
Xie Kun's eyes are all fiercely bright!

I'm accurate!

With the words of the inspector, the entire Kara village will be theirs! As for Guan Peng and others, naturally they cannot live today!

For a moment, the hearts of several people were all violently jumped, full of ecstasy!

Kara village, but they coveted for a long time, if it was not because of some rules set by the Holy Demons, they would have swallowed Kara village!

Now he painstakingly settled on the inspection mission, and finally got the permission of the Holy Demons! Since then, everything here is theirs! All women will become their playthings!

"Haha, Guan Lanruo, my son has looked after you just now. Although he was abolished now, but I am an old man, I cannot let him down! Today, today, I am in front of your dad and that kid Face, I did you hard! You tribe, just deserve to be our toys! "

Xie Kun looked at Guan Lanruo, hissing and roaring, like a **** evil spirit, terrifying!

When I heard this, Guan Lanruo suddenly changed color, and the whole person shuddered because of extreme fear!

"It's over!"

Tong Guanpeng and others heard this, their faces were all pale, full of deep silence and despair!

For them, the inspector is God. In a word, it is enough to make them disappear from the village of Kara!

"Survey, Lord, please, please, please let go of Kara Village! Let go of my daughter !!!"

No longer caring for any dignity, Guan Peng knelt on the ground, almost begging, crawled to the feet of the inspector and begged, crying for blood!

"Dad !!!"

"Village !!!"

The inspector made his brows frown fiercely, then kicked sharply and kicked Guan Peng directly!

"You, stained my shoes! Humble ants!"

Everyone in Kala Village, looking at this scene, was all terrified! In their eyes, they were so immensely powerful that they were the heads of the pillars of their Kara village, so helpless at the moment!

"Mom, I am afraid."

There was a young child who was digging into his mother's arms tightly. On the one side, a mother in her twenties was holding the child tightly on her chest, and she was also cuddling.

Wu and Xie Kun came to the other three village heads here, one of them was Mu Tianzong. Hearing the girl's words, he laughed immediately.

"Don't be afraid of your little girl. When your uncle plays your mother to death, your uncle will raise you up, and when you grow up, your uncle will love you so much. Quack."

The arrogant laughter echoed throughout the Kara village, fear, shrouded over the entire Kara village!

Lu Hong, A Si and others were all gritting their teeth fiercely, and their nails were severely inserted into the palm of their own hands. Yan Hong's blood slowly came out with unwillingness, anger, helplessness, and madness!

They hate! Hate your incompetence! At the moment when foreign enemies are present, they are not even protecting the women in the village!

"Damn! Damn !!!"

Lu Hong knelt on the ground, growling low, his blue veins on his neck, beating wildly.


Chen Yu suddenly appeared in his heart.

If, if really, save Kara village!

"I, Lu Hong, please !!!"

Lu Lu suddenly yelled.

在 At this moment, a dark shadow burst out from the room!

The thunder explodes, and the killer is sky-high!

For a moment, Chen Yu had already appeared in front of Mu Tianzong, staring coldly at Mu Tianzong!


The hairs on Mu Muzong's body suddenly stood up, a great fear came to his mind!

"You, what the **** do you want to do? I tell you, the inspector is here. If you dare to move me, you are the enemy of the inspector!"

At this moment, Xie Kun looked at Chen Yu, and suddenly shouted.

"The patrol makes the master, that's him! All this is done by this kid! Little bastard, you don't hurry to roll over! The patrol makes the lord come, do you dare to stand? Don't hurry to kneel!"

The patrol inspector looked at Chen Yu, frowned, and did not like his voice.

"Who are you? Why don't you kneel when you see me? Now kneel down immediately!"

Chen Yu turned a deaf ear to these words, just glanced at the young mother hugging the girl, and then smiled slightly.

不要 "Don't be afraid, I'm here, they can't move you. Little sister, do you know what to do with the enemy?"

Chen Yu asked the girl.

The girl shook her head, her eyes full of panic.

Chen Yu smiled again, her eyes narrowed.

"For the enemy, there is no mercy, no goodness, either you die or I die!"

Chen Yu smiled, but waved to Mu Tianzong aside!


Only one cold light flashed, and a human head suddenly flew up!

That's Mu Tianzong's head!

On the head, Mu Tianzong's expression was still confused, and he couldn't believe it, so he died? Isn't the inspector here? Why did he dare to do it himself?

A blood spring blasted several meters high, like a glamorous red fountain, shocking!


The head fell to the ground, mumbled, and rolled to Xie Kun's feet!


The whole scene is completely dead!

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at the scene suddenly, his mind was blank!

He killed Mu Tianzong in front of the inspector?

"OK! Good kill!"

At this moment, Lu Hong and A Si and others suddenly roared, their faces flushed. They were all young people with blood in their chests, and inspections were awesome, but what about that?

I provoke them, only to wash the shame with blood!

But they do n’t have that strength, but Chen Yu did what they wanted but could n’t do!

The consequences of **** them, they also see clearly, whether it is rebellion or not, in the end, they have no way to live. In this case, it is better to live vigorously!

"Sir, it's a real hero !!!"

Tong Guan Lan, if she looked at Chen Yu, clenched her fists tightly in her chest, and looked at Chen Yu's gaze with unabashed worship!

Do what others dare not do, this is the strong!

Xie Kun's eyes widened, and even a little horrified, he climbed up to his cheek. Then he suddenly shocked and immediately became fierce!

他妈的 "Fuck, you, you dare to kill in front of the patrol to make the adult look! You madman, you have not put the patrol in the eye of the adult! The patrol makes the adult not let you go!"

Xie Kun roared, but his heart was ecstatic! Extreme ecstasy!

Chen Yu's approach is tantamount to hitting the inspector's face in person! This time, he must die! !! !!

Little hybrid, you just wait to die! Thinking about this, Xie Kun looked at the inspector, and found that the inspector's face was extremely gloomy.

"You, dare to kill in front of me?"

Chen Yu looked up, looked at the inspector, smiled slightly, but was extremely cold.

"Kill? I will not only kill him, but dare to kill, I will kill you! You, believe it or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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