Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1122: Top Ten Tianjiao

she was!

After Zhao Ji said this sentence, she couldn't help but feel shocked. There are still people here, and she can use the same moves as her!

"No, have you noticed that this step Ye Yuyu's move is still a little different from her? I feel that it seems that the step Ye Yuyu's previous move is more subtle than her?"

Even Yun Yi himself felt a little weird to say such a thing.

That woman, but a woman like a mystery, the tricks she used were even more subtle than those of them. But this step night feather can make them feel so strange, it is incredible!

"Wait a minute, when she comes, let her see for herself, can this step night feather join us!"

The two talked, looking at Chen Yu, and never looked down on just now.

At this moment they have already seen it, Chen Yu is not easy!

In the presence, everyone was inconceivable.

"My Cao, this step Ye Yu is too overbearing! The vicissitudes have already acknowledged and persuaded, he has not let go of the other party?"

"His, annihilation is arrogant enough. I didn't expect that this step Yeyu was even more mad than annihilation! Even prouder!"

After hearing the words of everyone, the whole face of the devastated people became flushed, and their eyes were bloodshot!


Great shame!

He was vicissitudes, how has he ever been so humiliated?

"You will regret this!"

Desolate looking at Chen Yu, his eyes are full of crazy killing intentions!


Chen Yu raised a brow, and slowly walked to the side of the vicissitudes, then raised her hand, and slapped him severely, directly on the vicissitudes face!

"Are you qualified to say these two words to me?"

"Ah! Bu Ye Yu! I!"


"Asshole! Do you know!"


Every time the annihilation has to speak, what follows is a slap in the face of Chen Yu!

Yun Yi and Zhao Ji looked at this scene, and their mouths were drawn fiercely.

"So, that I feel, it's pitiful to destroy him."

Zhao Ji nodded in agreement.

"I feel the same way."

After more than a dozen slaps, the demise finally no longer has the arrogant arrogance just now, looking at Chen Yu's eyes, already full of fear.

Nima, he has never met anyone like Chen Yu, madden than him, arrogant than him!

"Can you let me finish talking!"

Looking at Chen Yu, Cang Ming said that he was somewhat wronged.

Chen Yu raised a brow, and then slap in the face with a slap in the face, and then spoke lightly.

"I'll give you a chance to say something."

I Cao!

The whole man had to vomit blood, adjusted his mood before he spoke.

"I follow Mingxiang!"


Chen Yu froze.

"You finished?"

Desolation froze, nodded, and said, "It's over."


Another slap in the face, fiercely sucked on the vanishing face!

"What do you think you would say? Did you say that? Wasting time, kneeling down and apologizing, then get off!"

Chen Yu said that if it wasn't for the selection of the devil servant to kill, in order to enter the Broken Soul Devil Mountain, to check the news, Chen Yu would have wiped out the ruins.

"You, you don't know Ying Xiangming?" Cang Ming froze, widened his eyes, and looked at Chen Yu suddenly.

"What is he? Why should I know him?" Chen Yu said lightly.

Ran Le frowned, lowered her head for a moment, and then the whole person trembled.

"Ying Xiangming, you mean Ying Xiangming who is ranked No. 10 in Tianjiao !!!"

Ran Le shouted in shock, the whole person's complexion was completely white. Wan Zhengqing even collapsed on the ground, shaking without any image.

Yun Yi and Zhao Ji, both above the small building, were also changed dramatically, and their eyes were shocked.

"Unexpectedly, this annihilation turned out to be Ying Xiangming's younger brother ?! Now, this step Ye Yu is in trouble!"

Chen Yu was a little confused.

"This should be famous?"

Ran Le mechanical nodded, his face was bloodless.

"The top ten arrogances are the ten strongest people in the entire dark forest. Their reputation is spread throughout the dark forest. Their strength is even better than the person in charge of the shoulder area! Some people even said that this time In the selection of the devil servants, the highest score that all people can compete for is only the eleventh place. Because the top ten places cannot be shaken at all! "

"And should be Xiangming, it is in the dark forest so many days of pride, the second supreme figure! We are finished!"

Ran Le smiled horribly, as if he had been pulled from his spine, without any fighting spirit at all.

Looking at Ran Le's panic, Cang Ming smiled, and smiled very proudly.

"Ha ha ha ha, yes! I just mingled with Brother Ying! I was called when I was with Brother Ying just now, and he saw that I hadn't gone back for so long, and it was estimated that he would come right away. Hehe, you dare to move me Just wait for Brother's anger! "

Cangfeng's eyes were bright and excited. I never expected that my elder brother would become Ying Xiangming's younger brother!


Hearing this, everyone in the field was shocked, looking at Chen Yu and others' eyes, full of sympathy. Should have offended, Xiang Xiangming, they are over!

"Bu Yeyu, apologize, quickly, quickly and desperately! Maybe there is a turnaround !!!"

Ran Le was shocked and grabbed Chen Yu's arm, anxiously.

"Hahaha, apologize? Unless you kneel in front of me and apologize! Let Laozi slap you a hundred slaps! Drill in under Laozi's crotch! I can consider it and spare you."


The victorious smile was once again slapped by Chen Yu!

Looking indifferently, Chen Yu sneered scornfully.

"When did I say I apologize?"

"You, dare you hit me?"

Cang Ming covered his face and looked at Chen Yu without any thought. After knowing the identity of Ying Xiangming, Chen Yu still dared to move.

"Hit you? I hit you just like that. Why, do you have to pick time?"

He grabbed the vicissitudes of hair, and Chen Yu raised the annihilation like a dead dog, and then pulled a dozen slatters again!

"No matter who your brother is, I let you kneel and you have to kneel. If you should not agree with Ming, let him kneel with you!"

In a word, everyone was shocked! No one could have imagined that Chen Yu dare to say such a thing in public, but it should be Xiangming Ming who ranked second!

Yun Yi and Zhao Ji looked at each other with dull eyes.

"This boy, he's too brave!"

"Who is too brave?"

At this moment, a pleasant sound like a wind chime suddenly sounded behind them.

The two startled and immediately turned their heads to see a stunning woman in white clothes standing there quietly with a curious look in her eyes.

And shockingly, after seeing the women in white, Yun Yi and Zhao Ji both bowed down deeply, bowed in awe and worship!

"Come up, what's going on, haven't you come to look at that annihilation? What about now? That annihilation strength is good, and its potential is OK, so you can study it carefully."

Hearing this, the two stunned, then laughed bitterly, looking complex.

"Destroyed him and was abandoned."


The indifferent white woman, her complexion fluctuated for the first time, looked up from the high-rise building, and suddenly her eyes widened, and she saw that Chen Yu was clutching the dying hair and was slap in the face!

"Here, who is this person?"

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