude and admiration.

"Well, Guan Peng, don't be proud. You are strong, it doesn't mean that your Kara village is strong. You will soon be in the magic servant election. Your Kara village has not appeared twice. Will be destroyed directly by the Holy Spirit! "

Hearing this, Guan Peng's face suddenly changed. Xie Kun's words happened to mention what he was most worried about.

"That being the case, Xie Biao!"

Xie Kun drank aloud. From behind him, a young man stepped out slowly, glanced at everyone in Kara Village, and hummed disdainfully.

"A bunch of waste, where is the first person in your younger generation? Get out and die!"


Lu Hong's face was immediately gloomy, then he glanced at Guan Lanruo and Chen Yu, and said, "Lan Ruo, you can see clearly, I am the strongest man! Much stronger than the guy next to you!"

After speaking, Lu Hong stepped out and watched Xie Biao swig.

"I'll kill you!"

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