Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1173: This is fake


After a huge noise, I saw that in the center of the square, within the eyes of everyone, a high platform suddenly rose from the ground, nearly 100 meters high.

"what is this?"

Chen Yu was somewhat surprised.

"This is the dynamometer of the entrance test. Everyone must attack this stone and verify their cultivation. The higher the strength, the larger the value shown above. None will pass. In addition, there are many other levels for the entrance exam. "

Hearing Jin Buhuan's explanation, Chen Yu nodded.

"What's going on there?"

At a glance, Chen Yu saw the other side of the square, but it was empty, there was only a simple table, and two staff members were sitting there. As for the students who took the exam, there was none, and here The crowd of people forms a stark contrast.

"It's not where we can go."

There was a hint of envy in Jin Buhuan's tone.

"That is the entrance point for exemption from examinations. Only those peerless Tianjiao who has been recognized by Baiyu College and received the exemption qualification certificate issued by the college can be exempted from the entrance to the college. Pass the test honestly, yes, what is your level of cultivation? "

Chen Yu said, "The transcendental realm is great."

Jin did not change his brow, nodded, this kind of practice, there is still a possibility of entering school.

"Testing has begun."

I don't know who shouted, and all the attention was immediately drawn to it.

This high platform can accommodate hundreds of people to attack at the same time, showing the strength of each person separately. Groups and groups of people approached and attacked the high platform. There was a staff member to take notes. Jin Buchang was very nervous and his palms kept sweating. Chen Yu was indifferent.

He has the admission token of Bai Yu College, and now it seems that he should go through the trial exemption.

Just as he was about to step over, Jin Buhuan suddenly shouted.

"I fuck, it's Li Changfeng."

I saw a tall, thin figure dressed in white, walked to the pilot-free, with a look of indifference. He took out a red list and gave it to the staff.

The staff member who was sitting there immediately stood up with a smile on his face.

"It's Li Gongzi, please wait a moment."

Li Changfeng nodded faintly, stood aside, and clasped his hands on his chest, looking sad and joyless.

"I'm so envious, everyone is free to go in. We don't know yet. Can we enter Baiyu College?"

"People are arrogant. How can we compare? Or honest, try your best to pass the test."

Qian Yingyao, who had just passed the test, looked at Li Changfeng standing there, his eyes full of worship.

At this moment, several more figures are moving towards exemption from the pilot. There are men and women, but without exception, everyone's face has a proud look, showing that they are different.

"That's the Tianjiao Hehui of the He Family! That's the youngest son of the Zhao family, Zhao Xiaotian, known as the Little Devil! And the other, Liu Feng, who is called the Hermit! Hiss, these are all peerless Tianjiao!"

The names came from their mouths, full of wonder and worship.

These are all extremely arrogant Tianjiao, all of them have come to the pilot-free trial, the staff smiled warmly.

Just kidding, these people will be influential people after they enter the college in the future. They dare not offend these people.

"Chen Yu, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Chen Yu walked towards the free trial, Jin Buchang's look changed. They will be tested immediately. At this moment, Chen Yu is going to run?

"Naturally I went to school," Chen Yu said lightly.


Hearing this, Kim didn't change it.

Chen Yu, is it exempt?

How can this be possible? Five domain guys, can enter the hundred domain college without a test?

Qian Yinghao, who had just passed the test, was about to show off with Jin Buhuan. After hearing Chen Yu's words, he suddenly hesitated, and then he burst into laughter.

"Haha! It's interesting, it's so interesting. Just you, you want to avoid the entrance to the school. Don't you know your status? Just a villager from Wuqu, you dare to pretend here?"

The others laughed, full of contempt.

"Boy, you say you are exempt from the test, who will believe it."

"That is, there must be a limit to pretend force. Do you think you are those peerless Tianjiao who can sit on an equal footing with Li Changfeng? Don't imagine it, compared with them, you are the grass on the roadside, and they are the stars in the sky, one day a Ground, it is not comparable at all. "

"Yes, if you can avoid the entrance exam, I will immediately scratch your head and call you three grandpas."

Laughing all around, Chen Yu didn't even see it. After all, in his eyes, these people seemed to be stingy.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Yu came to the interview point.

"This friend, you are also exempt from the test? May I have your name, where did you come from?"

The staff member said with a smile.

"My name is Chen Yu, and I am from Five Realms."

What, five domains?

The staff froze, their faces immediately gloomy, without the slightest smile.

"Presumptuous! How did a kid from Five Realms come here? Hurry up and wait for the test. We never issued any test exemption certificate to Five Realms."

Li Changfeng and others looked at Chen Yu with a curiosity, and then did not pay any attention, because Chen Yu could not enter their eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha! Boy, I said you pretend to be too far, don't hurry up, and line up honestly, what big tail wolf is pretended? Do you want to be exempt from school, are you worth it?

Qian Yingyao said with a smile.

"Yes, come back quickly, let's see, what kind of strength does the guy from?"

"That is, don't be embarrassed there. I want to listen to you. Now I'll hurry away with my tail in order to avoid being laughed at."

"Well, why don't you leave?" The staff looked at Chen Yu, motionless, and frowned.

Chen Yu looked indifferent, took out the admission token of Baiyu College from Najie, and patted it on the table.

"This, can you avoid the entrance exam?"

what? Seeing something on the table, the staff's pupils shrank, and they were a little surprised.

This is indeed an admission token for their college!

But this thing, but something more advanced than the test-free certification, is something that can only be issued by the senior management of Baiyu College, which has not appeared for a long time. How could it be in the hands of a countryman?

Qian Yingyao and others who were still laughing at Chen Yu just now, all smiled fiercely at this moment, turned into surprise and surprise, this town guy, really can be exempted from school?

This, this **** is too fake!

Jin Buhui pinched his face, grinning with sore teeth.

Do you really hold your thigh?

Li Changfeng and others looked curiously. After seeing the tokens in Chen Yu's hands, they all frowned, and there was a little attention in Chen Yu's eyes.

Is this kid, like them, a peerless Tianjiao?

"This is fake!"

At this moment, the staff suddenly shouted that everyone was jumping in their hearts.

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